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COUNCIL PROGEEDINGS. OFFICIAL Continued from Sixtl) Pago. REPOKTS OF CITY OFFICERS. The Monthly report of the City Marshal, Chèif of the Fire Department, and Superntendent of the Poor were read and ordered flled. To the Honorable the Conimon Coundl. Gentlemen : - The case of Bryant Walker, Adm. vs. The City of Ann Arbor was heard in the county of Washteb&w, in chancery, on the 29th. day of November last, Walker and Spalding appeared in behalf of the complainant and myself for the city. You will remember in that case a biir was filed to restrain the collection of the tax assessed against the Corydon L. Ford property in the sixth ward. by reason of the construction of HUI St. sewer. Judge Kinne filed his opinión in the case on the 2'2nd. day of December, and as it is brief aud to the point I report it in full, as follows: "An important and necessary public improvement was made in this City. The estáte of Corj don L. Ford received its due benefit therefrom. I discover uo equity in the attempt of this large and weaïthy estáte to escape its legitímate burdens. The Bill of Complaint should be dismissed as destitute of equity." Yery respectfully. Thos. D. Kearney, City Attorney. Received and ordered filed. January lst. 1898. To the Honorable Common Gouncil of the City of Ann Arbor s ' Gentleman :-The undersigned respectfully submits to your honorable body the following synopsis of the parties who have received medical aiü from the city during the months of May, June, July, August, September, November, and December 1897 giving the name, occupation. nativity, disease, result and number of visits to each. - - 2 ïlo %s t Bo E=o &a. aal x 53 rt M " " -s it -" - s ilLlililllilïliIli TZ s - ia [ = S o ï 1 "! S o'a 2 p ? ; u Íl!olÍílpKfiliIifÍ sMr.aLëS-5g5--e s-=75 toss a = Z -' o - o o - - - - c- c as L u '-Z--í7--''.t%.-L TU = a "= Z 'k-.ñjtt B a ö S t i ri g: sa ol a -.X Í o -t-IS; OlOoOi xo cc aj "rt a -□ - ' o - a -o a- . -i o f_ r !- 3 í ï o S ï i - ïj: i Pi-Oi t. c cog5ggglgl5ggg5gll ; ' ' sö g I " """" 'M yë Two of the above cases have been sent to the hospital where they could be put under the conditions necessary, to their improvement. This has been done without expense to the city. It will be seen by the synopsis that three surgical operations have been performed. In closing I would like to say tbat with the valuable co-operation of Mr. Sipley, Superintendent of the poor, I have been enabled to distinguish between impostors and those who are really in need and worthy of the city's support. So far as possible parties re ceiviDg medical aid from the City have been given some light employment as an endeavor to lessen the prevailing feeling atnong this class that they can depend upon receiving the necessities of life gratis. There are cases on this list who will appear on every report handed in from the City Physiaian until üeath removes them unless a different plan is adopted. These cases are receiving gcoceries and fuel as well as medical care, and the cost to the city far exceeds the expense to keep such parties in the County House where they can be properly cared for. Some children should be sent to reform schools where they will have a chance to become good citizens as their present environment will certainly lead to worthless citizens. I earnestly request you honorable body to investígate this question mora fully. Very respectfully, D. M. Cowie, City Physician. Aid. Soule moved that the report be printed in the record. Aid. Dell moved as an amendment to cutout the names in the printed report. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Dell, Sweet, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Danforth.- 8 Nays- Aid. Koch, Brown, Spathelf, Soule" Coon, Cady, Pres. Luick. - 7 CEMETBBY RECBII'TS TOR 18!)7, MFTH WARD. 18Ü7 Apr. 23 Let 11 Block 10 .45 00 May 20 "31 " 1B 'S. half) 2 TiO June 2 ' 2 ■' 17 5 Oü .Tune 2 Single tmrial 1 00 July 15 Lot7 Blockl6 10 00 July 22 " 27 " 15 10 00 July 27 Lots 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 Block 11 50 00 Auk. 25 lot. 16 block 2 25 00 Bcpt. 18 lot 1 Wock16 N.half 2 50 Sept. 18 single burial 1 00 Oct. 26 lot 3 block 16 N.half 2 50 Oct. 'M lot 23 block 4 part pay ment 5 00 Oct. 30 Iot28block 16 5 00 124 50 EXPENDITÜRES FOK 1897. James R. Murray. April 8 Towork 'A day 75 10 " Vi day 75 " 12 ' Vt day 75 ' 14 " Í4 day 75 " 15 " 1 day 1 50 " 17 ' 1 day 1 50 " 20 " 'A day 75 " 24 " Vk day 75 7 50 N. S. Garlinghouse. April X Towork Í4 day 75 - 10 " % day 75 " 12 - Vi day 75 " 14 " ',4 day 75 " 15 " 1 day 1 60 " 17 " 1 üay „ 1 60 " 19 " 1 day 1 50 20 . " !4 day 75 " 21 "' % day 75 " 23 " „ day 75 " -'4 " y, day 75 10 50 " 23 To plousrhing t hours JohnMeHugh „ 180 N. S. Garlinghouse. Aprü 28 Towork yt day T5 ' 2 ;4 day 76 May 18 " 1 day 1 50 1 " 1 day 1 50 " 22 " ! day 75 5 25 " 35 " Yt day T5 ' 2ti 1 day 1 50 " Ü7 " 1 day 1 50 :) 7S " 20 Moving Thos Stone 4 Ü0 ' 28 To work H day 75 .luue 2 " Vi day 7." 3 ' 14 day 75 4 1 day 1 5u 5 " . 1 day ) 50 ■ 8 " 1 day 1 50 9 l day 1 50 ' 10 " ' day 75 - 12 " 1 day 1 50 ' H " 1 day 1 50 ■■ 21 '■ 1 day 1 50 33 . " 1 day 1 50 " 23 ■' '4 day 75 ■' 24 1 day 1 50 ' 25 " 1 day 1 50 ' 86 " 1 day 1 50 ' 28 " 1 day 1 50 '■ 29 ■ 1 day 1 50 23 26 Blliott Williams. May 19 ïoworklday 130 ■ 36 '■ S4 day 75 " 27 " 1 day 1 50 :i 75 Al vin Felch. May 22 To work !4 day 75 ' 24. 1 day 1 50 ' 25 " 1 aay 1 5ü " 26 '■ 1 day 1 50 " Ü7 " 2hrs 30 5 55 Wm. Wheeler. May 24 To team work 1 day I! 00 Willis Clark May 24 To work 1 day 1.50 Edward Hatcli. Júnelo To work !l hours 1 33 " 16 ' % day 75 " 17 " 1 day 1 50 ■' 18 - - 7 hours 1 05 4 65 N. S. Garlinghouse. July 12 Towork 1 day 1 50 ■■ 14 ' l day 1 50 ' 16 '■ 1 day 1 YiO " 19 " 1 day 1 KI " 20 " 1 day 1 50 ' 22 1 day 1 50 " 23 1 day 1 50 " 24 1 day 1 50 " 2ö lA day 75 " 27 " 1 day 1 50 ■' 29 " 1 day 1 50 " 30 " 1 day 1 50 Aug. l " 1 day 1 50 ' 2 " 1 day 1 50 " 5 " 1 day 1 50 "6 K day 75 "9 '" J4 day 75 " 10 " V, day 75 " 11 " ï day 1 50 '■ 13 ' 1 day 1 50 " 13 ■' 1 day 1 50 " 14 ' V% day 75 ' 16 " 1 day 1 50 " 18 " i day 75 " 19 ' 1 day _... 1 50 " 21 " 1 day 1 50 " 23 ]4 day 75 ' 24 ' 1 day 1 50 "25 " 1 day 1 50 " 26 1 day „. 1 50 25 50 " 2S " 1 day 1 50 Sep, 1 " 'A day 75 " 6 " 1 day 1 50 7 ' H day 75 8 " 1 day 1 50 " 9 " 1 day 1 5D " 10 " 1 day 1 50 9 00 George W. Weeks. May 22 To team work 4 hours 1 00 June 11 " 14 day 1 50 June 21 " H day 1 50 July 14 " y, day 1 50 Aug 16 " %. day 1 50 Aug 21 Tol horse work VS day 1 "00 Aug 26 To team work 'A day 150 '.i .".O Total S134 25 To an appropriation for tooi house 100 00 To au appropriation of two 12] lots and 11 block 8, to the Welen Post, G. A. R. 137 Dept. of Mich :0 00 NELSON GARLINGHOUSE, Commissiöner. Eeceived and placed on file. Arm Arbor, Mich. Dec. 31, 1897. To the Honorable, the Common Council of tlte City ofAnn Arbor. Gentlemen: - Attaehed hereto is a report of all ordinance cases before me during the quarter ending December 31, 1897. And I further certify that all fines collected have been paid to the City Treasurer and all costs to the proper oflicers and that I have no money in my hands belonging to the City of Ann Arbor or to any otfleer thereof. John L. Duffy, Justice of the Peace. Subscribed and sworn to before me this first day of January 1898. John W. Bennett, Notary Public. 2 3 a a"í " 0,0,00,00, p Q g □_, !s,!s.!s,'S-'S-' ca L K tO CO (O (O CD tD S1 ï i í ï ï S c3 r3 ei 3 :3 5" c3 5 "C T3 ti 'O 'O -O 'O Ö u l U U U i U U 0 O O O O O O O O. 9 jj laaioitioio ooxl 'O "S ■# - - Oo os il i & : ' % 5 s: ■ 5 ï : - Sí S 1 i_ "3 o a 'p d á MI ó S. E -3 1 I a i a 1 1=11 o'3 uï g -. -..en "■' 3;3S H w SQ "o -í; ; z z z. - tikíLsií$ í 3j3fáJ!ffiIl aaB-a-1 .Í3o3ac ___?_W Bí a_J ty x, j o iy o_ ■fO0OÖa5CMC Ö Ö'r-lOiCO Hi-IHrtílí) M i-l i-I OOOOOO O ZQOQ To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Gentlemen: - Below find statement of ordinance cases brought before me during quarter ending December 31, 1897, and disposition made of 8ame. .-tí ÏÏÏ i 1 {í 0 ag2ag; ? 3 - 3 2 ,2 .2 '3 'S '3 '3 '3 "3 'ca o '3 '3 en lOlOiOOO OO "L ■ ■ ■ M OJ M-# í r9 cjcocococs roce y_ 6 , a 3 o Cu 3 fa ai 9 c a S o o i í i bu o . J.=;... CC ."1 5=1 g g _ oLEaMiJ.ligi?agHfeO _ L- ÍM C1 Cï r- 63 IC T "D O 5T " - i - - ?3 Lí TOCO State of Michigan, County of Washtenaw. ( On this third day of January, A. D. 1898, personally appeared bef ore me a ISTütary Public, ElihuB. Pond, who, beinw duly sworn, says ttiat the above statement is correct, and that he has no moneys in his hands belonging to the city or city offices. Elihu B. Pond. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3d day of January. A. D. 1898. W. D. Harriman, Notary Public. Johnaon is a boy about 10 years old. Could pay no fine, not eveD costs, and the City Attorney nor the Court was wilhng to commit him to jail. Has since been keeping off the streets. Aid. Cady moved that when the council adjourn, that it adjourn until Thursday at 7:30 p. m Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Brown, Vandavvarker, Rhodes. Spathelf, Soule, Coon, Danforth, Cady, Pres. Luick - 15. Nays - None On motion the oouncil adiourned. City Dlerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
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