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Miss Anna Dieterle visited friends in Chelsea Sunday. Dr. W. B. Smith is away ou an eastern trip this week. B. Frank Olinger, of Lansing, oalled od Ano Albor friends Sauday. Mrs. M. iiukins aud nieue have returned to Detroit for Thanksgiving. City Treasurér Seyler is entertaining his sister, Miss Bena Seyler, of Detroit. Miss Harriet Bnrns, of Detroit, is the guest of Miss Geaevieve Cornwell. Mra. Cladius B. Grant, of Lansing, is visiting relatives and friends iu the oity. Dr. John Kapp aaa Reuben Armbrnster are deer huntingiu Grayling, Micb. Miss Etta Jewell has gone to Kalaraazoo en route to her home in Edgewood, Iowa. Rev. B. L. McElroy will address the Y. M. C. A. prayer uieetiug next Sunday aftarnoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred liowlett spent Sunday in Jaokson with tbesr son Dr. Ward Howlett. Mr8. L. E. Cheever went to Chicago yesterday to visit her son D. B. Cheever for a few days. Miss Bertha Feiner has been spending ome days with her friend Misa Abarle, of Delbi. Prof. and Airs. L. D. Winea gave a pleasant dinner party to a oumber of Eriends Friday evening. Mr.'and Mrs. M. G. Good, of Cbioago, are Thanksigving visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Schairer. Rev. F. Huber, of St. Paul's Lutheran ohniob, at Saginaw, has resigned bis pastorate and will coma to Ann Arbor. Miss Nina Davison and Miss Flora Sterrett are speading Thanksgiving in Toledo with Mrs. Chas. Le Seur and family. Mrs. Carter, with her twc childern and her brother, Mr. Ranney Soott, left Monday for their home in the Hawaiian Islands, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Sudworth, of Washington, D. C, are visiting kis parents Dr. and Mrs. B. B. Sudworth, in this oity. P. W. Carpenter, of YpsiJanti, who bas resigned nis position as city clerk, has secaied a position in the Ypsilanti Savings Bank. Sheriff W. D. Stone, of Marshall, was the guest of Walter T. Seabolt Saturday aod Sunday. He was called to Ann Arbor by bnsiness. Miss Emma E. Bower was one of tbe principal speakers at tbe National Wirnan's Suffrage conference held at Grand Rapids Monday. Mrs. W. fl. Butler entertaiDed tbe Jnnior Endeavor Society of the Presbyterian cbnrch at her home on E. Jeffersod st. , Thursday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Kellogg, of El Paso, Tex. , are visiting the family of Wrn. Dansingburg, of this city, and other friends in the surrounding coontry. Charles W. Traver, who has been studying art in Munitb, Gerrnany, during the past year, will arrive in Ann Arbor about Christmas to visit his motber Mrs. Traver, of Thompson st. He is now in New York.