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Came To A Compromise

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The obancery case of tbe City of Aun Arbor vs. the Farmers & Mechamos Bank et a]., carne to a close in the oircnit court Friday afternoon when the lawyers on eaoh side of the case at the suggesfcion of Jodge Kinne agreed to a compromiso of the case on the basis of tbe city paying the engineer's estímate of $3,200.67 due Henry Collins on lateral sewers Nos. 8 and 4 and $1,000 for extras. The Farmers and Mechanics Bank and the otber olaimants to accept 70 per cent in full settlement of thair claims. The National Surety Co., bondsmen for Mr. Collins, will raako up the amount needed for these settlements. The several companies interested will meet here next Monday to complete the oompromise. The claimants involved and the several amonnts due them are : Farmers & Meohanic Bank, $3,425.00; Ann Arbor Water Co., $59.77; Ann Arbor Organ Co., $43.11; Louis Rohde, $60.58; C. Bberbaob, $27.78; Holmes, Strachan & Co., $387.50; MoCullough Bros., $851.50; Union Sewer Pipe Co., $2,391.32; Flush Tank Cn., $1,200; Central Sewer Pipe Co., $2,700; Hntzel & Co., $69.40; J. T. Wing & Co., .$111.80. At its meeting Monday night the oounoil had a warm discussion on the question of allowing its $1,000 share of the compromise and finally deferred the settlement of the question until last night when it passed by a vote of 11 to 1.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News