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Local Brevities

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Both of the U. of M. hospitals are filled to overflowing with patients. Kooh Bros., masons, have already been awarded foor contracta for next season. A. W. Ames feil and strnck nis head witb great foroe on an ioy sidewalk yesterday morning and is laid up in oonseqnence. " CTnder the Red Robe"' will be given by oue of Charles Frohruaua's cornpanies at tbe Athens Theater Saturday eveuing of next week. Married - In New York, Jan. IJ, Arthur H. Clark, of Lexington, Miob., rand lecturer F. & A. M., to Mrs. Eroiua Alford, formerly of Adrián. Rev. Daniel Shepardsnn, D. D., the "whnel chair evangelist," oommenced a two weeks' seiies of revival meetings at the First Baptist ohuroh last evening. Mr. Charles A. Pryce, of Bay City, and Miss Hattie Barnett, were married Tuesday evening by Rev T. V. Young at the home of the bride's mother 515 Spring st. Henry Braun, of Ann Arbur town, ie building a aew house ou his farm. The oarpenter work will be done by Brann & Hochrein and Koon Bros. will do the mason work. The board of pnblic works bas directed the city olerk to notlfy all oitizens owning property aloug the Main et. aving district to meet the board Wedesday evening nest, at the olerk's fflce. The Ladies' Society of Grace Lutheran hurch acoompanied by gentlemen rienda, in all about 40 peopJe, drop)ed in on Charles Hiriz at bis home on Jrown st., Wednesday evening, and lelped hiiii celébrate his 52d birthday in a very pleasant manner. The qnestion of secnring the world renowned orgam'st, M. Alexander Gnilïaant, to give a recital on the Frieze Memorial organ in üniversity hall in the near future is ander discuesion. M. Gnilmant has appeared at Detroit and Toledo and other places where there is no such au organ as stands in Üniversity hall. County Treasnier Rehfuss forwarded to the anditor general ou Monday $42,098.47, beirig the aruount of state taxes for 1897 colleoted in tbis connty up to and incloding Jan. 10. The final settlernent will be made Maroh 1, when the 24,6fi2.12 still dne of the 66,760.59 apportionment will be paid over into the state treasnry. The advertiser is the man wno deserves irade in every cotninuDity beoause he is a man who invariably assists in giving to the peop]e the instimrions which benefit them most. He ie the man who bnilds and supports charchtK aDd public institntions. He fosters uivilization and progress. He moves tcrward with the onward march of the world. The total unmber of deaths in Washtenaw connty dnring the ujuuiu ui uBuöiuuer acoormng ro the Michigan Bulletin of Vital Statistics-was39, divided as follows: Ann Arbor city 9, Ann Arbor town 2, Dester 2, Lodi I, Lyndon 1, Norhfleld 3, Pittsfleld 2, Salem 1, Scio (inolnding Dexter village) 3, Webster 1, York 3, Ypsilanti town 1, Chelsea 3, Manchester 1, Ypsilanti city 6. No reporte were received from Augusta or Sylvan. The people of Temperance, Monroe county, on the line of the Ann Arbor railroad, want a railway station established there, and have appealed to Railroad Oommissioner Wesselius to help them out. The law reqnires railroad companies to establish stations at plaoes where there are 150 inhabitants, and Temperauce claims 170 by aotual couct. The commissioner personally invsetigated the matter Wednesday. The oorupany has a station at Samaría 24 miles north of Temperanoe. Prof. and Mrs. T. C. Trneblood, assisted by the üniversity Tech Glee and Mandolín Clubs, will give a recital in the First M. E. chuorh nest Monday evening at 8 o'clock. It will embrace musical selcetons by tbe clubs, readings by Prof. and Mrs. Trneblood, and two scènes from "The School for Soandal," in which Prof. Trueblood will take the part of Sir Peter Teazle and Mrs. Trneblood that of Lady Teazle. The entertainment is for the benefit of the Ladies' Aid Society. Admission 15 cerjts. Tbere will be six eclipses in 1898, tbree of the sun and three of the moon. The first was a partial eclipse of tbe sun on January 7. The seoond a total eclipse of tbe sun Jan. 22. The third a partial eclipse of the moon July 2. Tbe fourtb an annual eclipse of the sun July 18. The fifth a partial eolipse of the sun Dee. 1 to 31, seen only in regions near the sonth pole. The sixth is a total eclipse of tbe moon Dec. 7. None of tbe solar eclipses will be seen ia the United States nor will the partial eolipse of the moon on July 2. There will be 13 fnll moons daring tbe year, two in Ootober, tbe first and last days of the montb. Hens' wings and roosters' tail feathers oonstitute quite a per cent of the trappings of women's beadgear, giving to public assemblages tbe appearance of a big henroost. It is marvelous tbat preachers possessed of a sense of tbe ludicrousdon't on risiug burst ont info loud guffaws as they survey the barnyard finery of despoiled poultry spread out before thern. Bonnets so acooutered always give one a painful apprehension that the wearer in her baste had accidentallv slinnfid nn t,h affair uaed to sweep op the beartb with. And wejnstinctively refrain froin touobing one ofj these bewitobing creations of tbe milliner wbeu lying on shelf or table, lest it jump np and run cackling away and we flcd an egg under it, -