A Good Resolution
Ladies, the first one you should make, is one to keep your feet warm, and dry. We can save you money on our line of BOX CALF and VICI KID, WELT SOLÉ, EXTENSIÓN EDGE, NFW COIN TOE SHOES, LACE and BUTTON, öelling at $3.25, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00. WARM SHOES AND SLIPPERS. Ladies' Beaver Foxed Button, I Ladies' Beaver Slippers $1.00 Coin Toe, Pat. Tip $1.50 Dadies' Fur Trimmed Nullifiers $1.25 Ladies' Beaver Foxed Button $]. 25 Ladies' Fine Jersey Leggins $1.00 High Buckle Arctics, Storm Alaskas, Storm Rubbers Fleece Lined, and everjthing in lhe line of Rubbers for LADIES. MISS ES and CÍIILDREN. QOODSPEED BROS., 1 &■ 1 il fel lÉsb
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News