People ofïen wonder why their uerves are bo weak; why they get tired soeasily; why they start at every slight but sudden sound; why they do not sleep naturally; why they have frequent headaches, indigestión and nervous Dyspepsia The explanation is simple. It is found in that impure blood which is eontinually feeding the nerves upon refuse instead of the elemente of strength and vigor. In such condition opiate and nerve compounds simply deaden and do not cure. Hood's Sarsaparilla feeda the nerves pure, rich, red blood; gives natural sleep, perfect digestión, is the true remedy for all nervous troubles. Hood's Sarsaparilfa Is the One True Blood Purifier. $1 per hottle. Prepared onlyby C. I. Hooi! & Co., Lowell, Jlass. ■ i ,, Y-! f ure Li ver Hls : easy to nOOCl S PlIlS take. easy tp opérate. 26a
Ann Arbor Argus
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