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The Dexter soldiers' monument fund now amounts to $848.64. Josiah Childs, of Augnsta, celebrated his 87th birtbday Tuesday of last week. Chicken thieves have been at work in the neigbborbood of Town Line of Jate. The spring vacation of the Dexter schools will commenoe the seoond week in April. Lnoins Tnbbs, of Dexter, has sold out his draying business to A. N. Hodgeruan. Milan will have six dealers in bioyoles within its borders this season. A large sapply for a small plaoe. Little Robbie Ehnis died at the home of uis parents in Saline Wednesday evening of last week, after a short ilïness. T. S. James, of Dexter, has purohased a bandeóme span of heavy colts from T. S. Sears, of Chelsea, for use on his ice wagon this summer. Henry Steinigeweg, of Sharon, feil from his hay mow, a distance of 14 feet, tha other evening while doing bis chores and sustained sume internal injuries. Judge Newkirk bas denied the petition for the appointment of a guardián over Jonas Marsh, nf Scio, holding that the olJ gentiemau is competent to Jransact his own business. Gordon Stannard aud Bert Miles, of Dexter, left last week for the Klondike. They will go with a Bay City party and by the way of the MoKenzie river, going by rail as far as Edmonton. The annnal meeting of the Farmers' Vigilance Association of tbe townships of Aagasta, Ypsilanti, Pittsfield and York will be held in tbe United Workingmen's hall, Ypsilanti, tomurrow at 2 p. ld. The direotrs of tha Boyden school, in Webster, near Delhi, flnd themselves in a peculiar position. They have a school teacher's contract on their bands and not a papil to attend tbe sohool, the ouly fatnily with obildren of sohool age havicg moved out of the district. Au exchange reoommends the following: "Crade petroleum bas been used with good effect to snppress dnst on railruad beds. Now it is advocated as a good application for country roads. It is claimed that by excluding water it keeps the roads good iu wet and dry , weather. Ii will Euppress dust and rendor tbe water cart unnecessary, aod it prevents the formation of mud in winter.'' And vvhat nice smelling loads we should have all the time. Fred Wenk will work Mrs. Staebler' farm in Lima tbis year. Howard Conk, of Chelsea, ba tnoverl on a farm near Gregory. Tbe main shaft in the Waterloo mil was broken Mouday of last week. Warren Holden bas jast closed a very saccessfal term of school in Sylvan. Albert Remnant bas rented auc inoved on the Oollings farm at North Lake. George Schneider, of Bridgewater, died Feb. 34, of consumption, aged 41 yeara. The eix months' old ohild of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hutliog, of ïpsilanti, died Friday. Miiuohester bas a uew brass band whicb will practice in toe upper front room of tbe village hall. Fred Croman, of Waterloo, bas bought a farm in Ingham connty and will move there April 1. Charles Fiske, of Lima, bas had inflamtuatiou of the lungs and Philip Seitz, jr., bas had pneumonía. M. Sobanz, jr., of Lima, has tecovered frnm a bad attaok of neuralgia ol tbe beat and is able to be out again. Orson Beemau, of Waterloo, had his face aud neck badly scalded by bot water wbile fixing the boiler in the mili. George Tborndike has sold out his interest in tbe barber shop at Chelaea to Will Sohatz and has gone to Giass Lake. The Dnndee post office bas been raised from thefonrth to thethird olass and the postmaster's salary fixed at $1.000. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ward, of Sylvan, gave a family dinner to celébrate the 85fch birtbday of Mr. Ward's mother Feb. 24. H. L. Wood&Co., of Chelsea, have "pnrchased the grooery stook of George Fuller in that village and will oontinue tbe business. Prof. Byron W. King, of King's Sobool of Oratory, Pittsburgh, Pa., will give an entertainment at Chelsea Thursday evening next. Mrs. Nellie MoMabon, of Iron Creek, entertained üer Sunday school sofaolars and fiiends with an observation party Feb. 36, and a delightfnl time was spent. Edward Randall, of Bridgewater, is muving to his farm in Norvell whioh was worked last year by bis son. Mr. Randall's farm in Bridgewater will be worked by Bert Foor. Mr. Edward W. Sohmans, of Toledo, and Miss Carrie Lamkin, of Augusta, were married at the home of the bride's parents, by Rev. John Schniaus, father of the groom, on Feb. 24. The annual flnancial report of 8t. Mary's chorob, Cbelsea, shows a most prosperóos state of affairs. The only debfc is a small one on the new pipe nrgan, which will be paid this year. Arthur Jones, a colored drayman of Ypsilanti, was draying a pile of boxes on nis dray the other day wben tbe load toppled over carrying him with it. He was badly shaken up, but no boaes were broken. Ypsilanti's two hose cornpanies are to be Consolidated and a new bose honse bnilt at the north interseotion of Horon and Washington sts. It is hoped by tais means to inake the service more efficiënt and less expensive. All that is nowleft of the old woolen mili at Rawsonville is the line shaft. When the five-story building feil in tbe drink no effoit was made to save it and board by board tbe old landmark has gone floating down the river. - Times. Lafayette W, Curbin died of paralysis at Hesperia, Mioh., Feb. 21, at the age of 6f! years. He came to Ypsilanti with his parents when he was 14 years of age and beoame one of the most extensive wool bnyers ever in this seotion. D. C. Walter died in Bridgewater, Feb. 24, of kidney complaint, aged 75 yearg. He had been a resident of the towo from boyhood and will be mnch missed on account of his good, neighhcrly qualities. His aged wife and one son snrvive him. St. Mary's churoh, Pinckney, will give grand banquet at the opera house in that village next Wednesday evening. Among those wbo are on the program of entertainment is Bev. L. P. Goldriek, of Northfield, who will sing "Fangh-a-Ballagb," also another song to be seleoted. Mr. and Mrs. James McLaren, of Lima, entertained about 100 of tbeir Cbelsea friends at their home Feb. 25 The evening was most pleasantly spent and a fine snpper was spread. It was a ate hour wben the last load of visitor& I aft for home, everybody asserting that as entertainers Mr. and Mrs. MgLareu were royalty itself. The workingman's ticket for officers of the village of Chelsea for tbe ensning year plaoed in uomination Tnesday evening of last week is: Por president, Frank P. Glazier; for olerk, Henry Heselschwerdt ; for treasurer, John B. Cole; for trustees, J. Edward McKnna, Israel Vogul, and John Schenk; for assessor, James P. Wood. Messrs. Hagainan & Calhoun, of the Manobester oheese faetory went to Brooklyn last Saturday to attend a meeting of farmers and business men to taks action and organize an association there to manufacture cheese. There waa considerable interest manifested and John O'Learywas elected president and W. S. Culver, seoretary, treasurer and salesman. - Manchester Enterprise. William Baley Van Volkenburg, one of the oldest residents of this commuuity, died Thursday of last week after a lingeriug illness. Deceased was bom in the township of Saline May 1, 1885. He resided tbere until he was 2-1 years of age, when he moved on a farm near Milán, then he moved to tbe place wbero be lived for the past 3 years. He left a widow and four childreu. C. F. JViahrle, of Bridgewater, has rented his farm. Fred Orosby, of Bridgewater, han purohased a new threshing engine. Board jumpers are numerous aruong the ice hands at Whitmoie Lake. Jos. Alger, of Dester, has olosed his ineat ruarket and retired from business. Airs. Ben Dresselhouse, of Bridgewater, is slowly reoovering from a se vere illness. The Ladies' Aid Society, of Hamburg, will give a sooial at Sohaffer's hall March 26. The Danghters of Rebekah of Hamburg will serve a diuoer on town meeting day April 4. At a recent spelling bee in the Milau public schools the giils defeated the boys in every dopartment. Isaac Suddaby, of Saline, died Thureday of last week. He was an old and valned sobscriber to the Argus. Mr. and Mrs. John Iriou, of Sharon, gave a reception last Friday evening in honor of JRev. and Mrs. Bardley. Weston Bros. aud Seth Arnold, of Ypsilanti town, each bad a dog shot by unknown parties the other evening. Mrs. R. Goodwin, who died in Mt. Pleasant, Feb. 19, was the flrst white child bom in the township of Lima. Jacob Raiser, of Bridgewater, has sold the Mansfield place to E. Pearaon and pnrobased the Thomas Tate farm. Mrs. Grimes, of Ypsilanti Plains, suffered a stroke of paralysis tbe other night. There are hopes of her recovery. A sneak tbief stole $16 in cash from J. W. Royal's honse in Milan Tuesday of last week after ransacking it pretty thoronghly. Milan Cbapfcer, No. 106, O. E. S., will entertain the Dundee chapter next Tuesday evening and initiate a class of oandidates. Mr. Ray Mitchell, of Bridgewater, was married in Wayland, N. Y., to Miss Mary E. Straight. They will live in Bridgewater. A colt beloDging tn George Napire, of Hamburg, got oast in tbe barn reoently and was iujured so badly that it had to be killed. Mrs. Gersbam Truosdale, of Green Oak, died Feb. 27, after a lingering illn6ss of several years' dutation. Tbe remains were buried in Salem. George Coyle, an employé at the Soharf tag factory, Ypsilanti, had three fingers on bis right hand badly smashed np )□ a machine Saturday. Mr. George Holmes, formerly of Ypsilanti, and Miss Pauline Mitchell, of Negaunee, are to be married Maroh 2!. They will reside in Hamilton, Ont. Clarence Berger, who bas been teachDg school south of Manohester, olosed lis sch.jl this week and has entered Georep Haeusslers drug store in Manchester. Tbe wool buying season has opened n Milan and buyers are paying from 25 tu 50 per oent higher prices than !ormerly. The probable price wiil be about 20 cents a pound. A. L. Dewel, who has experieDoed so mnch tronble iu having bis oonfirmation as postmaster of Harbor Springs made, is an oíd Wasbtenaw ooanty boy, having lived in Angusta wheu a boy. Stouy Creek Grange, No. 51, was reorganizad Tnesday of last week. Ten of the thirteen officers were elected and 28 natnes were enrólled. W. JUoore is toaster, Wateon Barr overseer, aud Mrs. Lnoy Goodiug leoturer. The annnal report of the treasurer uf the village of Maoohester shows the total receipts to have been in the general fnnd $2,978.30, and in the bighway fand $984.96. The balance on hand in tht) general fnnd is $463.35 and in tha highway fund $152.67. Mrs. Maggie Isbell, of Stockbridge, died Satnrday night at la o'olook. She bad been married nnly about fonr months, and was ill but fonr days. She and ber hnsband, Vernal Isbell, wem exactly of the same age, 19 years. She was born, üjarried and died in the same room. Thursday of last week A. L. Nowlin, of Ypsilanti, met with an aocident at the Dearboro mili whioh may lose him the index fingei and thnmb of the left band. He was fixing a part of the rnachinery with a short wrench when the saw caught bis hand and terribly lacerated it. The 45th marriage anniversary of Mr. and Mrs Hiram Seaver, of Ypsilanti town, was oelebrated JFeb. 23 at tbeir home, by aboat 't7b neighbors and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Seaver were given two beautiful rocking chairs as a token of the respect and kind reinembrance of tbeir friends. The editor of the Stookbridge San alindes to tbe ntterings oï the editor of the Dansville Eagle, as "the idiotie braying aud the assinine asseverations of the assinego who bolds the leg of the Dansville Eagle." Now, that's real good : hut what partionlar pet names has the Eagle man for Gildart.' Manchester Masons had a "high jinks" time Feb. 25 when Adoniram Council, R. & S. M., was visited by 56 companions from Jaokson and the goat, besides others from Brooklyn, Napoleon, Norvell and Battle Cieek. A fine banqnet was served and then 10 caudidates were given tbe degree of super excellent master. .1. H. Taylor, agent for the New York Life Insurance Co. is suing Clark Whitcomb, of Ypsilanti, for the value of a note for $00 given in payment of an insurance policy.and which Wbitcomb destroyed wban Taylor handed it to him for examination. Whitcomb says in defense that tbe polioy was not what it was tepresented to be. Taylor on the other hand claims tbat Whitcomb altered bis mind about taking ont the polioy on the advice of his friends. The oase will be tiied in Justice Joslyn's courl; next Monday.