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- . TÉ P2E VIVO gP flll REST0RES vitauty. iiay.ffjJKWell Man' lBthar-1MF of Me. THE QREAT 3oth Iay. PREKTOaa IJTMCOEID-v produces the above results in 30 days. It et powerfnlly and quickly. Jures when all othcrs tan Youug men will regain lont manhood andoM meu will recover tlioir yoHtbful vifjor bv min.' KEVIVO. It quickly and surely restores NGrV0,T ncss. Lost Vftality, Impotency. Nightly Emission Lost Power, Failing Memory, Wastinu Diseascs and all effects ot self-abuee or exceí-sand indiecrotíon wbich unflts one for study, business or narriage It" not only cim-e by starting at tue Beat of disease 'tant ïsagreat nerve tonic and blood builder brin ing back the pink Bl„w to iale cheeks and ri" storing tho fire of youth. It wards off Jnsai,,., and Consumption. Insist on havinij KEVIVo ai other. It can be carried in vest pocket. Bv ra'aT, 81.00 per packaue, or six for 5.00, with it posi to written uarantco to cure or refttnd thenioney. Circular f roe. Addroes ROYAL MEDICINE CO., 271 Wabasíi Ave,, CHICAGO. ILL. For sale at Arm Arbor, Mich., liyEberbacli Drug and Chemical Compuny. Biggest Offer Yet The Ann Arbor Argus AND The Twice-a-Week Detroit Free Presa Both Papers One Year For Only b 1 .60. THE TW A-WEEK FREE PRESS ceded by ül to be MICHIGAV8 LËADINl NEWSPAPEK. Itis publlsbed on Tuesday md Fridayof each week, ;uid is almost eqnal to A DAlLï Iteuieruber, that by taklnjr advantage of this combination, you siet 52 copies of TUR ARGUS and 104 copies of THE FREE PRESS, for only ïl.Hfl. wbich makes the cost of the uanei to you ONE CENT PER COPY. A 500-PAGE BOQK FREE The Free Press ALHANAC and Weather Forecasts for 1898. CORRECT. CONCIBE. COMPLETE. Over 20,000 Copies of 1897 Book Were Solí at 25 Cents. An accurate and superior Book of Referenca that tells you all you want to know. Therowill not be a useless page In it. A Practical Educator and Hanq Book of Encyclopedie niformation on sub.iects Statistieal, Official, Historical, Politica! and Agrtcultural; likewise a Book of Religious Fact, and general Practical Directions on everyday affuirs of Office, Home and Farm. A eopy oi thisbook will be Ppnt to all subscribtBS immediately and sending 15 cents ad ditional for mailing expenses, making $1.75 in all. The book wlll be published about De1 cemncr 25, ÏS'.I?, it being Impossible to pretil outeailier on account of ketting comjilete records of 1897 events. Copies of the will be sent to all taking advantafre of 1 1 fer, as soon aftor above dato as posslble. Üo not delay, but take Mdvanuisre of tlns remarkable liberal offer whioh we makef'ora limited time only, by special arrangi meao with the publishers. Kemember v.e send both papers a full year for ïl.fiü, and you can. have a copy of the 'book by sonding-15 ct'iit additional. Address, ARGUS OFFICE, ANN ARBOR, MICH For Christmas. lt is Satisfaetory, Ei'orioiny is wealth, and by its proper exerris e weare enabled to produce an (-flicient electric tight fov carnafc-e or bicyole at the popular prlces, Í4.00, ÏG.OO and $8.00. I- 1 1 IL For Necktie, Cap or Coat. Complete with powerful Pocket Battery ani all accessories, postpaid. Send draft or post office order. G. L. SHUMAN, 324 Dearborn St., Chicago. J. Fred Hoelzle; DEAIjEK IN Meats, Sausagres, Oysters aud Market Goods. Porter House aud Slrloin S teaks a Speclalty WASHINGTON MARKET. p R. WILLIAMS, AttoraflT at Lav and Pension Claim Attonw. MILAN, MICH. Conveyancingrand Collections. W. H. MURRAY ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office with Prosecutlng Attorney, in Court Houset Ann Arbor, Mioh. TRUCK AND STORAGE C. E. GODPREY. Residence and Office, 48 Fourth Ave., North Teleplioue 8a. ■ imiril mado easy Manufacturiner 11 11 Hl I U Hubber Stamps. Send for I III L f Price List of Outüts to ItJI I III I I J. F. W. Dormán Co., 121 I E. Fayette St., Baltimore, IIIUIIImI Md.,U.S.A. Catalogue f