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The : new bell for Ginoe Lutheran chnroh has been put in place aud will be dedioated Sunday. A ciivl service examination for positions. in the post office will be held íd the high school tomorrow. The Ann Arbor Mnsio Co. is about to r.esurue its series of Saturday uight free concerts toiuprrow eveninfj. At the regular meeting of Co. A, M. N. G , Wednesday uight, bronze niedals for six rnontbs striot attendance at drill were awarded to Otrin J. Bury, Philip Sbermau, Clyde C. Wilson acd D. Warren Webster. The last school census gave Adu Arbor city 2r9T5 children between the ages of 6 and 21 yeais, and yet the authorities at Lansing on!y give the city credit for 2,540. Where did the other 385 get lost 'i - Conrier. "My Friend f rom India " is the attraction at the Athens Theater thi a evening. The play is a good one, fnll of langhabie situations, and has received generous words of oommendation from all parts of the country. William W. Seoord, who has been confined in the oounty jail for the past three weeks as au insane person, was taken to Detroit, where he lived up to a inonth ago, on Tnesday and turned over to the offioers there. Mr. Harry E. Parr, a printer at the Inland Press office, and Miss Clara Kajuski, of S. First st., were married yesterday afternoon by Rev. W. L. Tedow, They have the good wishes of the eraft in their new relations. The ü". of M. faculty has had the case of Howard Stnch, the medical student connected with tha disgrace of Miss Stella SeabriDg, under oonsideration and the resnlt is that Stuch has severed his oonnection with the university. Thnrsday eveuing next Golden Rule Lodge, F. & A. M., will celébrate the lOOth degree conferred by it this year with a banquet. Members of Fraternity Lodge, and visiting Masons in the city are oordially invited to be present on the occasion. The annual dinner of the Keyetone clnb was given at the clnbhoose Znkey Lake, Wednesday evening of last week by the president of the club Wm. H. Whitmarsh, of Milan. E. V. Hangsterfer did the catering and the dinner was a great success. Judge Pearson, of Ingbam county circuit conrt, said: "From the number of divorces that have come up during the past year, I think I had better grant a general deoree to everybody in the county, arid let all couples who desire to live together be remarried. " The power house of the Fort Wayne & Belle Isle Railway, at Letroit,which has been out of use since the oonsolidation, of the street railway companies, has been purchased by the Detroit, Ypsilaqti & Ann Arbor Suburban Railway Co. The property will be removed to Wayne. The regular December term cf the circnit court will commenoe Monday. The jury is called to be in atttendance Tuesday. The total number of cases on the docket is 64; of which 6 are criminal, 27 issues of fact, 3 issues of law, 10 ohanoery first class, and 18 chancery fourth claBS. 3. B. Barron, of Bowell, state milk inspector, and Prof. Borradaile, of Lansing, state cheinist, are in the city on official business. So far in their inspeetion they have found nothing unhealthy or illegal in the milk businesses as oonducted here. They will be here for a week yet. An "Inspeetion hop" is announced by Co. A, M. N. G., nest Wednesday night, Dec. 8, at the armory. There willbe. an inspeetion of the company folJowed by an invitation dance for which the Cheqnamegons will furnisb the mnsic. Bverybody is cordially invited to witness the inspeotion. A dispatch from Ann Arbor in one of the Detroit dailies says tbat William McLean, aged 15, was held up and robbed of his money and valuables in Lodi township on Sunday. One man held his moutb shnt while the other went throngh him. Inquiry amoog the sheriff 's officers fails to verify the item. Hon. Robert L. Taylor, the popular "Fighting Bob, " governor of Tennessee, lectores Friday night in University hall id tbe Studexits' Lectnre Aesociation c'ourse. His'snbjeot will be "The Piddle and the Bow. " Gov. Taylor is the most popular man in his state and one of the best known men in the South. Last week the Argus stated that Isbell & Co., of Jackson had been buying beans in the vioinity of Delhi and by rbeir actions had greatly incensed the farmers in that neighborbood. We have since learned that the gentleman wbo gave us tbeir ñames in this connection was wrongly infomred and we desire to correct our error and apologise for it. This evening at its hall over Lindenschmitt & Apfel's store the Lyra Society will give one of its enjoyable concerts and dancing parties. Among the soloists who will take part in the concert are Miss Clara Jacobs, Fiederic Dansingburg and Fred Daley. Seleotions will also be given by the Steinbaner Guitar and Mandolín Club. After the concert a social dancing party will be beid. The admission to the concert and dance will be 25 cents. Poormaster Fred Sipley waa spproaohed by a w ornan about 35 years of aga one day this week, who asked him for transportaron for berself, husband aDd child to the next oounty town. She said they were en route from Virignia to Cadillac. Mr. Sipley told them thoirs was not a city oase and tnrned them over to E. P. Mason, superntendent of the pooj, who it is understood fnrnished them the desired transportatioo, as it is oheaper to do so than to keep them. A Port Hurón dispatch íd the Detroit Evening News of Tuesday says that W. D. Stnith & Sou bave ooinnirnenced sait against Meivin C. Peterson, formerly of this city, representjng the Merchants: Tradiug Stamp Co., olaimiug that corupany has violated its contract. Other suits will follow. Tbis evening there are so rnany things happening Anü Albor that it is almost iiupos8ible to keep tab ou tbeui. There is Gov. "Bob." Taylor's leoture in Uoiversity hall ; "My Friend f rom India, " at the Athens Theater; the Lyia concert and dance at its rooms over Lindensohmitt & Apfel's; Rev. Washington Gladden at Newberry hall; Dr. Eliza Mosher's talk to the Girls' Friondly Society at Harris hall; auunal elections of officers in Praternity Lodge, P. & A. M., Washtenaw Lodge and Aun Arbor Encampmeut, I. O. O. F. ; Priday Clnb dancing paity at Granger's, a dancing party at Nickels' hall, and sevaral private parties. Wbo says Ann Arbor is not gay?


Ann Arbor Argus
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