Classified Ads: Dr. Farncher Home Remedy Co. & Northern Mileage Ticket Bureau
CO-OPERATION. We agree to share our earnings with you and will show you bow to build up an extensive and well paying business, of which you will have permanent and exclusive control. Write at once with stamp to Dr. Farncher Home Remedy Co., Racine, Wis. A New Mileage Book. The passenger representatives of the following roads, to-wit. Ann Arbor R. R.,
C. & W. M. R. R.,
D. G. R. & W. R. R.,
D. & M. Ry.,
F. & P. M. R. R.,
G. R. & I. Ry.,
L. S. & M. S. Ry.,
N. Y. & St. L. R. R.,
P. & L. E. R. R.,
M. & N. E. R. R., and
Mich. Cent. R. R.,
have formed an organization called the Northern Mileage Ticket Bureau for the pupuose of issuing and selling and properly accounting for an interchangeable thousand mile ticket differing from the form of ticket issued by the Central Passenger Association, and possessing the following features: It is good for passage upon any regular passenger train (excepting limited trains) of any and all the lines parties to this agreement, upon presentation to the conductor on compliance with the reasonable provisions of the ticket required for the purpose of identification. It will be sold to the public at all principal ticket offices of lines parties to this agreement, for the sum of thirty dollars, with rebate of ten dollars after use or upon expiration, upon compliance with the agreement upon which the ticket is issued. This ticket will be placed on sale February lst, 1898. This ticket, of course, can be used only upon the lines of road parties to this agreement, and will be issued in addition to the tickets of the Mileage Bureau in the Central Passenger Association. The interchangeable mileage tickets issued by the Mileage Bureau of the Central Passenger Association will be accepted by such of the above mentioned lines as are parties to the Central Passenger Association, upon compliance with the terms and provisions of that ticket. Passengers desiring to hold tickets good upon all of the lines of the Central Passenger Association, can procure such tickets until further notice on the lines of the parties which are members of the C. P. A., but must present and exchange mileage for passage tickets at the ticket office before boarding the train, and comply with all the other terms and conditions of the Central Passenger Association tickets-
Dr. Farncher Home Remedy Company
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Racine Wisconsin