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Gov. Pingree hates republicoan principie...

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Gov. Pingree hates republicoan principies and yet the republican party isnnable tn shake hiia off. We will have some more republican legislntion in a few days. It is well to rerneiuber this so as not to be overwhelmed when it comes. The president is hard at work on his message. It is stated that he wil] recommend the irnmediate annexation of Hawaii and th letting of Cuba alone. If one, why not the other? The latest Cuban rnmor is that Gen. Pando, the Spanish general in charge of the military operations in the field, bad been killed in battle. If true, tbis will be quite a blow to the Spanish cause. _______r___ The employees of the Michigan Central Railroad shops at Jackson, have been given a 20 per cent cut in wages by reducing the honrs from 10 to eight per day. These employees are getting prosperity where the goose got the hatchet. - Adrián Press. Editor Rowley, of the Lansing Journal, who has rejoined the demooratic paity, bas been the reoipient of many notices not all of them complimentary, from his brethren of the press. Bnt then Kowley can dip his own pen in vitriol and he knows how it is himeelf. A dispatob from Constantino'ple, Tnrkey, dated Deo. 1, says: "United States Minister Angelí has nehewed the demaud of the United States for an indemnity from the Tnrkish government ior the pillage of American missions at Kbarpnt, Marash and Haskongj, Armenia. The porte denies any responsibility for the pillaging on the ground that the government acted nnder the stress of nnavoidable oircnmstances. Minister Angelí, however, insists upon the governmsnt's íesponsibility, as Tnrkish troops and gendarmes participated in the ontrages. " There has been mcch complaint late]y against students and otber persons wbo onght to know better for riding, their bioyoles on the lawn extensions abont the city. Wheelmen in tbis way escape the penalty for riding on tbe idewalk. It is greatly to be boped that sume plan may develop to do away with this new nnisance. Just why bicyole riding sbonld be furbidden oa tbe sidewalks and permitted on the city's beautiful lawn extensions is hard to onderstand. - Times. Let tbe common conncil attend to the matter at once before any great mischief is done. Amend the ordinance so as to cover tbe lawn extensions as well as tbe sidewalks. The person who will evade a law in the maiiner spoken of, wonld have no compnnotion in breaking it. It was clearly an oversight on the part of the council that the Street lawn extensions were not inclnded in the ordinance as forbidden ground to bicyclers and the sooner the mistake is remedied the better it will be for all parties. No one wants to spend good money in beantifying the streetin front of bis property only to see it trodden down by uLscrupulous law evaders.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News