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In Memoriam

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The funeral aui memorial sevrioes af the late Prof. W. S. Perry held at the Congregational cbnreh Saturday afterdoou and SuDday inorning vsere most solenui adu impressive jd their character and were largely attendetl by the frieuds aud seholars of the deoeased gentletuau. The body lay in state from 10 to 1 :30 o'clook Satnrday and dni'iug that time the citizens amoug whom he had labored for over a qnarter of a ceutury looked thöir lastrón all that was mortal of their beloved friend. The pulpit of the chnrcb bad been tastefully decorated by tbe teachers of tbe schools, and the casket itself was almost covered with the profusión of the floral offerings, in which every organization of the schools and chnrch were represented, also St. Thomas' Catholic school. During the moruing mnsic appropriate to the ocoasion was rendered on the organ. Tbe faneral services were conducted by Rev. J. W. Bradshaw. The school board and deacons of the ohnrob aoted as honorary pall bearere, and the male teaohers of the high school were the activa pall bearers. During the services tbe quartet 3hoir sang the byron "One Sweetly Solemn Thonght," and Mrs.R. H. Kempf sang "Porever with the Lord." Mr. McClellan presided at the organ. la tbe conrse of nis reamrks Rev. Mr. Bradsbaw briefly reviewed the ohief events in tbe life of Prof. Perry, and tben drew practical lessons from its eventfnl uareer. "He was a man of God" was the keynote to bis character, and bis homanity, patienoe, ness to every trast, tendernees, and withal his utter banisbment of self were bnt ontgrowths of the life "bid witb God." The hymn "Asleep in Jeans" closed the beantiful service and the ternaina were then taken to Forest Hill cemetery wbere they were laid to reet. The memorial service Sunday occupied the place of the regnlar momiiig service. Prof. Perry's life and oharaeter from tbe staudpoint of the chnreh waa revievved by Prof. M. L. D'Ooge. Piof. E. C. Uoddard spoke vvitb zefereüce to bis work iu the SoDday school. Jadge Waples reviewed his life as a deacon, and Dr. Bradsbaw ápoke from the staniipoint of a pastor. All of tbese gave touchiog tribntes to tbe raemory of the departed and spoke of tbe loss the oommnnty sustained in his deatb.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News