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The Store Of The People

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Pethaps tbere are bundreds of people in tbis coonty wbo bave not made tbe acquaintance of The Store since its reorganization. Possibly tbere may be thousands of onr visitors the past season wbo bave not come to know as iu any thorough rnanner. Wbat we want is to get The Store fnlly comprebended. Wben that oondition is reaohed, wben the publo comes to know us entirely, wben it properly understands onr sysen, tben will the printers get very ittle of onr money. The experience of ages has taogbt hat the higbest degree of soccess is eaobed wbere the individual devotes lis nndivided efi'ort in the pnrsoit of ome particular calling or line of tudy. Onr own university is a fair lustratiun of this faot - a school operted nnder one head and system.divided nto departments eacb nnder the superision and management of specialists, aoting independently in the promotion of his particular branch of study, but each department stoDger and more psefnl in its unity with the others. This great nniversity plan is as applicable to merchandising as to learning. As well might you expect the professor of snrgery tó exponnd the law or the law professor to lecture in the medical schools as the domestio salesman to onderstand dress trimmings and silks, or tbe ladies in tbe hosiery, gloves, unnderwear, etc, to know all abont cloaks, dress goods aud shoes. All the snccessfnl mercantile baoses of tbis oonntry, the ones that have reaohed the highest plane of efficiency, are based upon onr nniversity plan. Eaoh department bas its expert buyer and manager, who studies bis particular line of goods and the wants of the people, and is pecnliarly qnalified to give bis patrons intelligent and speedy service. This is the plan adopted for The Store. The rneasure of snccess it has aiready yielded is most gratifying to ns becanse it demonstrates its usefulness as a priblio oonseivator. We respeotfnllv invite you to visit ns.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News