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Michigan Dairymen

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Au important event to the dairying interests of this connty will be the 14th aunual oonvention of the Michigan Dairymen's Association to be held at the Cleary Culleee, Ypsilanti, Tnesday, Wednesclay and Thnrsday of next week. Bringing together as it does many of the best minds and most experienced and snooessful dairymen in tba state, who will read papers or deliver addresses on points of gieat importance to the large dairying interests of this county, all dairymen shoold endeavor to be present at one or more of the sessions of the conveiition. The oames of the officials who are direotly in charge of arraDgements are as follows: President, James N. McBride, Owosso; seoretary, S. J. Wilson, Plint; local secretary, Azro Fletcher, Ypsilanti. A large nnmber of premiaras have been offered for butter and other dairy products. The Michigan Jersey Cattle Club will also meet at the same time. The program which is given in fnll below, oontains the names of those who will speak and what they will speak on : First Bessiou - Tuesday, Feb. 1, 9 a. m. - Mnsio; prayer, Kev. R. K. Wbar ton ; address of welcome, Mayor N. B. Harding; president's address, James MoBride, Owosso; "Michigan's Factories as I Foand Them," E. A. Haven, dairy and food inspector, Bloomingdale; "The Detroit Markets," 11. H. Mack, Free Press, Detroit. Tuesday, 1 o'clook p. ra. - Mnsic; "The Cheese Industry," Fred M Warner, Farmington; "How Can Michigan Factories Succeed in Mafeing a More Uniform Cheese?" B.E. Peebles, Fairfield; "Poor Cheese; lts Eeffct Upon toe Market, " G. D. Br'own, Seward, Ohio; "The Patrons' Responsibility," J. H. Monard, represeuting the Agrioultnral Department. Tnesday evening, 7 o'clock - Music; "Laotio Ferment in Cheese Making," Davis Haven, Hartford; "Baoteriology of Milk and Cheese," Dr. V. C. Vaugban, dean of medicine, University of Michigan ; "The Enforcement of the Oleo .Law - What It Means - Whac is Costs - What Has Been Done, and. What May be Done," E. O. Grosvenor, dairy and food coinmissioner ; "The Relation of The Commission Merchants, the Shippers and Producers," G. R. Williams, Buffalo, N. Y. Wednesday, 9 a. m. - Mnsic; ap pointmeut of oommittees; "Soggestions for Improving the Conditious of the Dairy Industry in Michigan," Geo. B. Horton, Fruitridge; "How a Creamery Can beOperated to Pay the Dairyman,'" B. C. Stronnd, Hilliards; "The Farnier's Side of the Creamery Question," Prof. C. D. Smitb, Agrionltural College; "The History of the Coli Spring Creamery at Middleville, and What Has Made It a Success," A. C. Jones, Middleville. Wednesday, 1 p. m. - Mnsio; address, Gov. Hazen S. Pingree; "Cattle on Michigan Farms - Do They Need Improving?" Kobt. Gibbons, editor of Michigan Farmer, Decroit; "What Shall We Do to Make Our Association More Poweful in the Future?" E. N. Bates, Moline. Wednesday, 7 p. m. - Mufdc; "Dehorning the Dairy Cow," C. C. Lillie, Coopersville; "Big Cows vs. Little Cows for Milk, Butter and Cheese," J. W. Helm, ír,, Adrián; "The Balanoed Ration in Theory and Praotioe, " Prof. C. D. Smith, Agricaltnral Colldge; "Selecting a Buil to Head the Herd - Points to BeConidered," Aaron Clark, Caledonia; "Iu-and-In Breeding: How Far Can It Be Safely Carrieu?" O. J. Bliss, SilverCreek; "The Evolutions of Stabling and Stable Fastenings," James N. MoBiide, Burtou ;" Jersey Organizutions and State Jersey Clnbs," John I. Breek, Jacksou. Thursday, 9 a. m. - Musio; "Seleution, Feeding and Care of Dairy Cows, " C. P. Goodrioh, Ft. Atkinson, Wis. ; "The Holstein Cow in the Economy of the Michigan Dairy," Frank E. Mills, Ann Arbor; "Making and Marketing Butter," C. P. Goodrich, Ft. Atkinson, Wis. ; reports of committees; election of officers; seleotion of next place of meeting; miscellaneous business Thnrsday, 1 p. m. - A visit to the Michigan State Normal College. Charles P. and Amos E. Lohr, adrninistrators of the will of their father, the late Philip Lohr, on Wednesday filed that iDStrninent íd the probate oonrt. The real estáte is estinaated at $15,000 and the personal property at $500. The widow remains in possession of the estáte, bota real and personal, till her cleath; after her decease the ohildren share alike iu its disposiI tlODi