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Albert Trolz is going to work Mrs. Melissa Jones' farm in Sharon. O. li. Torrey has bought the old Henry Goodyear homestead in Sharon. A. R. Welsh, of Chelsea. has bnilt a 13x42 feet addition to his factory building. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Staffan, of Chelsea, celebrated the 25th anniversary of their wedded life. Ed. Spaulding, of Chelsea, bas moved to the farm he recently bought of Arnold Prndden in Sylvan. Two weeks from Monday will be charter election day in the villages and the political pot is seetbing aooordingly. Mr. Edward Braun and Miss Ida Aichele veere married in Manchester, Tuesday of last week by Rev. George Sohoettle. Frank Vedder, of Whittaker, has bought the interests of his mother, brother and two sisters in the old horoestead. Milán has tronble with lts fire ladders and tbe Leader says these essential factors in fire protection are noc in their place half tbe time. The Mooreville L. O. T. M. oleared $15.60 by their entertainment Feb. 10. Altbough it was a bad night abont 200 persons were present. The administrator of the George Stautz estáte, in Iron Creek, is trying to settlH it up by paying the oreditors 50 cents ou tbe dollar. Ex-ruembers of the literary society of the Manchester high school are preparing a program to be given March 21 for the benefit of the piano fond. Mr. Joseph Schaible, of Saline, and Miss Kate Hack, of Lodi, were married at the home of the bride's parents Thnrsdav afternoon of last week. O. L. Young, of Milán, has sold hia store to W. S. -Tnokett and will move to Florida soon where he will engage íd the frnit and vegetable raising basiness. Adam Spathelf, of Freedom, died Tuesday of last week aged 86 years The funeral services were held Friday at the Bethel chnrch, Rev. Paul Iriou officiating. Mi. and Mrs. Sam Smith, of Sharon, are abcnt to leave the farm od whicb they have lived for 40 years and imcroved from the virgin furest, and will move to Manohester to reside. Mrs. Mary Rabbitt, one of the pioneers of Dexter township, died at her home Monday night of last week, aged 78 years. The funeral services were held in St Joseph's church the followiDg Tbarsday morning, Rev. Fr. Fleming officiating. A grange has been organized at Azalia. Arohie Merchant, of Chelsea, has beeu serionsly ill witfa pneumonía. The Lima Farmers' Club met at Henry Luick's Wednesday of last week. Ed.. Dancer, of Lima, killed a bine racer the other day that was three feet loug. Several Saline Christian Scienoe ladies atteuded the dedioatioa of the new Cbrietiaa Science ohurch in Detroit reoeutly. Mr. B. N. Haight and Misa Nellie WilBon, of Hambmg, were married Wednesday of last week by Rev. Hicks, of Dexter. Tweuty-one persons have been admitted to the Chelsea Methodist ohnrch on probation as the result of the recent revival services. B. G. Englisb, of Manchester, has been appointed statistical reporter of agricultura for Wasbtenavv county by tbe secretary of agrionlture at Washington. Mrs. Everett, of Sharon, will move back on ter farm and will be acoompaniud by her daughter Clara who was reoently married to Ralph Boyden, of Saline. John O. Thompson, W. I. Keal and E. R. Doane. of Dexter, are a corninittee to eecnre a speaker on the occasion of the dedioating of the soldiers' monument May 30. A series of revival meetings bas been in progress in the Saline M. E. ohnrch the past two weeks. The pastor, Rev. P. E. Dodds, bas been assisted this week by Rev. Field, of Dixboro. The Odd Fellows' ball last Friday evening was handicapped by bad weatber, bnt there was a very good atteadanoe and tbe lodge cleared over half a dozen dollars. - Milan Leader. R6v. J. I. Nickerson, of Chelsea, delivered the anniversary sermón at the Fremont ave. Methodist cbnrob, Bay City, on Wednesday. He was pastor of the ohnrch before eoming to Chelsea. Manchester is going to have a cannon from Fortress Monroe. It is a 100 pooadar and weighs 9,700 pounds. The money to pay the freigbt on it was raised by subscription in a very short time. Milan Knights of Pytbias were surprised by their ladies Tnesday night of last week who brought in a fine snppar. Then the K. P. s in turn surprised the ladies and fetching in an orohestra all had a merry little dance. The Adrián Press warns farmers of the man who goes abont witb au immense ear of oorn, claimed to be a new kind. He offers to sell a few kernels for a big prica. The ear is made up of parts of several ears of corn, glued together. Mrs. Kate Wing, wife of Geo. T. Wing, of Scio, died Saturday, Feb. 12, of peritonitis, aged 31 years, 3 months and 7 days. She leaves a hosband and three ohildren, tha yonngest baing bnt eight days oíd at the time of its rnotber's death. Plana for the new Presbyterian oborob, Saline, oontemplate one good sized aodience room, with Snuday sobool rooms along tbe side, aho a cbapelall of which to be thrown togetber " in oase of large gatherings. Tbe plana, however, are not yet deoided opon. The Ypsilanti Commeroial in its Salioe corr3spondenoe last week had the followiug item: "De MoClangblne, of Mooreville, was in town Monday on business." Now, if anyone nnacqnainted with the fact that "Dr. D. P. Mobaohlan" lived at " Mooreville" could teil who was meant by that item be would be a dandy. Mr. and Mrs. John Gillen, of Saline, were visited by abont 75 of their friends one evening laet week it being the 21st anniversary of their weddiug. Mrs. Gillen was not at all surprised by tbe advent of the party as she was in the secret, bat John was. As a souvenir of the pleasant ocoasion a handsome set of dishes was preseufed to tbe worthy coople who have tbns attained their majority. The Sodality of St. Ilary'a ohurob Chelsea, has eleoted the following offioers: Prefeot, Miss Margaret Hagerty; first assistant, Miss Mary Laminers; second assistant, Miss Anna Beissel; seoretary, Miss Francis Neoberger; treasarer, Misa Katherine MilIer; standard bearer, Miss Rose Mulleu; marshals, Miss Agnes Wade and Miss Jennie Gorman ; oonsnltors - The Misses Anna McKune, Anna Miller, Sabina Bartbel, Myrta Fenn, Mary McKernan and Nellie Savage. Aboot 25 of the imrnediate relativos and frieoda gathered at the home of Mrs. Clara Stapish, in Chelsea, on Friday evening, Feb. 11, to witne&s the marriage of her daughter, Matie C. to Mr. John D. Watson. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. P. Considine, after whioh oongratnlations wete ofiered and the gnests partook of a daintily prepared supper. The honse was very tastefolly decorated with numerons bonqnets of ent flowers. The gifts were veiy numerous. - Chelsea Standard. One nigbt reoently Wilbor Coe, son of George Coe, of Yotk, was awakened by hearing a crackling sound and on looking oot of the window saw the windmill derrick in flamee. The derriok, wbiob was enolosed, stood only a short distauoe ftora the house which was thos in danger of oatohing flre. By the bard work of the family this was preveoted althongh the house was badly blistered and soorobed. It is suppoeed tbat a pan of ooals of fire whioh had been placed on the platform withiu the derriak gome days previonsly to thaw out tbe pump had set fire to the woodwork, whioh bad smouldered for about five days, as that was tbe only fire known to have been ia or arouad the wiodinill all winter. James Wilbur, of Superior, is outing ont all bis oak timbar. Ypsilanti L. O. T. M. cleared $10 by au entertainment given Thursday evening of last week. W. H. Sweet, of Ypsilanti, had been in the dry goods business there for 25 yeaia last Saturday. Mrs. Edward Pettibone, of Ypsüanti, broke her nose one day last week whije oleaning a windovv. Moial: Let your windows go dirty. Mr. and Mrs. William VVortley, of Ypsilanti, celebrated their birthdays Monday of last week. Mr. Wortley was 87 years old and Mrs. Wortley 81. Josepb Worden had his right hand oaught iu a power presa at Worden's machine Ypsilanti, Thursday of last week and lost three of his fingers. Captain E. P. Allen, of Ypsilanti, has gone into the sugar beet industry and has signed a contract to raise five acres of beets for the Michigan Sugar Co. Mrs. Abigail Rowan, aged 8? years, died Tuesday of last week at the home of her daughter Mrs. Emily Sanders in Ypsilanti. She was an old pioneer of Washtenaw county. Mrs. William Burch died at ber home in Pinckney Tuesday night from a paralytio stroke and consumption. She came to Michigan iu 1834 and had sinoe resided in Pinckney. Mrs, Barch was 68 years of age. Mrs. Ellen Hammond, mother of George H. Hammond, of Ypsilanti, died in Detroit Snnday morniug of cancer, from whioh she had suffered for two years. She had been confined to her bed for only six weeks. It is intimated that a boom is in prospeot for Whitruore Lake the coming summer. Already Messrs. Morris Lantz, Weismeyer, Bates and Faltón have pnrohased lots and the first two namtid will commence bnilding honses as soon as possible. Otber land and lots are ao to be platted and new streers laid out.