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Grant And Longstreet

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General Grant had as much to do Wítli Longstreet's becomiug a Republican as any oue else. They had been schoolniates at West Poiiit, had been graduated the same year and received their oommiasions at the same time. They fought amoug the cactus bushes of Mexico aud had druuk mescal trom the same jug a thousand times. It was at Jefferson Barracks, near St. Louis, that Lougstreet introduced bis oousjll, Miss Julia Deiit, to Grant, aud it was Lougstreet himself who told the youug lady of the worth of his friend. They were married, aud the Georgiau was at the wedding. When they next saw each other, it was at Appomattox. A f ter the formalities of the surrender were over Geueral Graut took General Lougstreet, to one side and said : "Julia wauts to see you. Go home and see your family and then come to Bee me, won't you?" Longstveet promised, and lie kept his word. Wht'u General Grant became president, he ftsked for his advice aud begged that his former adversary now be one of his advisers. General Grant uever had a traer friend dviriug his admiinstration. Tliey knew each other. When the tragedy took place it Mount McGregor, Lougstreet sutïered as if it ■were the loss of a brother. He bas often visited the tonib ou the Hudson and lias laid the gentlest tribute of a friend upon the


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News