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Mrs. Mary Rabbitt, of Dexter township, is seriously í 11. Miss Kate Moran, of Lyndon, died Deo. 29, aged 28 years. Born Dec. 28, to Mr. and Mrs. John Clark, of Dexter township, a daughter. Tbe infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Roberts, of Dexter, died D8C. 28, aged two months. The proceeds of the Christinas entertainment given by Sc. Mary's church, Chelsea, amonnted to $90. Mr. Otto D. Lnick and Miss Mae Wood, both of Lima, were married Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jenks, of Chelsea, celebtated the 25th anniversary of their marriage on Christmas day. There is another "bristle"in Bridgewater. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bristle had a daughter born to them Deo. 28. The Webster Farmers' Cinb will rneet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Merrill, of Webster, tomoriow A. A. Buckelew, of Dexter, who has been taking medical treatment in Jackson, has returned home much improved in health. The regular annual and business meeting of the Saline Baptist church society takes place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Milo Schafeer, formerlyof Chelsea, died in Albion on Tuesday rnorning of hist week. Besides het1 hueband she Ittavss four boys, the youngest less than a year old. O. M. Kelsey haa purchased the old American house property in Saline. He ■will tear down the old house and mov8 tbe barn further west, nsing tbe property for a livery. The arbitrators in tbe oase of Elizabeth Fletcher, of Ypsilanti, vs. the Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Compauy, allowed 250 damages to the olaimant, as against $1,200 olaimed. A i 3 yaars oíd son of David Rockwell, of Ohelsea, acoidentalJy reoeived part of a oharge of snot in bis face whiie ont hnnting the otber day. The shot was extractad withont mncb trooble iackily. Tbe roof of tbe Chelsea town hall leaks and tbe editor of tbe Standard had to send his ouly collar to tbe laundry tbe otber day as the resnlt of sitting wbsre tbe water from the leak conld drop down his neck. A citizen wants to know if tbe slippery and dangerous condition of our sidewalks is the faclt of the ordinanoe or of Rome village official. - Milán Leader. If they are anytbiug like the sidewalks iu Ann Arbor we sbould say it is the resnlt of a combination of sdow autl ice. Mrs Michael Dougherty, of Ypsilanti, died Dec. 80, of heart disease. has been preaohiag every nigbt. this week in the Saline Baptist cburch. The Fellows farnily held areuuiou at the home of O. M. Fellows in Saline ou Thnrsday of last week. Porter Hiukley und Charles Scotney, of Ypsilauti town, have goue iuto the feed griudiug business for dairymen. Mr. Willis S. Hollis and Miss Bertha Whalen of Ypsilanti,were inarried Dec. 30 by Dr. E, W. Ryan, in tbat city. The Masons of Ypsilanti distrihuted 1 baskets of provisiocs to as mauy poor families of tbat city on New Year's Day. The Saliue Farmers' Club rufiets at the hotne of Mr. audjMrs. B. N. Smith today. The offlcers for the coming yeat wiU be ohosen. W. E. Boyden, of Webster, was eleoted one of the direotors of the Live Stock Brefiders' Association at the meeting held in Lansing last week. Wolverine Tent, K. O. T. M.. of Ypsilauti, will give a banquet Thiirsday eveoing, Jan. 30. Jndge H. Wirfc Newkirk will be toastmaster. Fraternity Grauge, of Willis, eleoted offlcers for the ensuing year, as follows: W M, Henry Stumpenheusen ; W S, Helen Kelly; W T, Elijah D. Orling. t The seats in the Baptist churcb, Ypsilanti, will hereafter be free to all. The pew renting eystem was abolished at the annnal meeting of the sooiety. Nicholas Brown, of Ypsilanti, was severely bitten in the ear by a dog, last Fiiday, as he was taking sonie flour out of a delivery wagon in which the dog was standing. Miss Emelie Nenburger, who bas been one of the effioient teachers in the Chelsea sohools, has entered the Novifciate of the Sisters, the Servants of the Iminaculate Heart of Mary, at Monroe. The inter looking department of the Michigan Central bas pnt in a ner switch at the switch bonse at the end of the doublé track in Dexter, with new signáis. Ic is something entirely new. EdwardJTabor, of Willis, lost one of nis horsee Christmas evening, throngh their running away and into the east end of the Maecabee hall. One of them got bis leg broken and bad to be killed. Rev. E. Coffin, of Salem, leceived an elegant, pair of f ar gloves from the mbinbers of nis congregation as a Christmas gift, and a handsome quilt was presented to Mrs. Coffin by tbe Ladies' Aid Sooiety. George Stokes, who has had charge of the furuitnre and nndertakiug department in J. Costello's store in Dexter, for the past year, has gone back to bis former home in Grand Ledge to open up in business for himself . tíurglars entere 1 tbe Exchange Bank at Brooklyn Wedneeday uight of last week, but gut notbiog. A farmer natued lioomis living uortb of bad bis borse stolen tbe same uight. It was t'oDtid uext day in Jack60D. Uev. and Mrs. D. Q. Barry, of Saline, were treated to quite a surprise od tbe evening of Deo. 27, in oommemuration of tbeir 15tb wedding anniversarjr, and were presented witb a fine haugiug lamp as a memento of tbe ocoasion. Ta enoourage tbe oonstrnotion of cement and artificial stone sidewalks in front of property witbin tbe village limits tbe cotnmon conucil of Cbelsea bas passed an ordinanoe agreeing to pay foor cents per square foot surface measure of tbe oost of constrnction. George O. Bradley, casbier of tbe First National Bank, of Ypsilauti, bas rasigned and pnrchased a balf interest in tbe book and drug business of ü. W. Rogéis. It is onderstood that Dan. Qairk, jr., will be made oashier at the an-nual meeting of the bank whioh occurs on Jan. 11. The Webster Congregational Sunday sooool has elected the following officers: Superintendent, Bert Kenny; assiatant superintendent, Frank Williams; secretary and treasorer, Lizzie Latson ; organist, May Ball; chorieter, Rev. Mr. Moorehouse; press reporter, Ray McGoil. D. S. SntbPrland, general manager of tbis división of tbe Michigan Central, and Deputy Railroad Commissioner Wedemyer held a conference with cornmittee from the oommon counoil of Dester reoently as to tbe advisability of plaoing a watcbman on the crossing at the depot. Tbeir decisión has not yet been giveu Wolverine Tent, No. 77, K. O. T. M., of Ypsilanti, will give a banquet aiirt flag presántation in Light Guard ball Thursday evening, Jan. 20. Among tbe distinguished members of the order expected are Great Commauder D. P. Markey, Hon. D. D. Aitken and otbers, while Miss E. E. Bower and Miss Burus of the Lady Maccabees will also attend. The ladies of Queen City Hive, L. O. T. M., will cater. The Dexter Savings Bank had at the olose of business Deo. 15, f47,368.12 in loane and disoounts; $84,744.75 in stocks, bonds and mortgages; $491.(53 in overdrafts and bilis in tiansit; $15,7:J6.6ï due from other banks; and $4,606.86 cash on hand; making a total assets of $104,318.61. lts oapital stock is $I.r 000, and its surplus fund $1,000. lts undivided profits, less onrrent expenses, interest and taxes paid were $1,801.77. A good showing. A very pleasant event at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Saley, in Bridgewater, Werinnsday evening of last week was tbe ruarriage of tbeir daughter Mise Jennie Elizabeth to Dr. George A. Servis, of Manchester, by Rev. M. Stevenson, of Clinton. The young people are well and favorably known in Manchester wbele Mrs. iáervis has been a popular teacher in the public school, snd Dr. Servís is a rising dentist. The wedding presents were numerous and lwdMnMi.f.-:-"7fc. , .f f A Forty Hours' Devotion will ccii)ineuoe in St. Mary's church, Maucbester, uext Snnday moruiug. Jarues Nisbet, of Whitmoie Lake, is j the iuventor aud patentee of a new steel trap, which be is preparing to pnt on the marker. On Tbnrsday afteruoon of last week, P. J. Callahan, a brakemau on the Lake Shote, living at Billsdale, bad bis rigbt forefingerornsbed while coapling freight cars at Ypsilaoti. "Mrs. Persis S. Cornwell, of Detroit, bas been granted a divorce in Judge Hosmer's conrt in Detroit, from Edward C. Cornwell, of Ypsilauti. Mr. Cornwell eutered no defenseto her snit. The ufficers of the lodge of Kuights of the Loyal Guard instituted iu Dexter Wednesday night of last week by Deputy Commanders E. N. Ball aud E. W. Dunovan are as follows: Captain general, W C Clark; senior captain, O. C. Bostwick; junior oaptain, Frank Harris; recorder, John O Thompson; paymaster, Will Cnrlett; cbaplain, Wm Parsons; senior lieutenant, Charles Sheldon; jnnior lientenaut, Ed McClain ; Ist sergeant, Fred Wyruan ; 2d sergeant, Alf Drew ; sentinel, Charles Walker; medical exanriner, Dr Gates; aaditing oommittee, Heury Jewell, Charles Smith, A N Hodgeman. The followiug cornmittees for the ensaing year were appointed at the laet meeting of tbe Southern Washtenaw Farmers' Clnb: On programs and arrangemeuts, Messrs. and Mesdames S. M. Merrithew, Frank Spafard, Henry Calhoun, O. L. Torrey, A. Lowery ; on procuring tbe hall, B. G. English; on music, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Spafard. Mrs. J. F. Spafard was appointed ohairman of the comrxnttee of tbe woman's section, aud she appointed as her assistants Mts. J. P. Traoy and Mrs. F. E. Spafard. The uext meeting of the association will be held Jan. 4 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Wallace, in Manchestsr town. Charles Jarvis, known as "The Hermit," who lived in a very odd lookins old fortress on N. Haron st., Ypsilanti, was found dead Monday morniug and it is presumeu that life in his body had been extinct for several days iirevious. He was 57 years of age and was bom on tbe same property where he died. For 25 years he had been an aocute sufferer from bowel tronble and it was tbis afflioton that led him to exclude himself from all sooiety. The qneer old barracks which be coustructed himself was erected for protection against those who might come to rob him of his worldly goods. It was the story tbat he kept large sums of money secreted about the premises and an attempt was made to rob him sorae two or three years ago, bnt tbe crimináis did Dot secure anything to speak of for their trouble. He was once a cooper and au'iumnlated a little competence. He also inherited some property. He was never married, but leaves an aged mother wbo is now in her 90th year, and three brothers, William, George and Alfred Jarvis, all of Ypsilanti.