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What are the couditionsof our street tod...

What are the couditionsof our street tod... image
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What are the couditionsof our street today, muddy or dnsty? The deficit in the tevenues of the United States during October was $9,300,000. Comment is nnnecessary. Let all demoerats close np the ranks, ■viorory awaits the'm in 1898 and 1900. Let the party of Jefferson and Jackson get in trim to start the new csntnry aright. Saline's village expenses dnring October were $19.63, an average of two and two-thirds cents per capita. Compare witb this Arm Arbor's Ootober expenses, $4,109.03, an average of 37 cents per capita. There were 54,072 pensioaers added to the pension rolls of this country last year. Dnring the same time 31,860 pensionéis died. The whole namber of pensioners dow is !)76,014, sothat near]y one ont of every 70 of our inhabitants gets a pension. When a lawyer is canght doing unprofessionanl work or dishonest work, he ehonld be disbarred from the profession. Until the bar as a whole takes this matter np and protects the public from shysters who stray into the profession, the public will entertain less and less respect for lawyers as a class. The democratie victory in New York city and state is the greatest that has been won by the demoorats there sinoe 1882. It was acoomplishd by sinking the differences in the party, and sending the hot heads on both sides to the rear. Let tbis be a lesson to demoorats thronghont the tinion. The postmaster general has recomxnended the establishment of postal savings banks. Tbis wonld be a move in the dirección of assisting the laboring man and other small wage earners to save money in dri biets, being sure of its absolnte safety. The government already issues money orders, doing part of a banking business. It has proven a great oonvenience to the people. Postal avings banks will be ano+her step in advance. The name of Mayor Maybnry is being spoken of in conneotion with the democratie gnbernatorial noraination. He wonld make a strong oandidate, and wonld make as good a governor as Michigan has ever had. In faot he is of mnch stronger calibre thao the candidates for this position nsnally are. Let ns elect Maybnry governor by all means, and it will be a long time before Michigan has auotber republican governor, for Maybnry's administraron wonld be suen a good one as to insnre a coutinnauce of that kind of an administration.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News