Classified Ad: Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Company
MR. STABLER SAYS Local Treatment for Catarrh Does No Good. Mr. E. M. Stabler, Payne, Ohio, writes: "I had catarrh of the head. I tried a local catarrh remedy and it did me no good; I tried two different catarrh snuffs and they did me no good I tried a catarrh balm and it did me no good; our home doctor and his medicine did me no good; I tried a Fort Wayue doctor and he did me no good. I gave them all up, for they were doing me no good. All they were after was my money, and they got it, and that was all they wanted. Then I got a Pe-ru-na almanac. I read it all through an saw that Pe-ru-na was highly recommended for catarrh. I took eight bottles and they cured me sound and well. I am 59 years old and I can do a good day's work right along. I think Pe-ru-na is the best medicine that was ever got up for catarrh. I think every one that has catarrh should use it, as I believe it will do the same for others as it has done for me." Send to The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Company, Columbia, Ohio, for Dr. Hartman's free book on catarrh. Ask your druggist for a free Pe-ru-na Almanac for 1898.
Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Company
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
E.M. Stabler