The Store
New Year's CLEARING SALE Removing Ladies' Jackets, Capes Waists. Dresses, Ladies' Fine Shoes, Underwear, Corsets, Dress Goods, Cotton Goods, etc, to make ready for annual stock taking. $10.00 Now represents the purchasing price of any Jacket in our Cloak Department. Elegant Garments, as good as the best American makers can produce. Worth $35.00, $30.00, $27.00, $25.00, $22.50, $20.00. Now going out at $10.00. $7.50 For all Jackets in our cloak room worth $16.50, $15.00, $13.50. $12.50, all in excellent material and style. Will go for less than Half Valué, $7.50. $5.00 Buys anything in our stock which has sold in our room this season for L11.25, $10.00, $9.50 and $9.00. All our $5.00 Jackets $3.50. 1898 PERCALES 1898 Lovely spring designs, the first shipment of the season will be on sale January 3. Annuai White Goods sale commences Monday, next week. MáCK & CO.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News