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ANNUAL STATEMENT For the year ending December 31, A. D. 1897 of the condition and aiTalrs of the Washtenaw Mutual Rre Insurance Company, located at Aun Arbo" City, Mioh., organizeci under the lawB of the State of Michigan and doing business in the County of Washtenaw in said State. EMEBÏ E. LELAND, President, WM. K. CHILDS, Sccretary . Post office address of See'y. Ann Arbor, Mioh. MEMBER8HIPS. 1 Number of members Deo. 31, of previous year... 3,009 2 Number of members added during the present year 244 3 Total 3,253 4 Deduot number of memberg withdrawn during the year, and polieies cancoled by reasou of sale or otherwise 186 5 Number of members now belonging to company s,06 Netgain j. KISKS. 1 Amount of property at risk Dec. 31, of previous year $ 5,232,645 002 Amount ol' risks addcd during present yoar 86O,lO.- 00 3 Total : 5,591,750 00 4 Deduot. risks caneelod, withdrawn or terminated 363,190 00 5 Net amount now at risk by compauy 5,228,500 OC 6 Net loss 4,085 00 RESOURCES. 1 Cash on hand $ 120 20 2 Assessmcnts of past yeur uncollected 169 74 3 Nature and amount of all other resources, the capital stock of the company upon which assessments are made 6,228,51)0 CO 4 Total available resources 5,228,849 94 LIABIMTIES. 1 For losses due and payable 259 27 a For losses not matured (estimated) 586 00 3 Due or to beeorue due for borrowed money 4,750 00 4 Nature and amount oí all other claims, printing, stamped envelopes, orders, etc 05 00 5 Total liabilities f 5,668 27 RECEIPTS. 1 Cash col lected on assessments levied during the year $ 13,908 55 2 Cash eollected on assessments levied in prior years 80 1T 3 Cash from increased or decreased insurance 636 &; 4 Casli income from all other sources, borrowed money, i'ompauy notes 13,425 8:; 5 Total cash receipts 28,050 TB 6 Add cash balance at close precediug year 98 85 7 Total receipts .8 28,149 &:„. DISBUR8EMENTS. 1 Losses actually pairt during the year (of whicd $2,250.00 occurred in prior year) $ 1.1.155 Ce 2 Sulariesand fees paH officers and directors (Schedule A).. 1,088 8Í '■i All other disburseinents, (Schedule K including borrowed money and interest paid il, 4 Total expenses actually paid duringtbe year 28 029 43 5 Cash on hand, Dec. ,31, 1897.... 120 20 6 Balance down .9 8,1 SCHBDUT.E A. Name of Qfieec w Director to whwn pa d. Wm. K. Childs. secretary $ 500 Of E. E. Leiand, director ]46 60 .1. F. Spafard, " :,;; 01 B A. Nordman, " I04 (X A. R. Graves, " 13125 R. C. Reeve, " 89 Ofr E.Ball, " 4 00 W. Campbell, " i iJ. W. Wing, auditor 4 ( W. H. Bassett, " 400 A. W. Chapman, " 4 00 Total Schedule A %_ 1,038 BS SCHEDULE li. Items of "AU other Expenses." Amt. Paid 18 Co. notes borrowed money ï 11,100 8$ " Interest oa " ' 394 91 " Offlcerent 52 00 " Postagi; account _ 90 391 ' and stationery account 5!) 0:! " Incidental account 20 9 " All other expenses 27 26 " Assessments refundcl 131 ' Collectors' commission and ixcliange 88 891 Total Schedule B % 11,835 5dState of Miohioan. County of Washtenaw, f ssE. E. Leiand, president, and Wm. K. Childs, Recretary of said company. do. and e;teh for himself doth depose and say, that they have read the forejroing statement, and know the contonts thereof. and they hiivegood reasor. to believe, and do believe said statement tobe true. E. E. LKf.AND, President. Wu. K. Childs, Secrotaiy Sworn and suhseribed to before me, at Am; Arbor City, in saiá state and county, this 3ci day of January, A. D. 18118. Wm. D. Harrihan, Notary Public, Washtenaw County, Miete LADÏES You sliould not fail to try a Jar ofLeraoiv Cream. It is the FÍNBST TOILET article oa the market, and WE GÜAKANTEE EVEKV JAR to please you or refund the money. Any article that is guaranteed by your owu nierchants is worthy of a trial. This costs you nothing uuless perfeotly satisfactory. Yoxs certainly can afford to try it with this uudeistandJng, Come in and let us show you a Jar. Goodyear Drug Co. V___ BONNER'S II I WVCLEANER töWf MAKES - i ) ( Tl.elWw uaj SS A COAT IJ KE VELVET 5 No Drusli or Gomb. Removes dalidruff alul ciirt. Sure ) prcvenlive againsl Files, Fleas, , Mosquitoes and Lice. Keeps han' , V fine, suft and silky. A tonic, hair rower, aids sheddinR. Cures Maniré, ), Scratchcs. stops irntution and rUD liiii?. Saves Time, Feed atul Money. Used for Horse, Cow and Dog. Cali on dealer, or will ship hall gallon on , recelpt of $1.00. will clean horse , over joo times, fíat isfaction Gitaraiy teed or cosh reiunwl. L TOLEDO SPECIALTY CO., Toledo, Ohlo. SSS Bonncr's Barn Dust i'. 25 l'OHts ír"fY - _ljl W Disinfei-tiint ÍVf 5- 'S1 Ke,T8 bnrn Iresh ,j s und pure. ' - ÍHV wiiiv vv y( hoof liressing jf l{ (h (irower and J.-,J L 1 h )) ConJitloner, iS"Pi ïtt SI.00 The (Uil Way