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Distance lends enchantrnent to the Tiew....

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Distance lends enchantrnent to the Tiew. The Howell .Repnblican in speafeing of the reoent Kepublioan banqnet in ibis oity says: "The aflair was a boom for the republioan canse in that oonntv." The press is bound to taok a title to the name of Hon. A. J. Sawyer. Mr. Sawyer needs no title, yet the Detroit Jonrnal and the Jaokson Citizen, whose editor by the way, is a oandidate for governor, styles bim Jndge Sawyer, wbile the Lansing Jonrnal has it Senator Sawyer. Did we hear anyone say Congressman Sawyer? = And now some of tbe repnblican papers are out and charge tbe astuta ex-field seoretary of the republioan clnb witb trying to be the wbole tbing in the repnblican party in this conaty, without regard to the wishes of the bosses that be. Well, why shouldn't ha, he has seen tbe repnblioan rank and. file follow bosses for lo, these many years, first one boss and then another, ■w hen a new boss arises strong enougb to overthrow the old, and why sbould not the astnte ex-field secretary imagine that he might not become that new boss? Why shonld the bosses regard tbat as a crime? The Pontiac Gazette, the leading Répnblican paper of Oakland oonnty epeaks of the finanoial polioy of this country in these words : "All the talk about 'national honor' is hysterical andfoolish. The national honor is safe so long as tbe nation stands by its oontracts. If a man engages to pay his creditor one dollar, personal honor does not reqnire him to pay two dollars, and if tbe government engages to pay bondholders 'ooin' national honor will not suffer nor the ereditora be defrauded if those bonds are redeemed in coin. Ifc is time the 'stand and deliv8r' polioy of tbe gold oliqne be pnt an end to. To lend a dollar and to demand in payment two dollars may be all very fine for the creditor, but ït is not honest, it is not honorable, and it is notgoing tobe allowed. "■ Tbe Ann Arbor Register this week oontributes a number of lurid articles to the looal political complications in -which onr republioan friends are inTolved. It terms the sheriff elected witb the sapport of the Register witb' being a disreputable henchman, and witb beine gnilty of "the grossest malfeasance in office" - the uralfeasance uot being specified tinless it is owning the marshal, towhicb specification a column and a half is devoted, indicatiug bow the sheriff proflts to tbe extent of $700 at tbe expense of the city or county. The Register in its thiret for gore ia not satisfied with its bitter attacks on the sheriff bat also charges some of the leading lights of tbe repnblican party in this section witb being gnilty of "a dirty triok" and "planning a sneaking scbeme. " All this is every interesting reading, bat we must remember tbat there is no eJeotion on jnst now and at eleotion time tbe lion will lie down witb the, lamb just as of old. And, in tbe meantime, the excitement may be expected to diminisb, as steam is -blown off.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News