Daughters Of American Revolution
The annnal meeting of Ann Arbor Chapter, No. 27, Daaghters of the American Revolution was held Thursday afternoon of last week at the home of Mrs. James L. Baboook, which was most tastefully deoorated for the occasion. Twenty-seven members of the Ann Arbor chapter were present, also eight visitors frotti Ypsilanti and Mrs. Franoes P. Edwards, of Detroit, state regent, wbo spoke briefly of the work iu tbe state. The varions officere of the organization made tbeir annual reports, and the historiaD, Mrs. W. G. Doty, read a paper npon the ancestry of the hostess, Mrs. Babcook, showing tbat sbe oame from good old revolutionary stock. The rendering of "Tbe Sword of Bunker Hill," by Mrs. Babcock and Mr. Willis, was a pleasing part of the program. The goests all joined in singing "The Star Spaugled Banner" after which the gnests were invited by Mr. and Mrs. [Babcook to partake of elegant and daiuty refreshments which were aerved in tbe dining room, where the tables had been exquisitely decorated. Thrae new roembers were added to the association and tbe following officers were ohosen for the year: Regent, Mrs. James B. AngelĂ; vice regent, Mrs. James L. Babcock; secretary, Mrs. Huldah h. Richards; treasurer, Mrs. Lynds; registrar, Miss Emma E. Bower; historian, Mrs. W. G. Doty; meinbers of the exeoutive committfie, Mrs. flarry B. Hntcbins, Mrs, Win. N. Brown, Mrs. Celia Gillett. The society is in a prosperous condition and the treasurer reportud a balance of $20.06 in the treasuiy.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News