' Mrs. Mary Hnhn, wifeof John Huhnj] of 'S. First st., died Satnrday afterhbon, of ápoplesy, aged 76 years. Besides her hnsband, one son Depnty Sheriff Fred J. Hnhn snrvives her. The fnneral services were held Monday afternoon, Rev. John Neumann offioiáting. burial in Forest Hill cemetery. Theodore Grnbe, of 441 S. Fourtb ave., died Satniday nigbt of pneumonia, aged 65 yeats. Funeral services were held at the honse Tnesday afternoon by Rev W. L. Tedrow, and the remains were interred in Forest Hill cemetery. Mr. Grnbe was one of the old residents of the city. He leaves a widow and fonr danghters. Alexander Kerr, died suddenly Saturday evening at 510 E. Jefferson st. , aged 88 years. 6 rnontbs and 12 days. He was an old resident of Washtenaw cocmty. Tbb funeral servioe was held at the house Tuesday afternoon, Rev. B. Ii. McElroy offioiating. Tne remains were buried in Loüi cemetery. Mrs. David B. Webster, a former resident of Ann Arbor, died at her homo in Toledo, Jan. 25. The remains were bronght here Friday and af ter brief services at the home of her sister AJrs. E. H. Maikham, were interred in Forest Hill cemetery. Mrs. Anna Maria Haas, of Ann Arbor town, died Friday morning, aged 84 years, 8 montbs and 24 days. The funeral servioes were held at the house and at Zion Lutheran churoh on Sunday afternoon. Her five chüdren survive her. Ira C. Aldrioh, one of the early residants of Ann Arbor, and who was well known to most of the older people of this section, died at his home 953 Wall Bt., Northside, on Tnesday, of apoplexy, aged 86 years. His wife and seven children survive him. The funeral services were held at the house yesterday afternoon and the remains were interred in the Fifth ward oeruetery. In his eailier years Mr. Aldrioh was a manufacturar of matches and was the flsrt man to make those useful articles in this state.