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Cari Lowe has a throat trouble oansed by a severe cold. Mrs. G. N. HammoDd spent New Year's witb friends in Detroit. Whooping oougb is verv fasbionable in the western portion of oor town. Deacon Calvin Lowe, liviDg near tbe Congregational ohuroh of Angnsta, is very low witb asthma and lung trouble. Revival meetings are being held at Stony Creek M. E. ohnrch. , Rev. Newkirk, frorn Soofield, is conduoting them tb,is week. The farmers' institute held at Maccabee hall, Whittaker's Corners, Qn Friday oommencing at 10:30 a. m. was a enocess. Dinner was served by the L. O. T. M. to those wishing at 12:30 o'clook. The bilis annonnced a picnic diuner, but the secretary, Henry Stumpenhusen kindly iuformed the L. O. T. M. that if they tbonght best they conld have a dinner for those who might not be prepaied. They also Berved tea to a few. There was a net gain of $9. Many thanks to om patronB. But all tbis prevented many ladies from hearing the day's proceedings and your ooirespondent was one arnong the nnmber. The eveniug session was largely attended as also were those held during the day. At 7 :30 o'olock the meeting was called to order by the president, Albert Graves, of Ypsilanti township. The first subjeot was "Dairying. " A short paper was read by F. Garod, of Augusta township. He says to be proficient in dairying you must certainly use kiudness. Be geutle, don't use milking stools. Buppose hn meaos to ponnd cows with, bat rather eit ou tbem and keep there a least while rnilking. Tbis was followed by a paper fiom County Sohool Comarissioner Lister on "Tbe Icfluenoe of öohools. " Mr. Lister gave ns a grand talie. He said 90 per cent of the whole world ppend two-thirds of their lives in the eohoolioorns in district sohoola, and training conrses for teachers does not always make perfeot teaobers. A tacher in order to make a snccss mast be in love with her pupils. This is the seoret uf it all. A ]aok of love and patienoe spoils teacher and ohild. Therefore we must be very oarefnl uot to hire teachers who oall onr children brats. No affeotion there. And another thing so iimch negleoted in schools, is a lack of ohairs for eabers for visitors. He also urged the neceesity of good books in onr district librarles. Have "Hortionltnre," "Agricultnre," "Floricultnre, " "Black Beauty," some of Mrs Baasett's books, etc. JMrs. J. K. Campbell opened the dicussion. Sbe gave a well timed and interesting talk. She thinks love raaking one tbing and teaching another. She would not have a teacher who had one eye on the school and onother on the nest qoarter section. She told many truths of the management of schools. Then followed remarks by many teachers present. A vote of thanks was given to Commissioner Lister and then all were dismissed after having a very successful and instructivo iDstitute.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News