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■ - , ,-%"" REVIVO sïSw rni restores vtai-!ty. iWif3prCrJwell Matv l5th-1Jre# of Me. THE GREAT 3Oth tay. frohucK the above rosolis ln'30 days. It act powerf ully aüd ouickly. Cures wlien all others fail Youngmeuwillregain thoir lost manhood andoli men will recover their youtkful -viuor by usinit REVIVO. It quickly and surely reatores Nerveus ness. LoBt Vitality, Impoteucy, Nightly Eraissiona Lost Power, Failing Memory, Wastine Diseases an' all effects oL self-abuse or eicess and indiscretion which unBts one Lor study, business or marriage It not only curee by starting at the seat of disease but isagrcat nerve tonic and blood builder, brinir. ing back the pink glow to pale cheeks and restoring the flre of youth. It warda off Jnsanity and Consumption. Insist on having REVIVO, no otlier. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mail $1.00 per packaee. or six ior 5.00. with a posi tive written guarantee to cure or rofund the money. Circular íree. Addross ROYAL MEDICINE CO., 271 Wabasll Ave., CHICAGO, ILL For sale at Ann Arbor, Mich., byEberbacb Drug and Chemical Company. Biggest OfferYet The Ann Arbor Argus AND The Twice-a-Week Detroit Free Press Both Papers One Year For Only $1.00. THE TW WEEK FREE PRESS is conceded by all to be MIOHIGAN'S LEADINUNEWSPAPER. It is publlshed on Tuesday and Friday of each week, and is almost equal to A DAILÏ" PAPER, .! -vcjcrj mi'i Remember, thatby takinffadvantageoi this combination, you get 52 copies of THE AKGCS and 104 copies of THE FREE PRESS, fot only $1.60, which makes the cost of the papers to you ONE CENT PER COPY. A 500-PAGE BOOK FREE The Free Press ALHANAC a„d Weather Forecasts for 1898CORRECT. CONCI3E. COMPLETE. Over 20,000 Copies ol 1897 Book Were SolÉ at 25 Cents. An accurate and superior Book of Reference that tells you all you want to know. There will not be a useless page in it. A Practical Educator and Hand Book of Encyclopedie information on subjects Statlstical, Official. Hi8torical, Political and Agricultural; likewi8e a Book of Religious Fact, and general Practical Directions on everyday affairs of Office, Home and Farm. A eopy of this book will be sent to all subscribing; immediately and sendlng 1 5 cents additional for mailing expenses, making $1.75: in all. The book will be published about December 25, 1897, it being imposslble to get it outearlier on account of jretting completerecords of 1897 events. Copies of the book will be sent to alltakingadvantage of this offer, as soon af ter above date t.s poasible. Do not delay, but take advantage of this remarkable liberal offer which we make for a. limited time only, by special arrangement with the publishers. Remember we send both papers a f uil year for Ï1.H0, and you eau, have a copy of the book by sending 15 cent additional. Address, ARGUS OFFICE, ANN ARBOR. MICH For Christmasn No Smoke, BH-n No Fins. WÈHliW NoProfanitj í -I A I)lit;"llt, Light' 1 Ny ": A Modern Light, 5 It is Scientiflc: fjfe! To8umitup "--ia in one word. It is SatUfactory„ Econoiuy is wealth, and by lts proper exercieeweare enabled to produce an eflicieut electrlc light for carriage or bicycle at the popular prices, $4.00, $.00 and $8.00. Complete with powerful Pocket Battery and all accessories, postpaid. Send draft or post office order. G. L. SHÜMAN, 324 Dearborn St., Chicago. J. Fred Hoeizle5 DEALER IN Meats, Sausagres, Oysters and Market Goods. Porter House and Sirloin S teaks a Specialty WASHINGTON MARKET. r R. WILLIAMS, Attorsev at La.w and Fension Claim Attoriw, MILAN, MICH. Conveyancingr and Collections. W. H. MURRAY ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office witla Prosecuting Attorney, ia Conrt Houset Ann Arbor. Mioh. TRdCK AND STORAGE C. E. GODFREY. Residence and Office, 48 Fourth Ave., Nortb Telephone 82. ■ ■ ƒ% ■ I r 1 1 made easy Manufacturingr II n I I Hl I II Kubber Stamps. Send for IllllllllL f Price List of Outflts to lUI I I III F I T Dormán Co., 121 III Ie. Fayette St,, Bultimore, ■■■■■■■ Md.,U.S.A. Catalogue free.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News