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Charles Panl has opened up a blacksmith shop at Jernsaleai. Lew Bennett, of Webster, is abont to ereot a new house and baru on his place. The Cbelsea farmers' instituto will be held in the tovrn hall, Jan. 10 and 11, 1898. There is to ba a cake walk and dance at the Arbeiter hall, Manohester, next Monday eveuing. A number of farmers in the neighborhood of Iron Creek contémplate building next season. Charles Wright bas bonght 20 aores of land in Willis, of C. Sanderson, and , is erecting a honse on it. Bridgewater taxpayers say that although taxation is somewhat higher than tjsnal, taxes are easier paid this year than for the last eight years. The asseesments in the Southern Wasbtenaw Farmers' Mntnal Fire Insnrance Co. bave only ooet its members abont 63 cents per f 1,000 in 26 years. Cheap insnrance The Webster Y. P. S. C. E. has eleoted tbe following officers: President, Will Scadin ; vice president, Will Burnett; secretary, Mary Backns: treasnrer, Lottie Latson. Garduer J.Cross.of Ypsilanti, died at the residence of his nepbew, Charles Q. Darnou, of paralysis, aged 66 years. He was bom in Saline, but had not lived tbere smce he was a yonng lad. Jacob Jjayer and W. H. Schlicht, of Freedom, collected wheat, potatoes, cabbage, olotliing and money to tbe valne of $100 in that townsbip for tbe ÍTerman Protestant Orphans' Home at Detroit. Dexter's new flre engine arrived last week, and was at once tested aud foand to be "little, but ob, jay!" and will donbcless be of graat service in oase of fire io the village, if it is properly cared for. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Lord, of Grass Lake, celebrated their golden wedding anniversaiy Thnrsday, Dec. 9. They were inarried in Sbaron township in i84T, bat have lived in Grass Lake eioce 1852. Ac Adrián young inan airived in Chelsea one day recently to make one of its yonng women his wife. Bnt she bad obanged her tnind and tbe last seeu of tbe Adriauite he was going south as fast as his team wcnld carry him. Tbe Glazier Htove Co. 's band, at Cbeisea, bas jnst received J8 uew instraruents and has organized with the following cfiicers: Leadar, Fred Faller; manager, Clande FlagJer; secretary, Cbas. Kaizer; treasurer, Fred Clark; trustees, Louis Burg, James Claik and Fied Fnller. Dick Sniith, of Soio, speared a 23 ponod carp in tbe Huron river the other nigbt. Mis. Truman Baldwin, of Chelsea, aged 75 years, feil and broke her collar bons, Deo. 13. The donation at the Presbyterian parsonage in Salius Tuesday of last week ainounted to $90. The Manchester L. O. T. M. have reuently parchased some very haudsorae parapheroalia toassist their ceremonies. R. H. Soaden, fornaerly of „Webster, is now ocated at Tryou, Polk county, N. C, vvheie he expeots to 6peud the winter. Mr. VVillard J. Sissem aod Miss Maggie Barues are to be raarried at tbe home of the bride's parents iu Milan tomorrow evenins. Mr. Autbony Neckel and flliss Francés Hammond veere uiarried at St. Mary's rectory, Chelsea, Deo. 14, by Rev. W. P. Cocsidiue. Oor oíd friend Robert JMartiu, ot Superior, was in the Argus office Saturday, aud after paying np bis snbscription ordered the paper seut to his Bister in Ireland for a year. Mr. Martin has taken the Argns for abont 35 years. Mrs. Charlotte Brnen, of Lansing, died at the resideuce of her son George T. Brnen, of Kalaruazoo, on Tuesday of laat week. Mrs. Brnen's naaiden name was Miss Charlotte Wyckoff, and the early yeats of her life were spent in Salem townsuip. She waa T9 years of age. Orrin Parker, an oíd and well known resident of Lima, died at his borne there Dec. 12, after a long and painfal illness. His remains were buried in the Clennents bnrying ground Dec. 14, the funeral services being oonduoted by Rer. J. J. Staley, of Dexter. His wiíe and one son, Clifford, survive bim. The Alanobeeter cheese faotory has leoeived dnring the pastyear 1,354,562 pouods oí milk, froin which 133,562 ponnds of cbeese were made, which sold for $10,474.71. The patrons reoeived 74 cents peí 100 ponnds for 4 per cent ruilk, that is, milk which produced four pcuuds of butfcer per 100 ponnds. The Forty Hoors devotional services at St. Mary's cburob, Chelsea, froru Snnday to Tnesday of last week, were largely attended. The altars were baantifnlly decorated with ohoioe flowers and lights, and elioifed the admiratioo of all, and the sermons by the Rev. Fathers Gleeson and Rosswinkel were very practical and eloquent. An exobange says "The man who bas never lived in the country when a boy, made eider, uiilked cows, kissed the girls at the bnsking bees, stacked hay íd the wind, swallowed qninine iu scraped apple, drank castor oil in cold coffiee, ate molasses and drank red sassafrass tea for three months in the spriug to purify the blood. bas lived iu vain. " The followiug are the ofBcers of the Chelsea Y. P. S. C. E. elected at the annaal meeting: Honorary president, Rev. J. S. Edtnnnds; president, Miss Kate Haarer; vice president, Miss Miunie Schnmacher; seeretary, Miss Mamie Drislane; assistant secretary, Miss Flossie Martin ; oorresponding secretary, Mrs. C. J. Chandler; treasnrer, Ralph Holmes It is said that in some seotions of the country farmers are building stables ont of baled straw, the bales being used for walls same as brioks. The bales are held tossther bv means of lont?. sbarp, wooden pins which are driven throngh tbem. Openings are left foi doora aud windows aiid a rye-straw rooi completes the structnre. Stables se constrncted are warm and will last several years. The expense of constrnction ia very smal!. Robert Martin, of Superior, has jast finiüüed an additioo to bis already large barn. The addition is 18x30 feet in size with a stone basement in whicb be will feed 100 long wooled lambs this winter. The bay runs up the some height as the main barn, has a gambrol roof and will be Dsed for storing grain and bay. Air. Martin grazes a qnantity of thoronghbred sborthorn stook, and reoently sold a tbree year old whicb dressfid 800 pounds. and a two year old that dressed 5S0 pounds. Rev. and Mrs. McConnell, of Dexter, were pleasautly sorprised the other evening by their respective Sonday school classes who dropped in on them to the number of 45, headed by the superintendent of the Sunday school, T. Y. Phelps, wbo in behalf of the young people, presentad the pastor and wife with a bandsome oopy of "The Earth Girdled," by Dr. Talmage. Mr. and Mrs. MoConnell respondad as best tbey oould under the oironmstaDces, after whioh the evening was spent in a pleasant sociable manuer. James Harria, who died at his home in Dexter Deo. 8, was born in Carlisle, Englaud, Oct. 23, 1817. He came tn Amerioa ia 1830, remaining in New York state until 1836, when he carne to Mioiligan, settlingjin West Bloomfield, Oakland connty. He there married Mrs. Cbristina WalJace, who died in 1884. He afterwards lived for a time in Detroit, and came to Dexter in 1855, where ne had since resided. The foneral services beid Dec. 11 were oonductei by Rev. H. W. Hicks, assisted by Rev. Mr. MoConnelJ. Mrs. Olive Looinis Parker died at the residence of her daughter Mrs. George W. Beckwitb, of Chelsea, Dec. 10, after a protracted illness, aged 67 yeais, f montbs and 10 days. Sbe came to Micbigao with her parents Mr. and Mrg. Silas Loorais in 1847, and had lived ia Sylvan township nearly 50 yearís. The funeral services were held at tbe Sylvan chnrcb, of whioh she had been a oiembpr 19 years, by her former pastor Rev. Cari G. Zeidler, assisted by Rev. Mr. Crozier, on Dec. 3 2.' Her husband, one sou and one daughter survive her Thomas Faulkner, of Sbaron, is haviDg a tubular well suuk on his premisas. Some of the farmers in the vioinity of Saline tbink of having telephone oonneotion with tbat village. The Cougregational ohnroh iu Dexter celebrated Forefatbers' Day on Sonday last with appropriate services. Subscribe for your uext years papers now, and before doiug so consult the olnbbiug list in this week's Argus. The Young Men's Danoing Club will give a grand New ïear'R ball iu the Dexter opera house uext Friday evening. Mr. Henry Collam and Mrs. L. R06entbal, of Saline, were married by Rev. T. B. beith, Tuesday evening of last week. üeu. Justus McKinstry, of St. Louis, Mo. father pf James MoKinstry of Ypsilanti, and ex-register of deeds C. P. McKinstry is dead aged 83 years. The cbiidren of St. Mary's Sunday sohoul, Ohelsea, wlil have their Christmas tree and entertainment at the opera house, Tuesday eveuing. Dec. 28. Arohie Miles, formerly a cJothing clerk for Ed. Croarkiu, of Dexter, will euter the eruploy of the olothiug firm of Rosenvsald & Weil, of Chicago, Jan. 1. An epidemiü has beeu pievaleut amoug young calves in Ypsilanti town, one farmer having lost five. Eaw eggs, given internally, has proven an eflfeotive remedy. W. F. Stimpson, of Milan, is the iuventor of an automacic cut-off for brick machines, which is said to be wonderful in iüs eimplioity and aocnrate autornatio aotion. Chas. Pratt has leaaed R. C. Reeves' farm in Webster and will move tbere in the spring. Geo. Hodson, the recent tenant, bas leased the farm owned by tbe Geo. L. Boyden estáte in Dexter township. DeJos Bernard Spencer, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Abner Spencer, died Dec. 11 at the family home in Chelsea. The funeral services were conduoted by Rev. Thomas Holmes and were attended by a large, attentive and syrnpathiziug audienoe. The Salem Farmers' CInb has elected the following ofBcoere : flerbert Siiiith president; Chas, Coldron lst vice president; W. B. Thompson 2d vice president; John Mnnn reoording seoretary; Henry B. Hooper corresponding seoretary; Wm. Stanbro treasnrer. James Blades was croasing the Aun Arbor railroad track at the point wbere the Petteysville station formerly stood the other day, when a south bonnd freight train carne along. His horse was killed, his oarriage badly brokan, bnt be escaped with but sligbt injnrks. Clematis Rebekab Lodge, No. 99, I. O. O. 1, of MilaD, has elected the folowídü as its officers: Noble grand, Mrs. Eila Bray; vice grand, Mrs. Adeia Wilcox; reoording secretary, Mrs. Alice Whaiey; flnancial secretary, Mrs. 'rene Stevens; treasurer, John Steidle. installation Jan. 11. Conrt Chelsea, No. 1612, I. O. F., las elected tbe following officers for he coming year : C. D. H. C. R., 3. George Webster; C. R., Gny Ligbthall; V. C. R., George P. gtaffan; Z. S., George H. BeGole; treasnrer, J. S. Hathaway; chaplain, Oren Thatch er; S. W., W. H. Qninn ; J. W., Ear Lowry; S. B., O. Kar] Steinbaob; J B., Henry Hfceinbacb ; trastees, J. E McKune, J. S. Hathaway, Guy Ligbt hall, George A. BeGole ana J. D. Wat son; flnaDce committee, Chas. Miller and V. L. Staffan; delégate to Higb Court, George A. BeGole; altercare, T. George Webster; physician, G. W. Palmer.