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How They Initiated Them

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A weak ago Monday night the members of an Ann Arbor club drove ont to W. E. Boyden's for a pleasant time. Arrived tbeie it was disoovered that three of the party had not been initiatd aud it was proposed to hold an initition then and tbete. A well known ttorney was the first to go through the eremony. Blindfolded he sas led nto the parlor and seated on the sofa jetween two ladies, and at a oertain joiut in the ceremony be received a resoundine kiss on the cheek. On being sked if hewisbed to take the balanoe f the degree that evening, be said he might just as well take it all at once. The proceedings were gone on with and he soon received a kias on the other chtek. The blindfold was then taken off. and he was given a seat elsewhere iu the room. The second candidate was then bronght in and the ceremooy was repeated for bis benefit. At the point where the osoulation oame in imagine tne attorney's snrprise to see a man's face arise frotn behind the sofa and give the initiate the kiss on tbe oheek. The lawyer's face was a stndy for a few seoonds bnt when he reoovered froui his monientary confusiĆ³n he laughed as heartily as anyone.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News