Formed Their Club

But It Was Not on the Lines at First Laid Out BY ITS PROMOTERS The Young Men's Republican Club of Washtenaw Had Its First Meeting Yesterday and Elected a Set of Officers.--The Field Secretary's Office Was Knocked Out. Yesterday was the day set for the formation of the Young Men 's Republican club of Washtenaw county and delegates from all over the county were present. The meeting of the executive committee which comprised the presidents of each of the local clubs was held at 2:30 in the hall over the Ann Arbor Music Co.'s store. It had been proposed by the first promoters of the club that the constitution and by-laws should be adopted and the officers elected by this body, but the idea was abandoned and this business was on motion relegated to the general meeting of the club as a whole. At the general meeting of the club held at the court house yesterday afternoon, Prof. E. F. Johnson called the meeting to order. He said that talk of factions in connection with the formation of this club had been indulged in, but he wanted it understood that there were no such things as factions in the republican party. There had always been harmony and there must still be harmony fer a house divided against itself must soon fall. E. F. Johnson was then chosen as temporary chairman and S. A. Moran as secretary. O. E. Butterfield, C. H. Cady, and W. N. Brown were appointed a committee on constitution and by-laws and while they retired to make their report H. Wirt Newkirk, Col. Dean, Chas. L. Stevens, A. J. Sawyer, Frank Stivers and B. F. Johnson told some amazing stories. When the committee did report the constitution as originally drafted had been materially changed. lts 'blocks of ten" feature in connection with the formation of local banches of the club had been stricken out, the office of field secretary had been done away with and it was changed in other minor details. The constitution and by-laws was read as a whole and a motion to adopt it by sections was made. It was finally decided to adopt it "bolus bolus," but to this S. A. Moran, to whose work through the county the advent of the club was made possible, objected to the throwing out of the field secretary clause. He stated that it would be found impossible to keep up the organization without some work of that description and no one would be found willing to undertake such a job without pay. Fred W. Green, of Ypsilanti, spoke against the idea of a paid field secretary and stated that with the wrong man in such a position incalculable harm might be done to the party. Mr. Gauntlett, of Milan, favored the idea of a paid field secretary, but when the matter came to a vote it was knocked out completely. The election of officers followed. E. F. Johnson, of Ann Arbor, and Emery E. Leland, of Northfield, were nominated for president. Mr. Johnson was elected, receiving 90 votes to Leland's 39. For secretary S. A. Moran, of Ann Arbor, and Fred W, Green, oí Ypsilanti, were nominated. Mr. Green declined the nomination, but his friends insisted that he stand and when the votes were oounted he had 76 to Moran 's 66. There was do opposition to John Munn, of Salem, for treasurer, and he was declared the unanimous choice. O. E. Butterfield, H. G. Prettyman, of Ann Arbor, H. S. Boutell, of Ypsilanti, and W. W. Wedemeyer were chosen delegates to the meeting of the state league of republican clubs at Detroit next Monday. The meeting then adjourned.
Young Men's Republican Club
Ann Arbor Music Co.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
William Walter Wedemeyer
William N. Brown
Selby A. Moran
O. E. Butterfield
John Munn
Horace G. Prettyman
H. Wirt Newkirk
H. S. Boutell
Fred W. Green
Frank Stivers
Emery E. Leland
E. F. Johnson
Charles L. Stevens
C. H. Cady
A. J. Sawyer