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Bert Davis, of Ypsilanti, is very sick in Detroit with appendicitis. Chelsea Foresters have a new lodge room and are busily engaged in fitting it up. Ex-Supervisor Watkins, of Manchester, has just built himself a new hot house 10x30 in size. Mrs. Elmer Segar, of Salem, is quite low with consumption. There is but little hope of her recovery. Allen Wood, of Lodi, has gone to Southern Pines, N. C, where he has secured a position as teacher. Miss Louise Teufel, of Ypsilanti, died Friday morning and was buried Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. D. F. Reeves, of Saline, has sold the foundry corner to S. H. Moore, and will start a sawmill near the depot. A. A. Wood, of Lodi, has recently purchased F. S. Wood's 100 acre farm which adjoins his large stock farm. Wallace Patterson, of Lima, sold a dressed turkey that weighed 30 pounds to John Farrell, of Chelsea, last week. Miss Helen Jarendt, of Ypsilanti, died Saturday, of dropsy, aged 46 years. The funeral services were held Monday. Mr. Allen Limberger and Miss Mary Schneider were married at the home of the bride's mother in Freedom, Nov. 18. Alfred Briggs, of Saline, harvested a crop of 300 bushels of onions which he sold to a Detroit firm for 45 cents a bushel. Robert Foster, of Chelsea, has some apples in a perfect state of preservation which he has had since a year ago this last fall. A pupil in the Francisco school said that "Ventilation keeps the body warm and sends the blood from the head to the body." Mr. Clarence Alsbro and Miss Matilda Gigler were married at the home of the bride's parents in Salem Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Wm. Guenther, of Saline, who has been at the hospital in Ann Arbor for several weeks, expects to return to her home soon. Salem has a Whiskers Club. Any of its members who shaves before Apirl 1 must pay $1 into the treasury of the Reading Club. Mr. Milo E. Gage, of Ypsilanti, and Miss Marguerite E. Halsey, of Maybee, were married at the home of the bride'a parents Tuesday. Mrs. Orra A. Thompson, mother of John O. Thompson, proprietor of the Dexter Leader, died of paralysis, Nov. 19, aged 69 years. The Presbyterian society of Saline is looking around for a site on which to erect its new church. It has two good locations in view. James Hutchinson, of Ypsilanti, was 75 years old Saturday and has lived in that city 62 1/2 years. He is great grandfather to four children. Fifteen fish lights were counted on Portage Lake one night recently. The fishermen were spearing herring. One crew got over 200. - Dexter Leader. A Sharon bachelor purchased a bedstead at an auction sale the other day for five cents and the neighborhood is wondering what he is going to do with it. Henry Ruck, a well to do resident of Chelsea, was in Ypsilanti last week looking for some woman who is willing to change her name for his. - Times. The Wayne county superintendents of the poor recently purchased six thoroughbred Poland China swine of A. A. Wood, of the Hickory stock farm in Lodi. Eddie Tomlinson, of Chelsea, ran into a barbed wire fence one dark night recently and had his face badly cut up thereby, narrowly escaping the loss of his eyesight. Dexter Congregationalists are preparing to build an addition onto their church, in order to enlarge the parlors and make them suitable for social church gatherings. A cement floor is being laid in the engine room of the village building in Milan and the fire engine and other properties are at present finding a lodging in Ald. Doyle's barn. Wm. Lewick, of Chelsea, had some of his ribs broken and was otherwise bruised the other day by a pike pole breaking while he was assisting in the raising of a telegraph pole. Mr. Harry Ostrander and Miss Kirk, of Ypsilanti, were married Wednesday evening of last week at the home of D. L. Ostrander in the presence of a party of relatives and near friends, by Rev. R. K. Wharton. B. Parker is secretary and W. K. Guerin treasurer of the comrnittee which has been appoiated to make arrangements for holding a two days' sassion of a farmers' institute in Chelsea this winter. Miss Olive Mills, teacher in the Dillingham district, Bridgewater, slipped from a foot bridge into a creek tbe otber inorning and took an involuntary but chilly bath in the city water. She escaped with nothing worse tban tbe dncking. Floyd Bonnett, of Saline, broke bis leg some time ago. On Monday. of last week he fell and wrenched it so badly that it was at first thought he had broken it again. A medical exarnination by Dr. Sheeder ahowed that snch was not the case. Fred Briegel, of Manchester, had to get out of the house the other morning by aioans of a laddnr placed against bis bedroom window. He had got np in nis sleep during the night and twisted off the key of bis ch amber door and oouid not get out. Miss Ida Silkworth began the wintet term of sohool in district No. 3, Bridgewater, Nov. 22. Miss Flora Saley u reaobing the winter term of school in the Imlner district and Miss Julia Kirchhofer is again on duty ia district No. 8 of the sama town. John Hanna speared two German oarp in the Scio pond last Friday, one of which weighed 15 pounds and the other 12. fle struok anotber wbich be tbink.s weighed 25 or 30 pounds, anyway it was so large that it broke the apear pole and got away. - Dexter Leader. Guy Lighthall, of Chelsea, son of Supervisor Hi Lighthall, will have obarge oL the Dexter electrio Hgbt works as soon as tbey are raady for operation. The poles and wires are in place and most of the business houses are connected. It is expected the works wiil te running Dec. 15. Mrs. Patrick O'Brien died at her home in Ypsilanti, Sunday morning, aged 67 years. She leaves one son, James, and foor daughters, Bridget O'Brien, Mrs. Charles Seeger, Mrs. James Slattery, of Detroit, and Sister Adelaide, of Hnntington, Ind. Tlie funeral services were held Tuesday' morniDg at St. John's oburch. The plans for a new telephone exchange in Saline are nearly completed, all tfaat remaios to perfect the deal is or tbe Lake Sborepeople to give Agent ieauett perrnission to place a pbone in he depot. Wben tbis is done other staioas will be established as follows: ?he oreamery, the ponltry farm, .1. W. Huil's residence and D. Nisly's store. - Observer. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Barry, who live neur Soatb Lyon have invented and patentad a new lawn and parlor game wbiofa is oalled Kloudyke Polo. It ia similar in some ways to croqnet. The game ia played witb cues instead of mallets, whioh are used to drive the bal Is through the wickets designatëd by familiar stations on tbe way to the Klondyke gold región. Chaileo Barlow, an Ypsilanti painter, was riding bis bicycle full tilt down Oongtess st. Wednesday of last week, wben the front fork broke and he was hrown beavily to tbe groond, the full oroe of the fall oom ing on bis bead and ace. He bad geveral bemorrhages and vas unconscioDS for a long time af ter lis wounds weie dressed, bat be is now oing as well as conld be xpected. Wm. Maurer, of Manchester, brougbt Dit against his ex-partner HenrySteingeweg of „tbe same place, for $25.98, be amount of an acconnt alleged to ïave been contracted wbile tbey were n partnership. A justice couct jury endered a verdict of no oause of action. Tred Feilder and Win. Henion, of Manbester, also got into a lawsuit, Feilder laiming $45. Tbe jnry allowed him 18.62. Mr. Samuel Heselsohtnidt and Miss Flora T. Henssier, of Sharon, were married in Ann Arbor, Tuesday of last week, bj Rav. John Neumann. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Knight, of Scio, died Thanksgiving Day, and was buried Sunday afternoon in Forest Hill cemetery. Charles Siler, a cigarmaker of Belleville, attmempted to kill himself Tuesday by cutting an artery in his arm with a razor. He was very weak from losa of blood when fonnd, and his recovery is doubtfal. No oaose for bis act is knowD. Charles Davis, of Ypsilauti, wbo was arrested Nov. 18 od the charge of stealing a tnrkey from Thaleh Bnok, and wbich he claimed had been left on his doorstep, waa convicted of tbe offense in the justice oonrt, the jury not placing any faith in nia alibi that he was at prayer meeting on the night the turkey was stolen and that he oould not have been at the tnrkey roost and ft church at tbe ame time. He was sentenced to 65 days in the D. H. C.
Thanksgiving evening the people of St. Joseph's church, Dexter, gave an entertainment and supper at the opera house which was a marked success The supper was delicious and was followed by an eloquent lecture on European travel by Rev. George Clarson. Miss Rose Seerey, soprano, Frank McIntyre, baritone, Walter Crego, cornetist and Miss Katie Seabolt, pianist, all of Ann Arbor, furnished the musical part of the entertainment ia a inanner tha was most pleasing to all. Some Freedom boys are not so smart as some Freedom coons. Two boys went out coon hunting one night last week and about 12 o'olock they got a coon up a tree. Not being able to see it to snoot it, they decided to go into a corn field and sleep until daylight. So they each took a bundle of cornstalks to lie npon and another to cover up with. Finally the dog also decided to take a nap, so all three began to sleep the weary hours away. When 4 o'clock carne the boys awoke to capture their game, but lo, the coon was gone. - Manchester Enterprise. The Bridgewater Literary Society had a novel feature at its meeting at the home of E. O. Allen, Monday evening of last week. Each lady present was given a hammer, nails and a block ol wood and required to see how many 9-penny nails she could drive in five minutes. Each gentleman was, given needle, thread, thimble, cloth and buttons, and required to see how many buttons he could sew on in tbe same length of time. When the contest closed Mrs. LaMar Brovvn had driven 80 nails, the largest number, and her husband had sewed on the greatest number of buttons, 2?. Norman Watson was terribly slow at hia task and had managed fo put on jnst seven buttons. For her ski 11 Mrs. Brown was presented with a i antique silver pin tet with pearls, aad Mr. Watson was given a No. 11 silver thimble to encourage him to greater expedition next time.