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William H. Bowen, of Ann Arbor, has been granted an increase of pension. The Ann Arbor Railroad Co. is about to build a large ice house at Whitmore Lake. Thanksgiving Day matinee at Granger's academy next Thursday afternoon from 3 to ( o'olock Evart H. Scott has resigned his position as deputy game warden and has retired into private life again. Dr. H. K. Lum has specifications nearly ready for a $3,000 residence, which he will erect in Ann Arbor the coming spring. - Plymouth Mail. The Ann Arbor Railroad Co. has an airbrake school of instrnotion at its shops in Owosso, which is proving to be a great success and of much benefit. Mrs. Eliza R. Sunderland is to deliver a lecture in Plymouth, Dec. 13, under the auspices of the Ladies' Literary Club on "Up the Nile, or what I Saw in Egypt." George Leslie, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bucholz, of W. Washington st. , died Saturday morning and was buried in Forest Hill cemetery on Sunday afternoon. The treasury of the Ladies' Aid Society of the First M. E. church was increased $50 by the experienoe social held in the ohuioh patlors Thursday evening of last week. Three er four car loads of wire and poles for the New State Telephone line for Salem and South Lyon have reached the former place ready for distribution. and it is expected the work will soon be begnn on the line. - South Lyon Excelsior. Adelbert Wetherbee paid $5 and $6,27 oosts to Justioe Pond on Saturday for being a drunkard and tippler, He was also informed that unless he reformed and did not again present bis fonu at the bar of tbe justioe's office he would bo sent to the Detroit house of correctioD. Mrs. William W. Wallace, of W. Third st., who bad for a long time been a sufferer from that dreadful disease, cancer, died Friday aged 65 years. The funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'olook, Rev. B. L. McElroy offioiating. The remains were interred in the Lodi cemetery. Monday night's council meeting was the shortest on record, for a regular. In lees than 25 minutes from the time it was called to order, all the business before the aldermen was transacted and they were ready to go home. la fact, seven minutes after the session was opened it could have been closed, had it not been for the discussion started relative to stieet paving. The Ann Arbor High School football team defeated Jtbe Jaokson boys by a score of 8 to 6 at Jackson on Saturday. The O. M. B. A. wiil give an invitation Thanksgiving party at the Light Infantry armory next Wednesday evening. Next Monday evening Prof. A. A. Stanley will leoture in the Unity Club coursa on "Biyreutii and the Wagner Festivals." Stark & Uartee, the painters on E. Washington st., have dissolved partnership and the business will be conducted by E. A. Gartee in the future. There will be an administrator's sale at the John Hagen homestead in Ann Arbor town, next Tuesday, Nov. 23, commencing at 9 a. m. The newly orgnized Mozart Club will give a Mozart evening at the next meeting of the club Dec. 1, at the residence of Mis. Ray P. Warren, who is president of the olub. O. Morsman, manager of the telephone exchange at Manistiqae, Mich., was in the city Tuesday and inspected the New State exohange. He pronounced it tbe best he had ever seen. The University School of Dancing will give a Thanksgiving party, Thursday evening, Nov. 25, also Saturday evening following. Class tickets not aocepted. You are cordially invited. Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James McMahon, died at her parents' home corner N. Fourth ave. and Beakes st., Monday, aged 11 years. The funeral services were held at St. Andrew's church Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Henry Tatlock officiating. The play "At Piney Ridge" which was at the Athens Theater Saturday evening was one of the best that has been here this year. It was a great pity that it had suoh.a small house, but it was not. known to theater goers here and those whu did attend were most agreeably disappointed at its exceeding good qualities. Some senseless idiot shot a tame squirrel, which had made its home around Dr. W. B. Smith's prexnises on E. Huron st. , Satuiday. and the dootor is righteously indignant at the wanton piece of cruelty. He will give a $5 bilí for a chance to prosecute the fellow and offers that reward for information as to who killed the squirrel. The Chelsea Standard does not seem to be muoh stuck on the new advertising curtain at the opera house in that village. Itsays: "It is not what one would cali "a thing of beauty.' In fact its effect on one's mind is similar to that caused by a nightmare. It is to be hoped that the ourtain will be, to use tbe language of the immortal Grover, 'relegated to the shades of innocuous desuetude. ' " The great national enoampmnt of the Maooabees will be held in August of next year in Adrián, and will continue over five days. Poetmaster "Doe" A. W. Smith, has succeeded with the aid of his friends in the Maooabee ranks and others in secnring pledges to the amount of $1,800, the sum deemed neoessary to take oare of the incidental expenses in entertaining the Macoabees of the United States at the meeting in question. On Sunday evening last Rev. W. MForrest, pastor of the Ohurch of Christi commenoed a series of talks to young people taking for his subject "Why are Young Peopla Estranged froin the Chureh?" The series will be oontinued by a unión meeting in University hall next Sunda? evening, Nov. 28, the subject will be "A Message to College Women ;" Deo. 5, "A Young Man's Difficulties with theBible;" Deo. 12, "Bearing the Yoke in Youth;" Deo. 19, "Lost in Ann Arbor;" Deo. 2, "Testimony of Christmas to the Divinity of Christ. " In future, auction sales will not be printed in this paper at other than regular advertising rates, even if we print bilis therefor. As well might a grocer who sells a couple of dollars' worth of tea, at the same time throw in $2.00 worth of sugar. It isn't business and doesn't mean making a living. After this when we print bilis we will also give a short notioe of the sale in these i columns, but not print the whole thing. . - Grass Lake News. The Argus oongratulates you Bro, Carlton on the i stand you have taken and wishes that . all newspaper men would have the l backbone to look at things in that light, We would all be better off. The MoriejTi Woodinen had a good crowd at their dauuing party last, evening. The Lyra Singing Society's raffln for tnrkeys, chickens, etu., last veDing was largely attended and passed off most suecessfully. The Star of Bethlehern "Motto Badge Party" takes place at the United Prieuds' hall next Thursday eveuing. A good time is promised. A petition is being circnlated for the paving of Main st., from Ann to Liberty sts. , next spring. It is heing generally signed, as it should be. One of the new stores in the Cook house blook is already oocupied by the Ann Arbor Steam Lanndry with its offioe. JB. Kittredge also ooonpies part of the sanae store with bis display of electrio light flxtures. Rev. R. E. MaoDnff, rector of St. Paul's chncrb, Flint, will preach in St. Andrew's chnroh next, Sunday rnorning. Mr. MacDaff is a great preacher and there should be a larger congregation even, than usual, to hear him. Moslem Shrine, of Detroit, will initiate a class of eandidates into tbe mysteries of Shrinedom next Fiiday evening. Local inembers of the Shrine have received some novel invitations and doubtless will attend in goodly nuniber. Yesterday moruing the Argus received its first '"helio" over tbe New State telephone line. A large number of the pbones are nowconnected up and the balanoe will be connected within the next few days. The exchange will be iu active operation very shortly. Dr. Fleming Carrow and Dr. R. S. Copeland have been called to give expert testimony in the case of Mary Nottingham vs. Bay City, for $10,000 damages whiob she claims bv reason of having had one of her eyes ínjured by a pieoe of glasb falling from an eleotric ligbt globe. Dr. Carrow is a witness for the city and Dr. Copeland for the plaintiff. C. Lincolu McGnire, attorney for Mrs. May Wheeler, has filed in the circuit court stipulations for discontinuanee of the damage suits against H. .7. Brown for selling chloroform to her husband bymeans of which hu attempted to take his life; and against Wm. A. Gwinner for selling him the liquor which influenced him to make the attempt. Mrs Sarah J. Austin, died at the home of her son James W. Austin on Hiscock st., Sunday, of apoplexy aged 83 years. , The funeral services were held at the house Wednesday morning Rev. T. W. Young officiating. The remains were taken to the Pebbles cemetery in Salem and there interred. Mrs. Austin was the mother of eight children, five of whom survive her. The recital given in South Lyon Friday evening by Miss Claribel McMonagle's class in elocution in that village, assisted by Mesdames Renwick and Warren, Misa Cora Mincks, little Miss Ella Trnjanowski and D. A. Britten, of this city, was greeted by one of the largest crowds that ever filleri the opera house of tbat place. All the nnmbers were well received, especially the coniic songs of Mr. Britten. A society for the study of oity government and parliamentary fornis has been organized by several Y. M. C. A. members. At the meeting held Friday evening A. G. Schairer was cbosen as chairman and Fred G. Staebler secretary. After some informal talk the chairman appoiuted G. Smith, Richard Flynn, F. G. Staebler and E, B. Caldwell a committee to draft a oonstitution and report on the same at the meeting to be held this evening. All men, whether Y. M. C. A. members or not, are invited to join the sooiety ii they are interested in its objects. Mrs. Daniel B. Ninde, formerly Miss Rose Demmon, daughter of Prof. I. N. Demmon, of the university, died in Denver, Colo,, Thursday, where she had been living with her husband for the past year on account of her failing health. Her sister, Miss Mary Demmon, had got as far as Chicago on her way to join her sister when the telegram announcing Mrs. Ninde's death was received, and she was detained and returned home from there. The remains arrived in this city Sunday afternoon and services were held at her parents' home 1432 Washtenaw ave., i at 6 :30 o'clock. Interment was in Forest Hill cemetery Monday morning and was private. The Ann Arbor Arbeifer Verein wil give a torkey raffie at its hall Moaday evening. U. of M. vs. Wittenberg at Atbletic fielrt tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. It is the last home game of the season. The second installment of the city taxes will be dne and payable after Deo. 1. The rate is $8.82 per $1,000 vaiuation. Invitations have been issued for a "turkey, dook aad chicken parade" at the Amerioan house annex tomorrow evening at 8 o'olook. The Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Co. has jast been inspected by H. H. Stevens, inspector of mntual fite insurance coinpanies, and he has pronounced it in a good condition. A special term of the circuit oourt wiJl be held Monday wben the case of the F. & M. Bank vs. The City of Ann Arbor for the money advanned by the bank to Collins & Co., the lateral sewei contraotors, will be heard. Uenry Pipp has the contract to baild an addition on the rear end of the store occupied by George Wahr in the Saviugs Bank block. Mr. Wahr's growing business deruands more room. He will keep and display his wall paper stock ia the new addition. Prof. B. M. Thompson has bought the lot at the corner of S. State st. and N. University ave., and will erect a business block theron the coming spring. The first floor will be for store purposes and the second story for offices. The High Scohol football team will play the Ürchard Lake Academy boys on the fair ground tomoirow afternoon at 2 o'olock. The Ann Arbor boys will meet foemeu worthy of their mettle as the Orchard Lake team has not been beaten this year. The 29th meiting of the Michigan Schoolmasters' Club will take place at the School of Mnsio, Friday and Saturday of next week, Nov. 26 and 2?. The sessions will c immence at 1 j. in. Friday and will continue at 2 md 8 p. m. of tbat day and at 9 a. m. and 2 p. m. Saturday. C. B. Davisou, of tbe Conrier office, jas received forra Chas. M. Jones of Wicbita, Kas., a program of the 20th semi-annual reunión of the Scottish Site, Valley of Wichita, held this week n tbat city. Upon one of the beautiful leaves is embellisbed the portrait of Mr. Jones as a 38d. - Conrier. The Choral Union series was openëd ast night by the famous orchestra of Theodore Thomas. University hall was fllled with a large and appreciative audience and the concert was a graat saooess in every respect. Tbe Chicago orchestra has opened every course here or sövëral seasons past and its popuarity has been increased each year. The ladies of the Northside have arranged to give a Thanksgiving dinner at the Wall st. chapel f rom 2 to 9 p. m. oq Thanksgiving Day, and cordially invite our citizens to be present. The proceeds will go towardthe new church now in process of construction. The foundation is np and $100 is still owing on the same. Tbis the ladies expect to raise in the shoitest possible time. The cause is a most worthy one and should receive the support of onr citizens. The M. C. R. ft. annonnces a speoial 'ootball exqursion to Chicago on Wednesday, Nov. 24, leaving here at 9 a. m. The fare is placed at $5 for the round trip provided ' 200 tickets are sold. The tickets will be good to return until Monday, Nov. 29. Option tickets are for sale by members of the Athletic Association and at Wahr's and Sheehan & Co. 's bookstores. Get one of them and avail yourselves of a cheap rate to visit Chicago and see your friends or take in the great Thanksgiving football game. The seoond Y. M. C. A. entertainment given at the Athens Theater Tuesday evening was equally as enjoyable as the first. Mr. Thomas, as a humorist, has got his act down fine, aod he kept the large audience in a perpetual roar of merriment from the time he went on the stage uutil he left it. His command of facial expression is something out cf the common and he uses itjto the utmost. The other members of the company Mrs. Annie Webster Thomas and Mr. Piek were also good in their respective uumbers. William Aruold, the jeweler, met with a serious accident at his home on W. Liberty st., last night about 9 o'clock, whicb. has left him temporari]y with no use of his arms. He was taking a pail of water into the house wben he slipped or stumbled on the steps and feil over sidewise to the ground, striking on bis head and infiicting a bad cut, just missing the temple. When picked np he was senseless and remained so for upwards of an hour, and when he did come to he could not move his arms. His condition is somewhat improved this morning,' but be still has little ose of his arms.