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The Students' Christian Association npw numbers 893 members, the largest nniuber in its history, .1. H. Prorne, of Princeton, leotnred ou "The Alchemy of Human Nature," at Newberry hall Monday eveuing to a laree audieuce. The regular Sunday morning and Wednesday eveniug meetings of the Studeuts' Ubristian Assooiation are being oontinned throngh the vaoatiou. "The U. of M. Book" is the name of a volume abont to be issned by E. A. Humphrey, a '97 gradúate. It will I teil of stadents and alumni and give an idea of student life in the universitv. Battle Creek raised $40 towards th snuj needed to pay off the debt on tbe Women's bnilding by giving a ohieken pie supper and the comuiitfcee has $150 in view, part of whioh it has already in bami. The Michigan Alumnus has tukeu np Prof. Davis' proposition to ask the alumui for rnoney to bnild an "Alnrnni hall" and oönrs to deposit $100 for the pnrpose and give half the mooey reoeived from snbsoriptions for the same objeot. It is inore than probable that (he dual and field meet becweeu Cbioago and Miobigan will be held next spring io Detroit-, as last year. Should snoh be ;be uase one of tbe Chicago-Michigan baseball games will be played at tbe same time. Treasnrer Soule reports tbe receipt oi the following additional contribntions to the Women's gymnasium fnnd : Hypatia olnb, Detroit, $14 ; G.Ticknor, Cleveland, $5 ; Wixoru club, Caro, Miob., $5; womeu's clubs, Detroit, $ 'S5 ; oommissions on sale of Miss Lovell's U. of M. calendar, $50. "Honey': Staart, the football player, has vvritten a long letter to Prof. J. C. Knowlton, chairman of the board of control at the University, in which he disclaims all iutention to defraud the board, and states that his absence from the Oniversity üovv is dne entirely to sickness, and tbat he internis to retnrn to Ann Arbor at the beginnins of the second semester and take up the work of the law department. Scarcely had ,the audience at the Joseph Jefferson reception got ont of ÜDiversity hall on Tuesday of last week than a forcé of meu began tearing out the old, hard seats td make way for tbe 1,540 new and comfortable modern opera chairs which are to be put in. The floor will be two feet lower in the rear than it has been and will be a smooth inolioed plane to tbe front without tbe series of steps as at present. Supt.Reeves hopes to have a like change made in the gallery before the May Festival.