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Classified Ad: Hood's Sasparilla

Classified Ad: Hood's Sasparilla image
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Cures Prove the merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla- positive, perfect, permanent Cures. Cures of scrofula in severest forms, like goitre, swelled neck, running sores, hip disease, sores in the eyes. Cures of Salt Rheum. with its intense itching and burning, scald head, tetter, etc. Cures of Boils, Pimples, and all other eruptions due to impure blood. Cures of Dyspepsia and other troubles where a good stomach tonic was needed. Cures of Rheumatism, where patients were unable to work or walk for weeks. Cures of Catarrh by expelling the impurities which cause and sustain the disease. Cures of Nervousness by properly toning and feeding the nerves upon pure blood. Cures of That Tired Feeling by restoring strength. Send for book of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla To C. I. Hood & Co., Proprietors, Lowell, Mass. Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner pills, aid digestion. 25c.