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Fractured Her Hip

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Mrs. John Chapman, of 152 N. Fifth ave., received word Tuesday, that her rnotber, Mrs. Catheiine McCann, of South Oil City, Pa., had been taken to tbe hospital in that oity Deo. 28, suffer - iDg frora a severe fracture of the hip joint of her rigbt leg. The patiënt, who is nearly 70 yeais of age, and who íb living with her son, P. J. MoCann, of tbe Derrick composing room, was walking aoross the kitchen floor, wbich is of hard wood and was damp from reoent mopping, when she feil. Pbysicians were oalled who decided to have her removed to th6 hospital where she could have the additional advantages of skilled nursing and attention. Mrs. McCann was for many years a well known and highly respeoted resident of Ann Arbor, and mncb sympathyfor her is feit by ber many frieDds, as her advanoed years make the injnry espeoially serious.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News