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About The Morgan Estate

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As libere are so niauy pwple here Imierasted La property bomigíhit of the late E. W. MoDgifun, or Luicy W. Morgan, or ttaeir hieirs, íund as uaiiy Oí tliiese pieces oí propertj have beein leviïd on sevepal times to suits brougih't by JIr., ainxi each tilmo thíe lev y lúa si been dissolved by the cpiwtis, it is quite ira tu rally tliaí eoaiii iBnitierest sbould be fchowm in tile liatest attack upon; the Morgan pioperty and estáte. Oí cowrsa erar readers haive heard of tbe proceedSogs in tlie Kalannazoo circuit court in wJiiCít a judginemt was entered aigaünst Mr. Manliy as administrador af the estáte oE K. W. Morgan Jar tlie modest(?) su-ni oí $150,000. Aiiud beoause Mr. Maar refused to a.ct la t.lie matter as tlie cjaimants des'ired. now Luey. Eanies comes íorw.ard aad alcs tiliAt he bO remo-ved liier son WiÜBredi Ealmes be appoiin'ted as suelí axl'ministratoir. Thíe atterapt of tlie hete of Lovett Barajas of KaBa.maaoo io remove aliarles H. MamHy a adunSnalstj-ator of E. W. Morgan's istato, is Sateresting only by reasou oí its aistoiiMuing audacity. Soirue time ago, tliose íieirs comnueiíced a euiilt lia ctiaincery at Kalaniazoo aigainst the exeouíors of Lucy Morgan aaid Franklin L. Parker. Mr. JíajiGy as adinKiiafetrator of E. W. Morgan was nuade a purtiy detemdajat iav the snit. Tlie Eaaaes heirs claimied no relilef agahib Mr. Manly and Mr. Ma.nly very llnnocetitly alloived tluem to employ couiasel at ICakiniíazoo to represent liliim In the suit. Afber several moathe the Ea.nies Iíieirs comcaiivied a great legal scheme. Tluey qu(it;y dfonxtesed the suit against tlne executors oí Lucy Morgan a.nd Parker, and ■without tlie fcnawtl'edge or consent oi Mr. Manly tlhey giot the attorney wliom they bad eunpjoyed íor Ma.nly, to consent tibia t a decree ba niAde agaiiist Mr. Manly as adnuxuitítratior ai tlhie Morgan estáte forwer $150,000. It. is claiimed by tllve executon-s oí tihe Mo'rgan ostia.te tbat the jLtiis cannot legally yroTe, a dollar against tlli estáte. On the coutrary, more tUian thirty years ago, Mr. Morgan provied a laim, agaiinst tlüe estatu of IjOTett Ea.m,es; of over $30,000 ■vhich has lwt yiet bee.n paild, íor h.k estáte waa iiiisoTent. When Mr. Maullj' tearaied oí tHJá asiontóliing decreie in tlie Kaiamazoo oourt, like every hoaest administpator, he sought to protect the estáte oí wíhdch he wasi the administra toa-. He a.pplied to t'h Kaiamazoo court to set ashle tlw deoree and to fc'iive lilim au opportanLty to show that it was a öluam auxl a fraud, but he was told by tihe Kalamazoo judge ihat his attoraiey had conseinted to tihe diecree and tbaü there was no üiieilp íor him. Id fe noit gouL'rally conceded íiluat a.-ny attoirney or au administraior oould laAvfully consent to a judgm.ent aigaimsti ttne estáte oí a dead maní. Mr. ManLy ks liow abouit to aippead f rom tilne Kaiamazoo court to thie Biiiprema court, and to pi'eviemt tljiia, tihe Ivames heirs uow come to tito probata couirfc oí tliis couinty, and aek th-e Probabe Jadgie to íiemovie Mr. Manjy. If tilias leg-al leg'erdMnad'a cain be accompliished, tbeai wit.h tlie Ea.mes heirs on both sidies of the case, they ouight to jnaike íd warm for tluel e-state oí tlie dead anaui. It a man can malee a cíaiin aigainst tlne estáte oí a dead man and 'tüiien batía hi.s owai iaiwyer deíend iílj claittn, it is thought that he ought t.o ,böa'ble to scuttle thie whole esitate ease anú! diispatch. It is don.btínl iif such a pToeedlJn.g ver beíoie a.ppeared in ainy caart iu thls couinty, ma.y ba the at Kalaimaüoo,. It iw tliie ganerally expressed opinión thlat no lioncst adjiiiinlstiiator ooudd baie doma diíferenllly froan Mr. Manly, but because he did no-fc proia to ba a ncoiundre!, llue ]s to be removed. We guess not. - C'ouii'iier. At Lansicf! on Tuesday application was made to the suprerue court by 3apt. Charles H. Manly to have the decree set aside,


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