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F. H. Belsei and faiuilv speut New Year's in Detroit. Miss Auna Hadley made a shoit visit iu Cleveland, Ohio, the latter part of last week. Mrs. Geo. H. Miller aud Miss Anua Miller, spent New Year's iu Dnraud visitiug relatives. Mrs. L. M. Goddard, of Deuver, Colo. , ie the gnesc of her sister, Mrs. Doty, 408 S. Fifth ave. Mrs. Caroline Whitlark, who has beeu visiting iu this city, has retnrned to faer home iu Detroit. Joseph Donnelly went to Fort Wayne, Ind., Satorday, to visit his danghter wbo is in the convent there. Wtu. fl. Shetterly and wife, who have been visiting relatives in the city, have retarned to Kalamazoo. Mr. and Mrs. Higgins and danghter, of Jaokson, spent New Yeai's Day with Geo. H. Pond and fainily. Mrs. Mellie Litchfield, a teacher in the Dexfrer schools, spent New Year's Day with C. J. Snyder and faruily. Mr. aud Mrs. C. H. Major went to New York Satnrday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Major's great-grandmother. Prof. Lew Renwick and Walter L. Crego have been pending a few days at Mr. Crego's home, Napoleon, Mioh. Will Hadley has gone to Clinton, Iowa, to accept a position with tbe People's Trast and Savings Bank of that city. Mrs. E. D. Kiune gave a party last evening to a nuinber of friends in oelebration of twelfth night or Old Chirstmas Dp,y. Paul Bberwein and farnily, of Jackson, spent New Year's Day wifch tbeir oarents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Eberwein of W. Liberty st. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seabolt, of Plint, spent New Year's Day and Sunday wiUj their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Seabolt of this oity. The Misses Maggie Leonard and CJarrie Savage, of Ypsilanti, spent a !ew days this week with Miss Einina Niethammet, of the Northside. Jadge H. Wirt Newkirk will officiate js toaKtnaaster at a banqnet to be given Dy Wolverine Tent, K. O. T. M., of ïpsjlanti, on Thursday evening, Jan. 20. J. F. Martinsoo, of West Montrose, Out.wbo pent Christin as witb Mr.and Mrs. Robert S. PanI and Miss Amanda Heibeiii, of Liberty has retnrned home. Mrs. Ed. H. Eberbach, of tb is city, wae one of tbe goests of honor at a Iarge party given by Mr. and Mrs. J. L,1(i-ltone, of Rushville, Ind., on the evgniDgof Deo. 29. , Acting President H. B. Hutobins ad, Prof. Richard Hudson, professor of, bjatory and dean of the literary deparjmant, ware trnesta over Satnrday and! Snqday of R 'gent and Mrs. W. J. Cqaker, of Adrián. , Ihe Misses Ethel and Grace Oarr, of Gott et. , entertained abont 40 of tbeir yonog frieuds Tbarsday evening of last week at a party given in honor of the Misses Maggie and Emma Miller, of ï'psilanti, who were their guesta. T, E. Leiand, of Kirkwood, Mo.. bas been spending a couple of weeks vaciatiou frora sobool dnties witb bis fathor, Emery E. Leiand, of Northfield. A bns load of yonng folks from Aau Arbor visited him Satnrday night. Miss Clara Jacobs gave an isformal mufiicale at her home on Monroe st., Tbarsday eveningof last week. Among tbose present were the Misses Alice Bailey. Martha Clark and Ethel Fipk, the Messrs. Cari Yonng aud Frank Sinfth. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Henderson, of Geides ave., entertained theSilver Leaf Dramatic Clob on Tbursday evening of last week in a very pleasing mauner. Games, dancing and excellent refreshments formed the basis of tbe eveniug's amusement. Miss ida Scbailile was pleasantly snrprised by a party of her yonng friends Friday evening who came to spend the evening with her and watcb the old year out and new year in. The evening was spent in playing games, and refreshments were served just as tbe new year was nsbered in. Ansiety and tbe bard work incident to tbe erection of the new St. Thomas Catnolio ohnrcb in this city and the raising of the neoessary fnnds therefor have proved too inucb for Rev. E. D. Kelly. He bas been oonfined to his uome witb an attack of nervous prostration for the past week. The Argns bopes to soon hear of his improvement in hlth.