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l "ssnsr REVSVn ■raf jl!i RESTORES VITALITY l8tDay-Wc#'jWell Mar 15thDay.Jf# Of Me. THE GREAT 30th lav PR33NOII mS3VCE33"sr produce the abovo results in 30 ilays If a,.n powcTfullyandquickly. Cures wlien allbthersfnii Youug men will rcgoin tlicir lost manhood ando i men will recover their yonthfm visor bv min RE VI VO. It nuickly and surely restores Nervou, ness Lost Vitality. Impoteney. Nightly EmSons" Lost Power, Failing Memory, Wssting JDiseasea anrf all effects of selL-abuse or excess and ind-'scretion which unfits one for study. business or marrianp li not only miree by starting at the eeat oL disease 'biit is agreat nerve tonic and blood buildcr brin mg back the pink glow to pale oheeks and rf storing the flre of youth. It warda off JnsanUr and Consumption. Insist on havinx REVIVO othcr. It can bo carried in vest pocket By m'aii 81.00 per package, or six íor SÍ3.00. withaposl tive written Ruarunteo to ture or refnnd thenioney. Circular f ree. Addross ROYAL MEDICINE CO., 271 Wabasü Aï8., CHICAGO. ILL For sale at Arm Arbor. Micli., byEbevbaob Drug and Chemical Company. Biggest_OffeiVet The Ann Arbor Argus AND The Twice-a-Week Detroit Free Press Both Papers One Year For Only $ 1 .60. THE TWICE-A-WEEK FREE PRESS is conceded by all to be M1CHIGAN-S LEADÍNO NEWSPAPER. Itis published on Tueeday and Fridayof' each week, and is almost equal to A DAILY PAPER. Remember, that by takinfr advantage of this. combination, you set 52 copies of THE AKGUS and 104 copies of THE FREE PRESS, for only $1.60, wtaich makes the cost of the panera to you ONE CENT PER COPY. A 500-PAGE BOOK FREE The Ffee Press ALHANAC and Weather Forecasts for 1898. CORRECT. CONCI3E. COMPLETE. Over 20,000 Copies of 1897 Book Were Sol at 25 Cents. An accurate and superior Book of Reference that tells you all you want to know. Therewill not be a useless page in it. A Practical Educator and Hand Book of Encyelopedia inforniation on subjects Statistieal, Otnciai, Historical, Pojitical and Agricultura!.; likewise a Book ot' Religious Faot, and genera! Practical Dircctions on evei-yday affairs of Office, Plome and Farm. A eopy of this book will be sent to all subscriliinit mmediately and sending Is cents ad ditional for mailing expenses, making SI. 75 in all. The book will be pulilishert about December 25, 1897, it impossible to iet it outearlier on account of jfettinjf complete records ot' 18!)', events. Copies of the book wlll be sent to alltaklng ad van t age of this otfer, as soon lifter above date as possible. I)o not delay, but take :idvanl,as?e of this remarkable liberal offer which we makëfora limited time only, by special arrangement with tlie publishers. Remernber we semJ both papers a fu II year for 11.60, and you can have a copy of the book by sencHngfn cents additional. Address, ARGUS OFFICE, AKN ARBOR. MICH, For Christmas. Jt is Satlsfactoryv Eeonomy is, and by its proper exercieeweare enabled to produce an eöicieut electric light for carriage or bicycJe at the popular prices, IM.00, ïü.00 and $8.00. I-'cC'LI HBRH f o ri "Í" Complete with powerful Pocket Battery aiuï all accessorie8, postpaid. Send draft or post office order. G. L,. SHÜMAX. 324 Dearborn St.. Chicago, Fred Hoelz!ef DEAT.EK IN Meats, Sausagres, Oysters and Market Goeds. Porter House and Slrloin Steaks a Specialty WASHINGTON MARK ET. Q ft. WILLIAMS, Attorur at Lav and Pension Claim Attornev. MILAN, MICH. Conveyancingand Colleetions. W. H. MÜRRAY ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office with Prosecuting Attorney, in Conrt House, Ann Arbor, Mioh. LADÏES" LFMÍ1N RRFAM is the flnest toilet cmum uncMiïi artl0)e on the mar. ket and we want you to try box whether you over used anythtng beforo or not Wives& Mothers shouid look thelr best It malies better husbands and leasanter homes. LEMONCKEAM posil.ively annot be leteoted on the (nee. ft ftlves the kin afresh, healtliy appearance, and makes ihe skin soft and as smooth as silk. Itconiains nothinpr that will harm the skin of a abe. Your aruggist positively guarantees it nd will pay FULL PRICE tor any portion f a box ïvturned tohini. Try il. It ■ costs but 25 cents and lasts for months. Por Bal by GOODYEAH DltUG CO. and V. G. PALMER. Ifg'd by Creto Almo Co., .Tackson, Mich. TRtJCK ANDSTÖaAGË C. E. GODFRET. Residence and Office, 48 Fourth Ave., North Telephone 8.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News