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Misa Minnie Drake spent Sunday in Detroit Miss Amanda Reyer is visiting iu Mt. Cemens. Miss Ruth B. Durheim is visiting friends in Menoininee. Miss Ella Parchase, of Chelsea, has beau visïtiug Aun Arbor frieuds. Miss Belle Owen has gone to Soottsi Mich., to spend tbe holiday season. E. W. Groves has gone to Anstiu, Texas. He will be absent for several weeks. Edwatd W. Butler, of Wankesba, Wis., is tbe guest of Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Babcock. W. VV. Wedemeyer is in the city from Lansing to spend Ubristmas witb bis friends. Miss Lula Lisemer is spending Christmas witb her grandruother at Sprinaport. . Miss Ida M. Shannon faas goue to London, Oat., to visit her nnole during the bolidays. Miss Genevieve Allen, of Ann Arbor town.will sood go sonth for the beuefit of ber health. . George A. Cook, register of deeds, left for California Wednesday, where ae will spend a month. Mrs. J. E. Travis and daughter are spendicg the boliday season with relatives in Allegan oonnty. Mrs. Leonard Miller left Monday night to spend Christmas' with her mother in Nashville, Miüb. Mr. and Mrs. B. Frank Bower, of Cleveland, O., will spend Christmas with his ruother and sisters. Rev. W. Warne Wilson, of Detroit the fonnder of the Columbian League, was in the oity ou business Tuesday. F. S. Gaige, general agent of the !iew York Life Insurance Co., attended the big conventiou in Chicago last week. Mrs. R. G. Cole, of Grinnell, Iowa, s visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. i. F. Gwinuer daring tb Christmas vacatiou. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wood will pand Christmas at the old Wood homestead in Lodi, with Mr. and Mrs. Jessop Wood. The Misses Minnetta and Belle klullison and Mande Tark attended the jahuis-Edsill wedding at Jaokson Wednesday. Prof. aud Mrs Fred C. Clark and child, of Colurubus, (J. , are visiting Hrs. Clark's father J. W. Knight dnrog the holiday season. Francis M.Sessions, lit '88, of Columbua, Ohio, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mis. J. Q. A. Sessions and will renaain unfcil after Cbristaias. Oscar F. Bnrkbart was in Cbioago he latter part of last week atteudiDg oouveution of the ageuts for the New York Life Insurance Co. He was one cf Micbigan's three delegates to the ouveution. John Baomgaiduer, past oommander, and T. O'Connor, warden of Pinta Lodge, Colombian League, of tbis oity, wêre in Ypsilanti Tuesday evening asisting in instituting Colnmbian Lodge, No. 35, C. L. J. D. Ryan and Henry W. Douglas eave Sanday night for a two months' rip to Veceznela. Tbey sail frora tfew York on Toesday uext and will oaou at the Windward Islands and trinidad on their way to Caracas. Bev. A. L. Nicklas, pastor of Zion jutheran churob, was presented witb a ïandsome boqnet of carnations by the jadíes' Society of tbat chuicb together with the congratulations of the ladies n the ocoasioo of bis birthday Deo. 16. Mrs. C. W. Millar, of Dexter, will eave for Montana toiaorrow nigbt to ook after the interests of berself and he other heirs to the John Allport state. Her sister, Mrs. J. M. Fareigb, of Chicago, will accorupany her. Karl E. Harriman scored a snccess at ;he Empire theater, Detroit, Wednesay evening by bis impersonation of M. Jrisemonche in Sardoa's comedy "A Soarp of Paper" which was played by ;he Detroit Cornedy Club. He receives reat praise from the daily papers for bis work.