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; Fireoaac Heury MoLareu is on the sick lisr. Rev. E. D. Kelly and his niotber are visitiug in New York oity. Dr. Gibbes assunied his duties as beaitb officer of Detroit Monday. Jacii Dengler, of Owoaso, spent Suaday with Ann Arbor relatives. Mrs. Piblip Rbeinfrank is seriously ■ 1-1 at her borue ou S. State st., near tbe oity litnits. Miss Maty Scbweitzer bas returued frooi a two weeks' visit with her parëuts ii) Saline. Eagene K. Frneanft', of the üwosso Evening Argos, was an Aun Arbor visitpr over Sunday. Mrs. Hart, of Port Huron, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Mi ley in this oity. Miss Klebar and Miss Eisen, of Detreit, were gnests of Mrs. Johu Neumaun over Suuday. The Misses Edith Boyd and Maggie Nickerson, of Chelsea, are attending the School of Mnsic. Mr. and Mts. E. F. Metzger, of Detroit, visited relativas in the oity the íarly part of this week. Hon. DeVere and Mrs. Hall, of Bay 3ity, were tbe guests of Dr. and Mrs. Et. S. Copeland tbis week. Mrs. Charles Goodnow, of Howell, s visiting her cousin Mrs. Chas. Bindjr-, jr., nd other relatives. Janins E. Beal was eleoted a director jf the Michigan Clob at the annual Liieetiug in Detroit Tnesday. Mrs. John Mnehlig and dangbter Miss Bertha spent aconple of days with celatives in Detroit tbis week. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Sohreiber, of Saline, were visitors at the home of Rev. John Neomann Sunday. Wru. S. Smith, of Ann Arbor town, lias letnrned from a trip throngh the DOtthern part of tbe state with his Eriend Thos. MoGraiJ. Fred T. McOmber is snffáring from a severe attack of typhoid fever acd on Friday was taken to the U. of M. hospital for treatment. His many friends hope for bis speedy reo'very. Mrs. J. L. Baboock, acfcing regent of Ann Arbor Chapter, Daughters of tbe Revolotion, is in Washington, D. C, this week attending the annual ccn7eotion of the order as a delégate. Rev. James P. Fergnson, of Oakland, Cal., and Rev. Fr. John Ryan, of Howell, were tbe guests of Rev. L, P. Goldrick, of Nortbfield, Satnrday, Sunday and Monday. The tbree gentlemen graduated from the Grand Catbolic Seminary, Baltimord, Md., in 1888. Eugene P. O'Leary, wbo has been serioasly ill at the hospital for soroe weeks past, hasso far reuovered as to be able to lease last Tuesday for his home in Kansaf. Form tbere be will go on a bnsiDess trip to Flcrida aod later to Ashville, N. C , where he will remain until snmmer. 'Mts. J. H. Rathbone left Monday fur a brief visit in Detroit. From tb8re sbe will go to Augnsta, Ga., wfaere her mother, 91 years of age, resides. In April Mra. Rathbone will attend tbe natioual bienuial couucil of the Colonial Dames in Washington, aiso the aunuaJ coanoil of the Alt. Verdoq association held in Mt. Vernon in May. She will return to Ann Arbor for the samraer.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News