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g "srsar 5R E V S V O feS?Sv RESTORES VITALITY. ístDay.fAWell Mars 15thWiff of Me. THE GREAT 3oth Day. prenoh ZR-EivraaiD-sr produces the abovo resuItH ln'80 iluys. It acta, powerf nlly and ([iiickly. Cures wlieii all othem faíl Youngmonwillreuain their lost manhood.audolá; men will recover thcir youtliful visor by ueing. REVIVO. It quickly and Burely restores Nervousoess. Lost Vitality, Impoteucy, Nightly Emissions. Lost Power, Failing Memory, WastinK Dieeascs.and all effeets of solí-abuso or excess and indiscretion.. which uníits oue for st.udy, business or marriage. It not only cures by starttug at the peat of disease, but isagreat nerve tonic and blood builder, bringing back the pink grlow to palo clieeks and restoring tho flre of yoiith. It wards off Tnsanity and Consuraption. Insist on havinK other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mail 81.00 per packapre, or sii for 85.00, with a pooi Uve tvrltten Kuarantee to cure or refund tho mouev. Circular íree. Address ROYAL IEBICINE CO., 271 Waöasü Ave., CHICAGO, ILL For sale at Arm Arbor, Mlch., byEberbacb Drug and Chemical Ctompany. Biggest Offer Yet The Ann Arbor Argus AND The Twice-a-Week Detroit Free Press Both Papers One Year For Only $1.60. THE TWICE-A-WEEK FREE PRB3BÍ9 conceded by all to be MICHIGAN'8 LEB.DINGNEWSPAPEK. It is published on Tuesday and Friday of each week, aud is almost equal to A DAÍLV PAPER. . fi Remember, tliat by taking'advantageof thiscombiuation, you get 52 copies of THE AKGÜS and 104 copies of THE FREE PRESS, fot only $1.60, wbio.h makes the cost of the papers to you ONE CENT PER COPY. A 500-PAGE BOOK FREE The Free Press ALHANAC and Weather Forecasts for 1898. CORRECT. CÜNCI3E. COMPLETE. Over 20,000 Copies of 1897 Book Were SokR at 25 Cents. An accurate and superior Kook of Referenec that t-ells you all you want to know. There wlll not be a useless page in it. A Practical Educator and Hancf Book of Encyclopedia mformation on sub.iect3 Statistical, Official. Historieal, Political and Agricultura!; likewiee a Book of Religious Fact, and fcenera! Practical Directions on everyday affairs of Office, Home and Farm. A copy ol this book wlll be sent to all subscribinz immediatelv and sending Is cents ad ditional for mailing expenses, making $1.75in all. The book wlll be publisued about Dei cember 25, 187, it being impossible to et it outearlier on account of getting complete records of 1897 events. Copies of the 6ook will be sent to all taking ad vantage of this offer, as eoon after above date as possible. Do not delay, but take advantage of this remarkable liberal offer which we raake for a limited time only, by special arrangement with the publishers. Kemember we send both papers a full year lor l.0, and you eau: have a copy of the book by sendiug 15 cents additionai. Address, ARGUS OFFICE, ANN ARBOR. MICH For Christmas. n No Smoke, lt is Satisfaètory, Economy is wealtli, and by its proper exorciee weare enabled to produce ati efficiënt electrio light for earriage or bicycle ut ths popular pnces, $4.00, W.OO and Ï8.00. ILrfICv Li lv Complete with powerful Pocket Battery ani; allaccessories, postpaid. Send draft or post office order. G. L. SHUMAN, 324 Dearborn St., Chicago, tí. Fred Hoeízle3 DEALEK IN Meats, Sausagres, Oysters anl Market Goods. Porter House and Sirloin S teaks a Specialty WASHINGTON MARKET. p K. WILLIAMS, Attorner ú Law and Pension Claim AUorna?, MILAN. MICH. Conveyaneinsrand Colleotione. W. H. MURRAY ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office with Prosecuting Attorney, iu Conrt Honso. Aun Arbor. Mich. TRUCK AND STORAGE C. E. GODFREY. Residence and Office, 48 Fourth Ave., North Tclcplione 82. ■ B 1% ■ I If madn easy Manufacturingr II 11 1 I Hl I II Kubber Stamps. Send for I1ÍI II UIL f I'rice List of Outfits to lll I I III I I T F. W. Dormán Co., 12 L III I E. Fayette St., Baltiraore. lllWllkl Md-i x.s.a. catalogue free.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News