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Mrs. Alice L. Haven'a couditiou i soEuewhat better at prestun Rauuey C. Suott left Tuesday fcr Houolulu, Bawaiiau Islauds. Pied Gae&ie is now cierking iu L. L. Jauues & Co 's olothiug stor. C. F. Lutz, of N. Main st, is about agaio after hia severe actaok of illuess. Rev. Mr. Dodge, of Saline, spoke at the Salvación Aitay bali Wednesday ereciug. Prof. W. S. Perry is reported as being somewhac better, bnt Btill a very siok inau. Dr. A. C. Nichols has so far recovered from bis recent illness as to be albe to be at nis ofKoe again. E. Buumanu, publisher of tbe Lansing Staats Zeitoüg, called ou newspaper frends in the city Tnesday. Harry C. Bonhara, ïorruerly with B. P. Watts, is iiovs employed m tha repair depaitrueut oí Haller's jewelry store. Captaiu Grauger aud Sergeant Seabolt wiH take part iu un entertainment to be given by Uo B, of Adiian, soou. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Klager, who were recently married in Saline, have taken up their íesidenoe at 809 E. Washington et. Mrs. L. JB. Stone, of Kaiamazoo, has been thegnest of her danghter Mrs. C. M. Stone, at 416 S. Fifth ave., for a few days this week. Dr. Aüita Newcomb JVIcGee, of Washington, D. C, was the gnest of Mrs. J. T. Snnderland Friday and Satnrday of last week. Mrs. Eliza A. Clark, of Oil City, Penn.. is the gnest of her niece, Mrs. Fred Taylor, of Church st., and will rernain for some weeks. Mrs. Carbaugb, who has been visiting her parennts Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Swathel, retnrned to her home in Chattanooga, Tenn., Tuesday morning. Mrs. E. E. Wakers and daughter Mabel, wbo have been the guests of her sister, Mrs. F, H. White, have retarnod to their home in Miuueapolis, Minn. Kev. E. D. Kelly ofiioiated at St. John's chnrch, Ypsilanti, Sunday morning, and Rev. Frank Kennedy took Fr. Kelly's dnty at St. Thomas' churcb. Thos. S. James, of Dexfcer, Washtenaw conLty agent for the Bnffington Star Automatic Acetyline Gas Generating Co., was ia the oity Monday in the interest of his companv. David Henning is now at the Hotel Palomareo. Pomoua, Cal. He has a fine frnit farm there, and soiue of the frtrit finds its way into Ann Arbor and offered for sale in our stores. E. C. Goddard and E. E. Calkins, president and secretary of the county Sunday school association, Rev. W. L. Tedrow, Prof. E. A. Lyrnan, Miss Hattie. Crippen and Miss Blanche Wood attended the 37th annoal convention of the' Miohigau State Sonday School Assciation held in Port Hurón Tuesday, Wednesday and yestarday.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News