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Capt. CorneliuH Gardner, of the 19th U. S. infantry, will be present at the grand military ball and reception of Co. A, Monday, April 11. Eugene Oesterlin, of W. Hnron st., had an attaok of tbe bemorrhage of tbe lnngs early JMonday morning. At present he is mnoh improved. Dr. George W. Gray, of the "Forward Moveruent," Social Settlement, Chicago, will speak in the M. E. ohurch, Sunday evening, Feb. 26. There will be a general Y. M. C. A. social at tbe assooiation rooms Tuesday evening of next week, to wbich all friends of the assooiation are invited. The dates for the "Washtenaw Fair have been fixed for Sept. 27, 28, 29 and 30. Secretary Mills says the log oabin is a go and that tbe logs for its construction are now being gotten out. The Wealeyan Guild will give an informal reoeption to Rev. Dr. Cobern, iu the psrlors of the M. E. ehurch tomorrow eveniug, from 8. to 10 p. m. All who desire to meet Dr. Cobern are invited. Master Freddie Daley won golden opinions from the Jackson people last week by bis beautiful soprano solo singing at the Y. M. C. A. state couvention. He now has a two weeks' engagement there to sing at a Baptist revival. Dr. Cainden M. Cobern will lectuie next Sunday evening before the Wesleyan Gnild at the M. E. ohurch on "Bible Etching of Immnrtality. " The ohurch will not hold all those wbo will be present to see aud hear Mr. Coberu once more. Benjamin Poud, a brother of Jnstice E. B. Poud, died at Batavia, Mioh., Feb. 9, aged 83 years. Justioe Pond weufc to Batavia ou Friday to attend the funeral. Miss Abbie A. and George H. Pond were consins ot the deceased gentleman. Regent Roger W. Butterfield, of Grand Rapids, has received a letter from President Angelí aunonnoing that he will resigu his post as Jnited States minister to Turkey and return in time to resnme his position as president of the University of Michigan in the f all. L. L. Renwiok, secretary of the university School of Musie, was acoepted as a pnpil by Guilinant, the organist, daring the latter's visit to this oity last week. Mr. Renwick has been connected with thesohool of musio during the past six years, four years a pupil aud the remainiug time as ao instruotor. He expects to go to Paris in Jane. The I. D. Y. olnb attended the Sntton's School sooial Feb. 3. and all had a gloiious time. Wabr & JMiller shipped a mail order of Jadíes' shoeB to Red Lodge, Alon., on Wednesday. Mail ordrs aie quite an importaut'item in their business. The St. Thomas' Dramatic Sooiety wil! prodoce the three act drama "Robert Emmett" afc the Athens Theater on Thursday evnuiug, March 17, Lt. Patrick's Day. Germania Lodge, D. O. H., gives a masqnerade ball at Germania hall nest Tuesday evenng. Prizes are offered for best and most comical costumes, best dancers, eto. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sobleicher were agreeably snrprised Saturday evening by the brothers and sisters of Mr. Schleicher and tbeir families who had dropped in to help celébrate Mr. Scbleicher's 52d birthday. A jully time resulttid. Mrs. Eliza R. Sunderland will give an illustrated lecture in High School hall next MoDday evening at 8 o'clook, subject "A Joumey Through Italy." Adruission 10 cents. The lectnre is giveu in the interesta of the Parry Memorial Soholarship Fund. It is stated by the Chicago Outlook that the railroads are charging the government seven times a muob for oarrying printed matter as they charge the express companies. The annual deficit of $11,000,000 in the postoffice sbould be kept under the searchligbt. There ware 13 men fioro the Ann Arbor acssoQiation who atteuded the Y. M. C. A. state convention at Jackson last week. Sunday next at 2 :45 these men svill speak at the rooms of the assooiation. Men of Ann Arbor axe urged tn attend the meeting and hear about the couvention. A party of Ann Arbor yonng folks were royally eutertained Wednesday night of last week by Mr. and Mrs. August Bebringer at their home on the gravel road. On Tuesday those who were entertained surprised their entertainers by presenting them with a set of baudsoms dining room chairs. Tbe list of students who will take part in the Junior Exhibitiori of tbe High School this year, has been off.eially aunounced as follows: Edwin Brann, Albert Benham, Thurlow Coon, Elizabeth Carsou, Harlow Grose, Ora Haimon, Elmer MoPfaee. Loaise Tatlock, Eva Wood and Walter C. McNiel. The organ recital by M. Alexander Guilmaut in University hall Friday evening was a great event in musical oircles and a large and appreciative audienoe was present. During tbe hour and a half that M. Gnilmant's program lasted be was applauded to tbe eobo again and again and repeatedly had to bow his aoknowledgements. Mr. G. S. Fletcher and Miss Graoe Jones, of Ypsilanti, botb deaf mates, were married in this city Saturday. Rev. J. M. Gelston performed tbe novel oeremony, Prof. Ñewcomb of the university acting as iuterpieter. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. H. Boylau gave a receptiou in tbeir houor the same evening, at which only deaf mates were present. In Justice Dnfi'y's court Friday morning Cora Harris was charged by Thersesn Becks with poundiDg her on tbe head with a teacup. Both parties to tbe assault are colored. A verdict of guilty was rendered and Miss Harris was given the alternativo of paying f4.50 oosts or going to jail for 15 days. She paid. During the last two weeks in January and the first two weeks of February an average of 100 persons each week have applied to Pooi' Commissioner E. P. Mason for aid. In every instance their reqaests bave been granted as Mr. Mason says it is obeaper to keep them over night than to let them be arrested and lodged in jail. A very refined and novel program bas been arranged for the J_iight Infantry entertainment, to take plaoe at the Athens Theater, Maroh 8 and 9. A ininstrel first part participated in by ladies and gentlemen will be a novelty for Ann Arbor. Tbe secocd part will be composed of clog dancing, fancy military drills, musical seleotions, monologues, songs and dances, eto., whioh will be pardcipated in by ladies as well as gentlemen. A large and well selected orchestra and a good band will help to enliven the entertainment, which will be a crack-a-jaok. The Y. M. C. A. is talking of holding a week's fair at the armory in the near future. It is said tbat it will Ije considerable of a novelty. Rev. Dr. F. Mayer, of Detroit, will lecture on "Darwinism and Bible Faith" at the Betbleham church next Sunday evening at 7 :30 o'olook. Dr. Eliza M. Mosher, of the Universitylectnred before tbeJewisb Woman's Club iu Detroit, Sunday, ou the subjeot, "The Responsibilities of One Day." About 45 ladies and gentlemen from Ypsilanti were the guests of the Ladies' Aid Society of the First M. E. chnroh at their raonthly tea sooial Thursday evening of last week. The Ladies' Auxiliary of thn Y. M. C. A. will serve an informal supper in the rooms of the association tomorrow evening from 5 to 8 o'olook, for the benefit of the new building. Miss Hattie Crippen, president of tbe Y. W. G. A., has been presented with a handsome oopy of the Illastrated Bible by tbe assnoiation. It was a very appropriate valentino. At the Unitarian choren next Sanday evening Mrs. Suuderland will give another of her bible leoturea illustrated with stereoptioon views. Öubject, "Samuel, David and Solomon." The Y. M. C. A. Pailiamentary Club will diRcuss the qnestion "Resolved, that capital punishmsnt sbould be abolished" at its meeting this evening. Richard Fl.ynn and Alfred C. Schairer will lead the debate. Mrs. Clara Read, of Ypsilanti, has bronght snit in the circuit court through her attorney, J. F. Webb, against Nicholas Max, for selling her husband liquor after she had given him written notioe not to do so. She claims $3,000 dam ages. Miss Clara J. Jacobs will give a song reoital uuder the auspices of the Higb Sohool Oratorical Assuoiation at High School hall next Thursday eveniug. She will be assisted by tbe Amphion Mandolín Trio aud Mies Virginia Fiske pianist. The Knights Templar party to bo given Monday evening at the Masonic temple will be largely attended. Everyone who has ever been at one of these parties knows what a thoroughly pleasant time is always had and will be there in fnll foroe. The First M. E. cbnvob choir was pleasantly entertained Saturday evening by Prof. and Mrs. L. D. Wines at their home on Oakland ave. The game of "observation" helped pass away a jolly evening, after which snpper was served. Miss Lehr won the first prize and Miss Bnchanan the second. About 40 were present. Mr. and Mre. Thos. H. Corbett entertained the Pastime Pedro Club Tuesday night at the last meeting of tbe series. Mrs. E. V. Hangsterfer and George E. Apfel won tbe prizes for first plaoe in the series. Messrs. Apfel and E. V. Hangsterfer were tied for the gentleman's first prizs, but the game wbiob decided the tie was won by Mr. Apfel, so he and Mrs. Hangsterfer will have to banquet the olnb. Rev. Dr. Leeper, of Fort Wayne, Ind., will deliver a lecture in the oourse given l;y Trininty Lutherau churoh on Monday evening next, Feb. 21. His subject will be the " Wonderlauds of the Rookies" and will be illastrated with a large nutnber of stereoptioon views. Dr. Laeper has been au exteusive traveler and has also the reputation of being an entertaining leoturer. Admiesion 10 oents. William Dansingburg announnes nis oandidacy for oounty clerk. Four years ago the office found him, Jiku Cinoinnatus of old, plowing his field, aud had difn'culty in surmounting the rail fence. Two years ago Captain Sohuh induced bim to drop the plum. Now the man is seeking the office. - Ypsilanti Sentinel. Yes, and if Dausingbnrg gets the nomination the captain will still keep hold of the plum. Mrs. Emma Matilda Herman, wife of Challes Hermau, died at the family home on S. Ashley st. Snnday morning aged ül years, 10 montbs and 1 day. Mrs. Herman's illnsss was of one week's duration. She leaves her husband and a two years old ohild. The funeral services were held at tbe house and at Bethlehem church Tuesday afternoon, Revs. Neumann aud Tedrow offloiating. Interment at Forest Hill oemetery. A roller skating rink has been opened at 808 S. Main st. Harry Hutchins, jr., paid $3.45 oosts to Justice Dnffy Friday for riding bis bicycle on the sidewalks. Eoohrein & Krause, the pluinbers, bave dissolved partnership and Win. Hochrein veil] cotinue the bnsiness. Por stealing an overcoat from the Cook house Artbur Green was on Tnesday sentenoed to 30 days in jail by Justice Duffy. Edward Dnffy has been drawn as a jaror in the United States oonrt for the Maroh term. Thos. W. Pnlcber, of Milán, has also been drawn. Gottlob Lniok, Gottlob Schneider and John Baurngardner were at Grand Rapids the first half of this week attending the grand lodge of Michigan A. O. U. W. Bvery bed iu tbe homeopathie hospital is f all acd the clinioal material is plentifal. Wbo says that under tbe nw regime tbe homeop. department is not snecessfal? Tnrpentine in which is dissolved as mueb camphor as it will take up, is pre-eminently the dressiDg for lacerations, brnises and outs. lts antiseptic action is eqnal to that of oarbolio aoid; it speedily stops bleeding. Few, if any, nloers long resist its oontinned application. H. H. Herbst, formerly of St. Panl, Minn., is the now seoretary of the Ann i Arbor Savings and Loan Assooiation and J the Enron Valley Building and. Savings Assooiation. He is an expert accountant and will give energetio efforts to caring for the financial affairs of the associations. C. A. Maynard bas engaged M. C. Petersou to assist him in a search for bis father-in law James Foley, who disappeared from Lansing quite mysteriously sorne weeks ago. It is believed that Mr. Foley is somewhere in Canada, and they will make a visit to that country in search of him. ü Last Friday night Prof. R. S. Copeland, of Ann Arbor, delivered a leetnre on "Roman Walls and Feudal Halls," at the M. E. chnreh. This was the seoond number of the Epworth League lecture oourse and was fairly well attended. Mr. Copeland proved himself an interesting and fluent speaker. - Plymouth Mail. Mrs. Ann Parker, motber of Joseph and George A. Parker and Mrs. Silas Saxton, died at her room on S. Main sts , Monday afternoon, aged 05 years. The funeral services were held yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Parker was well known in this city, where she bas resided for so many years, and had many friends and acquaintauces. Dr. Albert Elliott, house pbysiciau of the university hospital, was taken to Marqaette last week by bis brotber, Rev. E. A. Elliott. Dr. Elliott oontracted typhuid fever six months ago but did not recover. The pbysieians at the hospital agreed that he wonld not get well there. He was taken all tbe way on a stretcher. His condition is precarious, but it is expeeted he will reoover. This offioe is doing first class job printing aDd plenty of it all the while. When iri need of anything from a visitiug card to a poster, we sbould be pleased to sbow yuu our samples and prices. We guarantee satisfacition, and will cali and explain estimates or make figures for customers in any part of the city. Cali ns up by either phcue when yon wish any kind of printing. A man named J. J. King died in the Berrien poorbouse last December aDd as no one appeared to claim his remains they were forwarded to tbe university for anatómica! pnrposes. Later Hezekiah King, of Chicago, saw bis name in a paper and suspected tbat tbe deceased was a brother whom he had not seen for 25 years. He telegraphed to this city just in time to prevent tbe body from goingon the dissecting table, and on Mouday oame on and bad the body buried. A jollyValentine party took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hangsterfer on Monday eveuing in houor of the birthday anniveisary of E. V. Hangsterfer and Arthnr Brown. Eacb one present was presented with a haodsome comio valentine and it is said that most of them were very appropriate. Messrs. Hangsterfer and Brown oocupied the seats of honor at the supper table and eacb had a birthday oake of his own. A handsome asy chair was presented to Mr. Hangsterfer by the gentlemen nf tbe party. Miss Allie Rnssell entertained last Monday evening, very delightfnlly, a nompany of friends at her home on Packard st. Among those present were tbe Misses Emma Rayer, Lillie aud Cairie Chandler, Bertha and Mary Christmau, Lillie Sheffold, Francés Lerg, Rose Starr, Julia and Anna Chalmers, Hattie Warner, Tena and Paulina Frey, Grace Pettiboue, Ediflj Davisou, Eva Burns and Messrs. Hopkius, Herman Rayer, Gilbert Chalmers, Robert Wideman, Bnrns, Soblanderer, Ed. Hutzel, Frey, Sohmid, Thomas Loan, Bohnet, and John Frey. The Adrián Telepbone Co. bas issned a new directory whioh is a great improvement over the old metbod, tbe calis being by ñames now iustead of by uumber as heretofore. This will be a great convenience, as few people cn remember the number of the telephone cali, altbough they know tbe name of the persou or firru they wish to talk with. - Adrián Telegram. The Michigan Telephone Co bas the same couvenient way in Ann Arbor, but the New State Co. which was to be suob an improvement in oonvenience over the Bell says "Nnmber, please!"and tbeu begins a hunt througb the pages of the directoiy for that number. The Telegram is right there is more convenience in calling by name than by number in a place the size of Ann Arbor, aud if a telephone is uot for convenience what is it for? C. M. B. A. party at the armory Monday evening. The Mooreville L. O. T. M. gave a iupper and an entertainment at tbeir bal) Tuesday evening. The nnxt meeting of the Washtenaw Peacbers' Association will be held at iTpeilanti in the practiue school bnilding of the Normal College on Satnrday, Maroh 5. Dr. B. B. Sodwortb, who has held the offloe of county pysician for the past aiue years, has relinqniehed ths office. He is snoceeded by Dr. W. B. Hinsdale, deán of the homeopathie department. . The examining board of the Miobigan bar bas jast issned a veiy oomplete list of the laws and mies governiug the board and the applicants for admission to the state bar. Prof. Lloyd R. Mecberu, of the nniversity, is a member of the board. Special revival services are to be lield at the Cborcb of Cbrist very evening dnring the ïaontb of April. The services will be condneted by Rev. H. D. Olark, of Kentncky, wbo is said to be one of the ablest aud best known ministers aniong the Disciples.