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To Amend Its Constitution

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At the annaal meeting of the Washteuaw Connty Agricultura! and Horticultural Society to be held iu the supervisors' room at the court house, Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, Dec. 21, at 11 o'clook a. ra., the board of managers wil! submit the following arnendnieuts to the coDStitutiou : "Artiole 1. First, the society shall be called the 'Wasbtenaw Pair Society. ' "Article 4. The offloers of this society shall consist of president, vice president, secretary aud treasurer, and a board of managers to consist of 27 members, includiag the officers, of whom at least fifteen shall be practioal farmers, all of whom shall be elected by ballot, by members of the society at the annual meeting in each year and shall continue in office nntil others are elected or appoiuted in their stead. "Article 5. The annnal meeting of this society sball be held on the fair gronnds belonging to this society, at the secretary's office, on the last day of the annual fair. The president shall appoiut two olerks of election aud the polls shall be open from 9 o'clock a. m. until 11 o'oiock a. in., and every membet of the sooiety ehall be wntitled to a vote by presenting a certifícate of their membership to the olerks of the eleotion. Proivded there is no annaal fair, the members of this sociqy shall meet on the fair grounds on the last Friday iu September and hold an eleotion. Fifteen members shall constitute a quorum of all meetings of the sooiety. All teims of office shall oommeuoe on January lst after election and shall continue one year, or until their sucoessors are elected."


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News