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At its nest meeting the board of regents will discuss plans for enlarging the law building. Tbe S. L. A. board is oousidering the advisability of engaging Williarn .Tennings Bryau as au extra number in its oonrse. Leiand T. Powers will be tbe attraotion ia the S. L. A. oonrse at Univer sity hall totnorrow evening. Mr. Pow ers' iwpersonations need no oommeD as to tbeir exoellence and be is sure o a large audience. Dexter M. Ferry, of Detroit, ha jast sent Treasorer Sonle a check for $3,000 as a gift to the woman's gymnasium fund. Tbe Saginaw Reading Club has also voted to give $50 to the fund. The amount to be raisfcd by the women is now reduoed tto $4,000. L. A. Pratt has sold the Miohigan Alumnus magazine to the Alumni Association of the U. of M. and it will bereafter bü the official organ of tbe assopiation. Mr. Pratt will still oontiuue to be its editor. The Michigan Alumni News wlil suspend pnblication. The medical faculty has adopted a rule requiring senior studente to wear a white lineu or dnck uniform while in the wards of the hospital. The students do not object to tnis, but complain that no safe plaoe has been provided in wbich tbe necessary olotbes can be kept. Engene L. Erity, janitor of the Ypsilanti high school, was wrestling with one of the boys Mouday evening, when he feil to the ground with his opponent on top of hiin. One of Mr. Erity's legs got twisted in such a ruanner that both bones were broken jast above the aukie. Two boys living in Ypsilanti got tired of home one day last week, jnrnped ou a freight train and got off at Dexter to oorumenoe the luxnriant life of a tramp. They enao'ted the role just 24 hours, when they made up their minds that home, sweet home was sweeter than ever and returned like the prodiga) son - bnt they hadn't been away long enough to give the oalf a ohance to fatten and besides their fatbers wore oowbides. - Times. The rnmor that was so indnstriously circuíate1} by some newspapers to the effect that Prof. R. M. Wenley had takeu his recent trip to Scotland for the parpose of looking after a position that was open to him in that country and that he was dissatisfled with the U. of M. beoanse it is a oo-educational institution, have been proven false by Prof. Wenley's remarks to his olass on Mooday when he again took charge of it on his turu. He characterized botn statements as false and said : "Is it likely that if I were opposed to catión i wouia nave given 10 oí the best years of my Jifa to figbting its battle in Sootland? The best student in philosopby tfaat I hav8 ever had onder my instraotion was a womau, and at pres ent the best philosophical student in the University of Michigan is a womau My visit to my old home in Sootlanc was simply made for the purpose o flnding out how the remaining mem bers of my family were getting along. I oonld not have aooepted a position in Sootland for the suffioient reason tha none has been offered to me."


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