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a{WAwmvAS3A'amsfrWAaSsa There are 60 non-resident pupils in tbe Chelsea schools. Byron Raymond has rentad the Ham Smith farm in Sharon. Martin Merkle, of Sylvan, will build a cew barn thií spring. Iforaoe Baldwin will move on the Nathan Piürce farm in Lima, Natfaan Pieroe, of Lima, expoets to leave for California next month. Tbe Chelsea Mannfactnriug Co. is building an addition to their faotory. A maeqnerade ball will be given at the Lima town hall next Monday evening. John Stierle, of Soio, has pnrchased tbe farm of John V. N. Gregory in Lima. Blosser, of tbe Manchester Enterprise, oomplains greatly of smelling sknnks. Emma, the H year old daughter of Adam Reide), of Bridgewater, died Feb. 10. Mrs. James McLaren, sr., of Lima, snffered a stroke of paralysis Satnrday bef ore last. Thomas Wilbnrn, an old soldier living pix miles Lorth of Cheleea, died Feb. 6, aged 57 years. George Koengeter and Miss Rioke Webber were njarried in Chelsea Feb. 3 0, by Rev. H. Lemster. The Western Washtenaw Farmers' Clnb met with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Spaolding, of Sylvan, yesterday. Rev. I. B. Bnffnm has been employed as pastor of tbe Iron Creek churct for tbe fonrth year at an incieased saiary. We are informed tbat a party of connty capital sports reoently pnlled off a big oook fight on the shores of Base Lake. - Dexter Leader. It has been deoided to bold a sis weeks summer school at the Normal, Ypsilanti, next snmmer. The libiary and laboratories will be open and every opportnnity for work given. The Dexter Leader says a number of residents in that vioinity are oasting their eyes longingly in the direciton of the Klondike, bnt so far have not been able to screw their courage up to the sticking point to start for that región. The railroad committee wbioh is to look op the matter of secnriDg tbe Lansng, Dexter & Ann Arbor electric railway for Dexter is as follows: ChairmaD, Dr. E. F. Chaso; secretary, Alired Davis; M. S. Cook, B. C. WbitTaker, John Clark, Joba Gallagher, Emanuel Jedele, Dao Hoey, Ernest Elsassor, Alexander Danoer. The Saline L. ü. T. M. give an entertainment tomorrow evening. Six cars of sneep, cattle and hogs were shipped from Saline last week. Aliont $75 worth of uew books bave beeu addud to tbfi Saline sobool library. Salem Tent, K. O. T. M., has a dancing party at its hall in Salem tbis evening. Miss Catrie Foruer, of Sbaron, has been serionsy ill witb brain fever is fouvalesciug. A series of revival maetingB wil! oommence in the Baptist obnrcb, Saline, March 1. Will Barnard, of Saline, bas been made baggage master at Homer on the Lake Sbore road. An 1 1 ponnd son was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Boettner, of Bridgewater, Weduesday of last week. Mrs. A. F. Holoomb, of Milan, suffered a stroke of paraiysis Wednesday of last week. but is reoovering from it. Mr. George B. Rogers and Miss Eva DaveDport weie married at the Presbyteiian parsonage, Saline, by Rev T. B. Leith. Feb. 4. The Ypsilanti Business Men's Assooiation will hold its annoal banquet Wednesday of next week. The Oongre gational ladies will serve the banqnet. Alfred C. Torrey died in Manohester Feb. 6, aged 84 years. He was born in New York and oarue to Miohigan in 1842, first settling in Jaokson county. A reoent donation to the M. E. minister at Whitnjore Lake netted the revertid gentleman $44 in oasb and over $30 in subscriptions. Davis Bros. & Co, of Dexter, have annonnoed that beginning with Marcb 1 their method of doing business will be the oasb system - "bnying for oash and selling for oasb." Past Lady Commaader Mary L. Boyd, of Colnmbian Hive L. O. T. M. warpresented Feb. 8 with a silver tea eet and a solid silver sngar spoon by tbe mfimber8 of the hive. The revival meetings at the York ohuroh have been meeting with great sncoess. Rev D. Q. Barry is assistec by Rev. J. C. Robillard, who is an experianced revival worker. The following have been eleoted directors of the Chelsea Reoreation Park .1. L. Gilbert, James Taylor, Peter Bindelang, H. H. Boyd, Thomas MoNamara, G. W. TnrnBull, H. Light hall. Charles M. Shortridge, of Warsaw, Ind., an old Milan boy, bas iuventec a device for supporting a bicycle when not in use. In oompany witb F. B. Shaw be is also manufaoturing the oontrivanca. Editor Carlton, of the Graas Lake News, looks at the world throagh brighter glasses now. It's a boy. Carlton no longer oares about being a village father, he would rather be the father of that boy. Fred Webber, of Lima, was band iing a revolver the other day wbich he did uot know was loaded until it wem off and a painfnl wound ia George Trinkle's foot was evidence that it was no longer loaded. Cnarles Fargerbnrg and family, of Saline, had a narrow escape from aspbyxiation Monday night of last week, throngh gas whioh escaped from the ooal stove. Tbey were made quite siok from the effects of it. John Lawson, of Whittaker, bas purobaeed the balance of Trim, McGregor & Harper's stock of goods and leased ttie old Abbott store, into whioh he will move his own etook and thns make one store iess in tbe village. Twenty-flve neighbors and friends of Mrs. Willis A. JBall, of Dexter, surarised that lady on tbe evening of Feb. 4, it being her birthday. After spendmg a pleasant evening tbey departed or bomeleaviog a number uf handsome preseuts behind tbem. A tramp was arrested at the opera aouse in Milan Weduesday nighfc of last week by Marsbal] Luxtou. He bad on lis person 22 gold rings, and as a Toedo store had been robbed of 40 rings and other plunder a night or two previous be was held. He said he had servod 18 months in a New York penetentiary. The Manohester Epworth League has eleoted the follnwing offioers: President, Dr. Geo. Servis; vioe presidents,. Misses Annetta English, Heurietta Wuir, Luoy Pouoher and Theresa Nebel ; secretary, Miss Allie Lazell ; treasurer, 'ïolaud Hall ; organist, Miss Bessie Torrey; asaistant organist, Miss Ida Silkwortb. Attorney Grove Woolcott, of Jackhou, brougbt snit in Justioe Wood's rourt against tbe .Michigan Central ïailway for refusal tosell bima family mileage book He won the oase iu ustioe oourt and an appeal bas been iaken, the attoruey for tbe railroad ibreatening to carry it to tbe United States Supreme oourt if neoessary. Tbe meeting of the Washtenaw Teachers' Association at Dexter, Feb. 5, was attended by about 100 teachers and those iuterested in education. Tbe calling of the roll of teachers by Commissioner Lister was a deoided innovation. The fintire literary program was furniflhed by people from the Normal College at Ypsilanti. Every paper was interesting and instructiva and freely di6oussed by all teachers present. Will Bostwiok and Dr. Sheldon drove to Anu Arbor Monday. On their way back, wben near McGuiness' corners tbey turaed ont of the road traok to find better sleigbing and got into a ditch wbiob was filled with snow. The outter'tipped over, soaring the high-lifed brse which immediately freed itself from tbe catter, leaving the boys to complete the journey on foot. The norse was caught at Dan Hoey's but little tbe worse for the run. The cutter was taken to the hospital in a badly fractured oondition. - Dexter Leader. It is expectad tbat Dexter will be oonnected on tbe New State Telephone line iu the spring. Charles Carpenter oud Elnier Bates left Ohelsea for the Klondike Feb. 6. Both are "grub staked" by other mer. Ypiilauti Hive, L.. O. T. M., gave a masical and literary entertainment iu the K. of P. hall, Ypsilanti, last evening. Vinceut Meanwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meanwell, nf Ypsilanti, feil from a couple of steps one day last week and dislooated an elbow. James E. McGregor, D. L. Davi?, Henry R. Soovill, j. B. Colvan and M. B. Sbaffer are ruentioned as democratie timber for mayor of Ypsilanti. A. Markbam, of Whittaker, got eo drank in Ypsilauti Thursday of last week, tnat he did not know where he was at. When he carne to himself he was on Ellis st, minus nat, gloves and f45 in money, Ypsilanti township farmers are kicking beoaose tbe Ypsilanti oornmon oonuoil has allowed the eleotrio line to run tbrongh its main street thus ooropelling the farmers to hitoh the r teams on some other street. A house belonging to Hiram and Caleb Eaton in Ypsilanti township, had a narrow escape from destrnotion by flie Monday of last waek. Tbe timely discovery of the fire by a passer by and prompt work by the ueighbors pr6vented a serious blaze. William Filkins.a cniddle aged resdent of Belleville, while preparing his gnn to shoot soine sparrows, aoeidentally discharged it, ehooting himself in the foot. The ball entered at the instep and went throngb the foot, landing in the sole of his sboe. Mra. William Diokerson died at the home of her sister, Mrs. George MoElcheraq, of Ypsilanti, Monday morning of paralysis. She was 61 years of age and had been a resident of Detroit for 40 years. The remains were taken to Detroit for intertnent Wednesday morning. Aire. Nanoy J. Miller, mother of Mrs. George Caufield. of Milan, died at the hospital in Saginaw Feb. 2, while there vraitiug to undergo a surgioal operation for the removal of tumors. She was 53 years of age. Her remains were buried in Marble Park cemetery, Milan. The Ladies' Home Missionary Sooiety of the Webster Congregational ohuroh has eleoted the following offieers: President, Mrs. Sears; vice president, Ms. Wm. Brown ; seoretary and treasnrer, Miss Nellie Bnrnett; secretary of foreign news, Miss Ida Keuney; directress, Mrs. Kenney. Tbe society has raised $40 dnring the year and applied it to missionary work.


Ann Arbor Argus
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