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Attorney G. ft. Williams is ill witb the grip. W. P. Allen gave Detroit a business oall the last of the week. Mr. aud Mrs. O. L. Yonngs leave in a few days for Florida. Mell Barnes retnrned to his home in Elkhait, Ind., Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gauntlett have returned from their Dundee visit. Tha Milán school is f all and the eduoational work is progressing finely. Mr. and Mrs. Sissen retnrned troin their Lansing visit Monday afternoon. W. E. Spragne left for Detroit, Monday, wbere he will engage in business. The snow shovels were in great denuand Tuesday caused by a heavy fall of snow. Thfi I. O. O. F. had a very pleasant time at their banquet and ball Friday night Mrs. W. H. Whitmarsh is spending the week with her sister Mrs. Stringer in Detroit. .7. Wormer is going on crutches, oaused by a fall on a defeotive sidewallc on W. Main st. The Christian Endeavor society held a bnsiness meeting at Mrs. A. B. Smith's Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Slayton, of Dundee, were the guests of the-ir daaghter, Mrs. Carrick, Snnday. Miss Lavinia Clark is in Bay City with hei grandmother, who is serionsly ill, having fallen and broken one of her bips. O. E. Youngs bas sold out his dry goods business to Mr. Junkett who will continoe the business at the old stand. Mrs. A. -F. Holcomb, who had a stroke of paralysis last Wednesday tuorniDg has i early recovered from the effeets of i'. The Valeitiue social Monday night at Mrs. Tripp's, of W. Main st, onder the au8piees of the Christian Endeavor was a snccess. Mrs. W. E. Sprague is in Dundee this -week oonduoting an "Old Folks' Concert" for the ladies of the Congregational church. Mrs. Skinner died at her home on E. Main st., Satnrday, of consumption after a long illness. Deceased leaves a number of ohildren and a larga circle of friends who mourn her loss. Funeral services wre held at the M. E. chnrch Tnesday, Rev. F. O. Jones offioiating.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News