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Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Jarnes Quinlan, Saurday, an eight pound baby girl. Cars will be running on the Detroit, Ypsilanti & Ann Arbor Electric road as far as Dearborn this week. Frank Minnis bas oomposed a new two step. It is called "The Ann Arboi Girl." Two weeks from today is the last day of the oíd year. Get ready to turo over that new leaf and make all sorts of'good resolutious. The officers of Washtenaw Cfiapter, No. 6, R. A. M., for the ensuing year, were installed at the meeting held Monday evening. The memberB of Ann Arbor Lodge, Star of Bethlehein, will give a New Yeai's Eve dance at the United Priends hall, Friday eveniug, Deo. 31. The fair held by the ladies of the Trinity Lutheran obucrh ou Friday and Satnrday evenings was a great success and nëtted the society quite a bandsome sum. Sneak thieves were abroad Saturday night. Cbarley Dwyer lost a new overooat and a uonple of packages of laundry were taken froru 319 E. Washington st. Miss Mary French Field, daughter of the late Eugeue Field, will give a reading from her father's writings at University hall, on the eveuing of Jan. 8, 1898. Prof. F. S. Goodrioh, of Albion college, leotnred to a fair sized audience at tbe Trinity Lntheran church, Monday evening on "A Horseback Bide Throogh Palestine." Miss Elizabeth Clarke, of this city, took the obligations of the order at St. Mary's acadeiny, Monroe, Thursday of last week. She will hereafter be known asJSister M. Emily. Miss Emma Beek was 21 yeais old Thursday of last week, and a nuruber of her friends helped her celébrate tbe event by giviug her a surprise party a her home 443 W. Fourth st. Don't forget tbe Dolls' Bazaar nnde the auspices of the Junior Auxiliary at Harris hall this afternoon and evening. The prioe of admission is 5 cents, children uuder six years old free. The Detroit Comedy Club will produce Sardou's "A Snrap of Paper" at the Empire theater in that city next Wednesday eveuing, with Karl E. Harriman in the leading part of "Brisemouche. " A New State telephone, No. 254, has been put in at the post offloe. It is for use in the business trausaotions of the office, however, and not for people to make enquiries as to whether there is any mail for them or not. An elocütionary entertanment will be given at Newberry hall this evening by the Y. W. C. A. classes conduoted by Misa McMonagle. Lniok Bros. have had the lumber shed in their yard on N. Pourth ave. removed and will build a new house on the groond it ocoupied. P. W. Crookpr bas sold out his interest in the V 'iliinti Commercial to A. W. Munro. W D. Crocker still retains his interest iu the business. Mrs. Myrtïe Moon, of Ypsilanti, has commenced suit in the circuit oourt to obtain a divorce from Charles Moon, on the grounds of ornelty and non-snpport. Otseningo Lodge, No. 295, I. O. O. F., will give a grand ball New Year's eve, whioh will snrpass anything of the kind ever befóte given in the Oddfellows' hall. The degree team of Huron Lodge, I. O. O. F. Dexter, have accepted an invitation to visit the Ann Arbor lodge and oonfer the initiatory at some early date. - Dexter Leader. The University School of Dancing will give program parties nnder the supervisión of Mrn. Tyler every Saturday evening duiing vacation. You are cordially iuvited. There will be an evening entertainment at Arbeiter hall nest Monday evening, Dec. 20. Members wil! please be present with family and invited friends. There will be chickeus, ducks, oysters, geese, rabbits, etc, for you to take home. Cards are out announcing the ruarriige of Dr. Casper K. Lahuis, of Ann rbor, and Miss ürystal, danghter of Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Edsill, of Jaokson, m Wednesday evening nest at the Presjyterian ohnrch, Jackson. A reception vill follow at the home of the bride. Prof. Kohier wlil lecture in the Vortbside chapel this evenningon "Two ïears in Europe. ' The proceeds of he admission fees of 10 oents eaoh will be used to defray the expenses of he Bible class. The balance wül be uraed over to the fund for the new shurch building. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Shrope, of daver st., Northside, celebrated the 3 lst anniversary of their married life Monday evening. A party of their 'riends, bound that it snould not pass uurecognized, tnrned in and gave thern a surprise paity in the evening, whieh was a evry pleasant affuir. The Cleuadis Debating Society of the 3igh School bas eleoted the following offlcers for th8 coming semester President, Miss Marie Turner ; vice president, Miss Daisy Hollister; secretary, Miss Mary Sheffold; treasurer, Miss Lnoy Qlacier; ohat editor, Miss Lilian Hill man ; marshal, Miss Ethel Bancroft. The song recital by Mr. and Mrs George Henschel at University hall, Fiiday evening, was a most artistic one and was greatly "appreciated by the large audieuce. It would have been far pelasanter for the major part of the andience, however, if more of the nnnibers had been in the "American" lauguage. The Masonic Mutual Benefit Association held its annual meeting Monday evening and elected the following offiöers: President, L. O. Goodrioh ; vicepresident, C. B. Davison ; secretary, Norman D. Gates; treasurer, C. E. Hiscock; trustees, frorn Golden Rule lodge, N. .7. Kyer, A. C. Nichols and H. B. Dodsley ; froin Fraternity lodge, VV. H. Doiranoe, J. E. Beal and George B. Rhead. In the course of his remarks before the Y. M. A. Tuesday nightt, Mr. Sawyer said that, until people beoonie willing to allow the law-makers all the time needed to consider a bilí before its passage, poor laws ruight he expeoted.- Aun Arbor Register. The ruaiu trouble with our law-makers is that they speud too muoh time in horse play and not enough time in work that counts. - Chelsea Standard. Mrs. Anna Hamilton died at her home on S. Thayer st. Friday, aged 83 years. The funeral services were held at the house Sunday, Rev. J. M. Gelston offioiating. Onè daughter and two sons survive her, Miss Mary L. Hamiltonn, of this oity. Alex. Hamilton, of Cnioago, and Joel Hamilton, of New Mexico. She had resided in this oity a greut rnany years, and was highly respeated by those who knew her. Her remains were interred ia the Worden oometery. Milton W. Gay, a ycung oolnred man ias been ohosen as orator of the senior class of the high school. Tb8 Elks' Minstrels played to good )nsiness in Chelsea last night and had au appreciative audience. A forcé of men is hard at work rejlaoing the hard, old beaches of the ower floor of University hall witb modern opera house chairR. Good. H. G. Prettyrnan bas been appoiated cbairmau of a oommittee to oompile ïnformatioü of cost, mode of procedure and general pointers of bioycle pathbuilding, for the L. A. W. The Miohigan Dairymen's Association will bold its annual meeting in Ypsilanti, Peb. 1, 2 and 3, 1898. A most interesting program is being airanged and prominent speakei'B will be pressnt. The next entertainment in tlie Y. M. C. A. lyoenm conrse will take place Tuesday eveuing, Dec. 28, at the Athens Theater. Edward H. Frye, the monologiBt, will at that time present "Rip Van Wiukle.1' C. S. Elmor bas been appointed by ;he Grand Lodge of Michigan, I. O. O. B1., as district deputy grand master. Mrs. Elmer has also received a ooramission from the same body appointing ler district deputy for the Degree of Rebekah. Three colored men wbo gave their Dames as James Smith, Sam Conly and Will Tarner, assanlted an Ann Arbor Railroad brakeman near Milan Tues day. They were beating their way south ou the freight and were pnt off by tbs brakeman. They were arrested and biought to Ann Arbor and will serve aio days' sentence in the jail. Cora Robison. aged 17, a good looking girl frorn ïpsilanti, was arrested last evening by Marshal Sweet on complaint of her grandmother,with whom she has been living. She bad run away from home yesterday and Mrs. Barnes, ber grandmother, knowing her to be inolined to be faefc, had her taken in charge. She will be retnrned home today. 'Governer Pingree bas appoiuted Heory Heim, of Saginaw, a member of the Sfcatn Board of Pharmacy, vioe Stanley Parkill, of Owosso, whose term bas expired. The board as it now stands is as follows: F. W. Perry, of Detroit, L. E. Reynolds, of St. Joseph, George (ïnndrum, of Ionia, A.C. Schumacher, of Ann Arbor, and Henry Heim, of Saginaw. Mr. Heim is a brother-in-law of Titus F. Hutzel, of tb is oity. Alfred Laughland, who has for some ime past been doiug chores at H. G. Prettyman's boarditig house, was arested Saturday night by Patrulrnan Lriabruster, obarged cith stealiug a oat, vest and watch chain froin one if the youag men at the house. He had ried to sell the watoh chaiu to Patrolnau Collins in the afternooo. He was aken befoie Justioe Poud Mouday ifteruoon wben he waived examination md was bound over to the cirouit oourt or trial. Lyman Huil, an old pensioner from Boyue City, who broaght bis wife to ;he hospital for treatruent Friday, gnt 'uil of liqnor tbat nigbt and was held ap and robbed of $40 on N, Main st., ay two young rneu. Frank Hill and Benry Sobumaober were arrested in lacksou Saturday, they having been seen to do the -deed by a young ldy wbo kuows botb of them well. They had their examination in Justice Pond' üourt yesterday and were bound over fo trial in the circuit oourt. A young sprig of the medical profes sion was visiting at the home of a Ger man farmer not mauy miles away re cently. Wishing to make a good im pression 011 the olcl gentleman, as th young man had bis eye on the eider ou of two marriageable daughters belong ing to the household, he took partícula pains to expatiate upou the fact that b was a gradúate of both schools of med oine. "Ob, dot vos nodding,' repliec the intended fatber-iu-law ; "I hac vonce a calf vot sncked two oows, anc he made noddiug but a common sobtee aftei