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Suicide In Pittsburg

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Christopher Ratbfon, who lived in Pittsfleld towusbip, abont fonr milas west of Ypsilanti, committed snioide at the Hotel Kichelieu, Pittsburg, Pa., on Tnesday, by taking poison. Tbe action was prerueditated as tbe same afternoon Mrs. Ratbfon received a letter ftom hiin stating tbat Le bad disgraoed bis family and was not fit to live any longer and that by the time the letter reached her he would be dead. Mrs. Ratbfon at once went to tbe Western Union telsgraph office in Ypsilanti to enqnire if any message bad been reoeived for ber. She was told of a telegram that had jnst heen reoeived form a Pittsbnrg ooroner annonnoing tbe suicide, tbus showing that Mr. Ratofon had followeJ op the tbreat contained in bis letter and bad taken hls life. Christopher Ratbfon was a youug man abont 28 years of age. Wben a young lioy be was brongbt to Ypsilanti by a mission society from New York oity and was adopted by Sidney O. Ratbfon, a Pittsflald farmer, later of the Detroit soap works. He married the only dangbter of Johu Ellswortb. He was a little eccentrio and their married life had not been vury happy. Last fall bis barn canght fire and was destroyed. With tbe iusnranoe money he oomroeuced parcbasing bay and grain from faimers, sbippiiig it to Detroit, fie beid for higber prioes, the demarrage orept np until tbe valne of tbe bay was oousnrned and be beoame discouraged. Parties of whorn he bongbt the hay tbieatened him with personal violence and {rosecution if be did not settle. He was last seen at bis home abont tbree weeks ago, wben he took his wife to her fatber's home, and retnrning to bis farm paoked np his belongings and drove south witb a borse and bnggy belongiug to his wife. It bas transpired tbat he drove as far as Columbus, O., wbere he left tbe rig and went on by rail to Pittsburg, Pa. He arrived there Feb. 14 aod goiug :o the Hotel RicbeJieu registeied as 31mer C. Jobnston, of St. Louis, Mo., and paid two weeks' board in advanoe. t was tbougbt be was a deteotive. On tbe day of the suioide tbe ohambermaid tried to get into bis room to do up tbe work, and not being able to effect an entrance the door was fuiced and Rathfon was fonnd to be dying. Se expired in 15 minutes. He left a note giving his rigbt name and address and said family matters forced bim to oommit snioide. A brother of Mrs. Rathfon went to Pittsbnrg after tbe remains wbicb be brought back and tbe funeral services will be held at bis late home in Pittsleld this afternoon. Besides his wife ae leaves two young children.