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To all our readeia we wish a happy md prosperóos New Year. Smw School wil] reopen in all the departnents of the U. of M. and in the public ohoola of the city on Tuesday next. The next meeting of the Washtenaw Peaohers' Assooiation will be held 'in Dexter school room the last Saturday n Jannary, 1898. Tomorrow is JSTew Year's day and to ill its readers both young and old the irgus extends thu wisb that the comng year will be a happy and prosperous me. TheArgus acknowledges with thanks he receipt of the latest issned 'railway nap of Michigan. The raap was sent 'with the oompliments of W. W. Vederneyer, depoty railroad corumislioner. ' ' The remains of James Davis, who lied in Pinckney Dec. 19, were not onght to the medical depaitment here is was at first supposed thoy would be. rhey were buried in the oemetery at ?inokney. Miss Vee Irene Comwell.only daugh of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Cornwell, 'f Jackson, died suddenly in Atlanta, Ja., ou Priday, aged 30. The funeral ook place in Jacksou ou Tuesday item o on. Laud Commissioner Frencb gives out te classes of state lands subject to purbase as follows : Swamp, 106,:S99.30 "es; priruary school, 197,583.4?; gricultnral, 98,116.45; tax homestead, '5,703.44. Mrs. Jamas Allen having sold her m one mile north of Anu Arbor, on Je Whitmore Lake road, will sell the ersoual property at auotion next Tuesy. Jan. 4, at 9 a. m. Austin ötuitb 8 the auotioneer. Mabel,the tbree years old daughter of ' H. and Elizabeth Groh, ot 535 "erryst., died Monday morniug. Tho ineral servoee were held at the house ednesday afternoon and the remains ere buried ia the Fifth ward ceme:ry. Will tüe fiieuds please remenaber to nd something for the Sewing Souool nldren'sNew Year'e dinner? One indred to provide for. Sandwiobes, e or fruit. Money if you prefer. md to rooms in Courier blook before m. tomorrow. Attorney General Maynard will make etlort to have the state relieved om the cost of oaring for insane pawtswith means. He has procured st ot the old soldiers whn reoeive Bsious and who are being supported 1 asylums at state expense. Ad effiort '08 made to have these pensions apUed to their support. The Overman Wheel Co., of Chicopee Fall, Mass., bas gone into Hquidation with liabilities of $539,000 and assets of $1,319.000. Mrs.jA. V. Robison, had th6 misfor tnn to fall banday, at ber home on S Fifth ave., and dislucated ber hip. Sbe is getting along as weljas could be expeoted. R. S. CamobPlI, of Yale; Plora J. Beadle, of H ü-liugs, and J. L. Wagner, of Cbarlott". vure on Tuesday appointed a oom uu. --.on on nniform text books by Gov. Pingree. The annnal meetiog of the grand lodge A. O. U W., will be beid at Grand Rapids oommencing the third Tnesday in Febrnary, instead of at Laosing as originally intended. A grand concert nnder the direction of Miss Emma F;scher, containing Mendessohn's 42d Psalm, and other attractions will be held in the Betblehem cbnrcb the last week in Jannary. Depnty Railroad Commissioner Wedemeyer seems to be popular with his fellow employees at Lausing. He receivod a set of Taine's History of Eüglish iteratnre as a Christmas gift fiom thsni. B. St. James snrprised his employees Friday night witb a bountifnl Cbristmas Bve supper whioh was spread on tables in the seoond fioor of the store building. It was a most pleasaut and enjuyable occasion. Two tramps, named Frank Adarns and Jobn Coilins, were given 10 days aaoh in jail Tuesday, by Jndge Pond, for being drunk. Jimmie Mnrray for ï like oftense on Christmas üay and afterwards was also sent to jail to aober up. Tbe articles of incorporatiou of the Lansing, Dexcer aud Ann Arbor Electric Railway were fiJed with the secretary of state, at Lansing, on Monday. Secretary Taylor has opened offioes iu that city and active preliminary work towards the oonstructiou of the road has heen begtiu. E. Q. Hertel, wbo clerks in Sohairei & Alillen's dry goods store, visited his paretits at Dutton, Ontario, over Chriatmas, and had just arrived in Ann i Arbor Monday when he received a telegram stating that bis father had died very snddenly. Mr. Hertel iramediately returned to his home. The Ann Arbor union of youug people societies will meet with the Congregational Y. P. S. C. E. tomorrow morniug at ? o'olock aud hold a New Year "sunrise" prayer meeting. Dr. R. S. Copeland will condact the meeting and will have for his subject "New Year's Resolves. " All yoting people are invited. Tbe grand piano dedication concert in the Bethlehem cburch on 8. Fourth ave., tomorrow eveniug Jan. 1, promees to be a very snccessfnl affair. Hayden's "Children's Symphnny, " Weber's "Enreanthe, " Mendelsshón's "Midsummer Nights' Dream," and other attractions will be perforined under tbe direction of Prof. J. F. Schaebeile. Johu T. Campbell and Capt. E. P. Allen, of Ypsilanti, have been spleoted by the Michigan State Snuday School Aasociation, at the quarterly meeting of the exeontive committee held in Jackson Tnesday, as two of its delegates to the World's Sunday School couvention at London, England, July 11-15. Hon. T. E. Barkwortb, of Jackson, is also one of the 17 delegates. The Yonng Woman's Christiau Assooiation will be at home to all their friends tomorrow afternoou. A program of iuusio aud recitations has beeu prepared for the entertainment of those who inay cali. From 3 to 4 o'clock a oommittee from the Girls' Club will act as hostesses and girls from 10 to 12 years old are espeoially invited those between those hours. Adu Arbor Lodge, No. 2G, Star of Bethlehem, has eleoted the following offioers for the eusuiug qaarter: Werthy oommander.Dr. Jenuie Hughes; worthy vice oomiuander, Lady Minua Trojanowski ; worthy scribe. Lady Bessie Lee; worthy accountant, Sir Charles Dosey ; worthy treasurer, Sir G. D. Allmendiuger ; worthy marshal, Lady Sootton ; worthy ohaplain, Lady Fredericka Weitbrecht; worthy inside sentinel, Lady Mary Kajuska; worthy outside seutiuel, Lady Marguorita Otto; past oommander, Lady Marie Werner, physioiaD, Dr. Jennie Hughes; agent, E. S. B. F. A., Lady Betsy Lee. Royal A. Jenny, of tbis city, has beeu granted an original pensión of $8 a nionth. The University School of Dancing, wiJl give a program party Saturday eveniug, Jan. 1. Friends are ooidially invited. The ladies of the Northside wil] give a New Year's dinner tomorrow at the ohapel for the benefit of the new chureh bnilding. Aooording to the records in the register of deeds office the nnprecedented numbet of 725 mortgages have been discharged in Washtenaw oounty this year. The High Court Independent Order of Foresters will meet in Detroit in Febrnary. Detroit is one of the greac centers of Forestiy on the continent of America. The Gilt Edge Minstrels were greeted witb a honse of 15 0 people at Arbeiter hall, Ypsilanti, Monday evening, bnt the show gave excellent satisfaction jast the same. Mr. John W. Henry, of Henry Bros., the State st. tailors, acd Miss Maidee Howe, were married Tbnrsday evening of last week by Rev. B. L. McEJroy, at the M. E. parsonage. Alfred Browu and Diok Sharp, both colored, arrested abont a week ago od the charge of holding np a farmer nea Dixboro, were examiued before Jnstice Dnffy Wednesday and released. Martin Armstrong, a Lyndon farmer claims tnat Peter Stewart of the same town made bloodthirsty tbreats at him and has caused the man's arrest on the charge. The Uniqne club, composed of Ypsi lanti young men, has had a row with E. B. Beal, from wboru it rentec rooms, and when mem bers came down town found the door locked and all the furniture outside. They have brongh snit. Mrs. LuelJa M. Rioe, of Ypsilanti, has been granted an order from Jndge Kinne setting aside a deed whiob was givsn by her to her hnsband. Alhert .7. Rice, and again giving her the title to lier house and lot on Congress st., Ypeilanti. Acoording to the latest offloial report there are 7,167 school districts in Michigan, 15,896 teachers employed to teaoh 494,169 soholars and they get 14,989, 009. 66 in salaries. The total expense of tonning the schools in 1896 was $6,521,949,03. Edward Hammal, of Lodi, last wenk sold 10 grade lambs to L. C. Weinmann, the butcher, whioh averaged 120 pounds each live weigbt. The lambs were about nine months old, and are as heavy as any we have heard of this season . Edward Harris, who was arrested iu this city in August for pioking pockets, pleaded guilty to the charge in the circuit conrt on Wednesday. On recommendation of the officeis who believe that he inteuds to lead a better life the prosecutiug attorney asked that he he released on suspended sentónos which was done. Several studeuts in an E. William st. tioarding house got so uproarious Christmas over a box of good things and a oase of beer tbat the aid of a policeman had to be invoked by the landlady to quell the noise. She had them all turnea into the street at midnight, but afterwards releuted and allowed them to occupy their rooms for the night. At a meeting in Chicago Monday flve western universities organized themselves into the Western Intercollngiate Leaguo, composed of the universities of Michigan, Chioago, Illinois, Wisoonsin and Northwestern. Manager Keith, of Michigan, was eleoted president and L. E. Fisoher, of Illinois, seoretaty. A series of three games will be played between eacb of the clubs. The season will open April 19 and olose June 11. The proposed eleotric line from Lansing to this city will open up an important territory to this oity from a businessstand point. Passin as it will tbrough Döxter, Birkett, Portage Lake, Plainfield, Pinokney, Dansville aud probably North Lake, Unadilla, Stockbridge, Bunker Hill, and White Oak, it will give better faoilities to people resident there to get to and frcin Ann Arbor and must result in a benefit conjKueroially to the merchants of the city. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Har?ey StoiHet, on ChriHtmas Day, a boy. Mail Carrier Blom feil on an ioy sidewalk Monday and sprained his ankle qnite severely. Tbs Christmas offering at St. Aadrew's chureh for tbe aged and infirm olergy fnnd amonnted to $40. Marsbal Sweet says he will stop all coaeting on the eidewalks in this city, He bas our permission and best wishes' The Cbristmas mnsio will be repeated in St. Andrew'e chnroh on Snnday, and in the evening there will be a speoial musical servioe. Prof. V. M. SpaldiDg will speak next Sanday afternoon at 2 :45 at the Y. M. C. A. rooms. Men are invited to come to this meeting. A nevv cabinet for tbe many and varieñ blanks in ose in the county clerk's office bas been plaoed there this week. It is a model of convenieuce and good taste. The Colisenm at Chicago, in which the Ü. of M . -Chicago f ootball game was payed Thanksgiving Day, was destroyed by flre in lees thau half an honr on Priday night. It is stated tbat Prof. R. M. Wenley, professor of philosophy, objeots to coeducation, and will leave tbe uuiversity toacopptaprofessorship in a Scotoh university. He is at present in Scotand. .jonn ísaner, a üridgewater farmer got loaded xtp on Ann Arbor bndge Tuesday evening. He was gathered íd about midnigbt by Offioer Arirbrnster and od Wednesday morning paid Jnstice Pond $6.25 for tais fnn. G. F. AllmendiDger will give the Dext practical talk before tbe Y. M. C. A. at the rooms on Monday eveuiDg. His subject will be "A Modern Flonring Mili," and it will be illnstrated by drawings made expressly for this talk. At the meeting of the board of regents last week Aoting President Hntchins nrged the necessity of an addition to the law department. A Detroit firm is drawing np plans. The regents inay take action at the January meeting. If you have not seen the plans for the proposed Y. M. ' C. A. bnilding, New Year's Day will be a good time to cali at the association rooms and see them. The Wornan's Auxiliary will keep open house New Year's Day fröm 3 til! 10 p. m. for all friends of the Y. M. C. A. Dr. B. B. Sndworth having purohased a lot on N. Fonith ave., opposite the conrt honse, wbere Hugh Johnson's restaurant is now located, will btiild on it in the spring. Tbere is quite a bnilding boom on that side of N. Fourtb ave., whioh is a good thiDg. The oíd original Oriental degree team of Arbor Tent, K. O. T. M., went in t bobsleds to Saline Wednpsday evening and having arrived there gave the degree to a olass of candidatos aruoug whora was Connty School Commissioner Lister. A rigbt merry time was enjoyed by the visitors. Thnrsday evoning next Jan. 6, a joint installation of offloers of Weloh Post, G. A. R., Weloh Corps, W. R. C, and J. T. Jacobs' Camp, S. of V., will bfl held in G. A. R. hall. Major Harrisou Sonle will install the officeis of the Corps. Col. H. S. Dean those of the G. A. R. and Col. J. T. Jacobs those of the S. of V. Attorney-Gen. Maynard and Col. John Atkiuson, of Detroit, are hard at work in the state librai opon the mileage book cases cnmruenced by Gov. Pingree against the Michigan Central railroad, in which the legality of the company's special cbartei will be vigoronsly assailed. Col. Atkinson bas been in Lansing all the week and he feels oonfident that the governor will win the snit. Regent Barbonr's Christmas gift to the university consista of Detroit real estáte, valned now at f 15,000. It comprises tbe whole of block 7 in the FyfeBarbonr-Warren subdivisión, near Warren ave. Forty-six iots are oontained in the piece. The property is given as a nncleos to a fund for the bnilding of an ait gallery on the U. of M. campas. The condition of the gift is that the remainder of $100,000 be raised within six years, thongb Mr. Barbour says the time may be extended, at tbe will of the regents. A New Year's dinner will be given at the Northside chapel eommeucing at 2 o'c'ock tomorrow and continning till 8 o'olock p. m., after whiob time an evening entertainment will be given cousiistng of music by the Ladies Mandolin Club, recitations, eto. The pioceeds of this dinner aud entertainment will be nssd in the ereotion of a church edifice on the Northside. The adies who have tbis in charge desire that. every oue that oan should pnrQhase one or more tickets, and if the purchaser oannot nse it, give it to sorue worthy person who is nnable to boy one, and thereby contribute to the happiness of lesa fortúnate oneé.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News