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Frank Jewel), of Dexter, speut Sanday in Aan Arbor. 'Mr. and Mrs. Eli W. Moore spent Sauday in Ypsilanti. Dr. Henoage Gibbes and fainily will inove to Detroit early next week. Mrs. C; G. Darling is in Cleveland .and Akrou, O., visiting relatives. 1 Waai A. Clark is in Detroit doing jury duty in the U. S. distriot court. K. J?. Mills has gone to New York for a week or ten days' stay ou busiues'a. i Miss Hattie Wolkensteiu.of Petoskey, is the 'guest of Mrs. JVI . Weinrnann aud fánúly. . , , ' . (i Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Rentsohler ,are domiuiled m their new bome on E. Aun se , . Mrs. Vet. Arnastrong has gone to Canon City, Coló., to visit a brother who ín ill. V. M. Tuthill, of Grand Rapids Visited bis cousins, Mr. and Mrs. S. W'. Beakes. . Angnst Dieterle, of Detroit, spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Dieterle. . Miss Lilliau Field has retnrned from Calumet, Mich., and is visiting friends -ud relatives. Mrs. B, St. James, who has been quite siok for the past four weeks, is slowly improving. President and Mrs. J. B. Angelí are dow enjoying a sis weeks' vaoation op he Nile in Egypt. Miss Lillian F. Cole, of New York, s in the city visiting friends. Sbe will not retara east nntil Jane. Jadge H. Wirt Newkirk will speak afc the Masonic banqnet to be given by the lodge at Saline tongbt. Qeorge Russell Barker, formerly with the Argns, is now on the staff of the Grand Rapid Demoorat. Theodore Christman, of Jaokson, is the gnest of his sisters, the Misses Bertha and Carrie Christman. William Condón, of Hoaghton, who had been visiting his family in this oity, returned home on Monday. J. J. Fergnson will shortly remove ■with his family to Detroit where he has employment at carpentering. :] Miss Emma Dnrbeim, who has been bere witb ber sisters for the past two montas, will return to Detroit tomorrow. .Mr. and Mrs. John Bnrg were in Detroit Toesday on business in relation !t'o,the new bouse they are abont to build. Charles H. Jones, of Chicago, forqierlya drayman in this city, was bere g,reeting bis old friends tbe Jatter part of .last week,. Rev„ ,T. W. Yonng goes io Saline toiuorrow where be will preaoh the opening sermón at au all day sesaion of the Baptist ohurch. , Mra. ,L. . H. Stone, of Kalamazoo, and, Mrs. George Alexander, of Grayhng, have been visiting Mrs. C. M. Stone, of S, Fiffch ave. . Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Noble and daaghter, Mrs. Laura E. Cbeever and Miss Pamela Noble left Wednesday .afternoon fot a visit of several weeks' idnration in Florida. ; , Fred W. Soholz, of Detroit, was in Aan Arbor, Tnesday, visiting relativos and transaoting some business. Fred is one of the best job printers who ,eyer stepped out of Ann Arbor. Mr. and Mrs. Bert L. Newman will hortly leave for Marquette, where Mi. Newman will have charge of D. C. Goodspeed's sboe store. Mr. Newman aas had charge of Goodspeed's sboe store in this oity for the past year or more. Mis. Giles Lee gave a Sonsa concert ïarty Saturday eveuing in honor of her lieoe, Miss Durfee, of Plyraontb. Chose in tbe party were Miss Durfee, Hrs. L. B. Lee, Mrs. Conlter, Miss üarney, Miss Wheeler, and Messrs. Conlter and Cook. A number uf the young friends of Miss Mildred Ware surprised ber in a most happy marnier last Friiiay evenng. Her birtbday carne a few days previons and the visitors cbose Friday evening as a fit time to celébrate it. A bouutifal supper was served and a pleasant evenng spent. Beautiful ent lowets were presented to Miss Waie by er friends.